Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 587 Recovery

The moon, driven by the Qigong waves, began to slowly break away from the earth's gravitational pull.

It drifted farther and farther, as if it had become a lonely planet wandering in the universe.

As a result, the earth's gravity changed dramatically, the ocean tides became extremely violent, and the waves were surging, as if they were going to swallow up the whole world.

As the moon moved away, the earth's gravitational field changed dramatically, causing the activity of the crustal plates to intensify.

Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occurred frequently, and the entire earth fell into chaos.

Under the impact of this force, the atmosphere was also affected. Storms and hurricanes raged around the world, turning the originally calm sky upside down.

The clouds were torn apart, revealing the lightning hidden in them. Lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the entire world.

In this catastrophe, people fell into panic and despair.

They looked at the sky helplessly, only to see the moon gradually moving farther and farther away. This disaster was beyond their imagination and control.

As the moon moved away, the gravitational balance in the solar system was broken.

Other planets seemed to feel this strange force, and their orbits began to change subtly. The celestial bodies that were originally running stably seemed to be pulled by some force and began their own "dance".

Neptune and Uranus, two cold planets at the edge of the solar system, began to have more elliptical orbits, as if trying to find a new balance.

Mars and Venus, two close neighbors of the earth, had slight oscillations in their orbits, as if they were frightened and restless.

Asteroids and comets in the solar system, which once ran steadily in their fixed orbits, also began to become restless.

They were affected by the change in the moon's orbit, and some originally quiet asteroids began to change their orbits and fly toward the sun or other planets.

Comets seemed to have received some kind of call, flying from the edge of the solar system, crossing the sky, leaving behind bright light tracks.

The energy distribution in the solar system has also changed.

The sun's light seems to become more dazzling, while the cold outer space becomes deeper and darker.

This change in energy has a profound impact on the climate and ecological environment in the solar system.

On the moon, the Hulk didn't seem to stop his roar and destruction.

He waved his huge fist and slammed it hard on the surface of the moon.

Every time he hit the moon, it trembled, as if it was going to collapse under this force.

On the moon, the figure of the Hulk looked extremely lonely and huge.

He stood on the bumpy surface of the moon, looking at the earth getting farther and farther away, and the anger and unwillingness in his heart became stronger and stronger.

There was a crazy light flashing in his eyes, as if he wanted to swallow the entire universe.

His roar echoed in the universe, and the sound waves spread like ripples.

This sound wave not only shook the surface of the moon, but also affected other planets around it.

Some asteroids and satellites deviated from their orbits under the impact of this sound wave, and some were even smashed directly.

And the Hulk didn't seem to be satisfied with this. His roar became louder and louder, as if he was going to tear the entire universe apart.

The surface of the moon became bumpy under his smash, and gravel and dust flew everywhere.

With his roar and smash, the orbit of the moon became more and more unstable.

It began to waver in the universe, like a bomb that could fall at any time.

"You guys, just fight if you want to, what's the point of affecting other people's homes?"

At this moment, Luther took action to stabilize the solar system.

The biological force field in his body exploded instantly.

This force was so powerful that it seemed to be able to shake the entire universe. His biological force field quickly spread out, covering the entire solar system and even most of the Milky Way.

Under the influence of this force, the chaos in the solar system began to gradually subside.

The originally restless planets and small celestial bodies seemed to be smoothed by an invisible big hand and returned to their proper orbits. The orbits of Neptune and Uranus have returned to stability, and the shocks of Mars and Venus have also subsided.

The orbit of the moon has also gradually stabilized under the influence of Luther's biological force field.

It no longer continues to move away from the earth, but begins to slowly return.

The roar and smash of the Green Hulk seemed so insignificant in front of Luther's biological force field. His power was completely suppressed and could no longer have any impact on the moon.

The chaos on Earth also began to subside.

The waves gradually became calm, and the activity of the crustal plates also slowed down. Storms and hurricanes dissipated in Luther's power, and the sky regained its tranquility.

The clouds dispersed, the thunder and lightning disappeared, and the whole world seemed to have experienced a baptism and became brand new.


Tony and his friends were desperately trying to escape. Now seeing this scene and hearing the voice that spread across the solar system, they were immediately excited.

"This guy, is he finally not hiding?"

Tony complained.

It seems that Luther took action only after the impact on Mars?

However, how strong is Luther now to make the moon, which has left the Earth's orbit and has been accelerated to an unimaginable speed, return to its original orbit?

Moreover, he can also restore everything on Earth.

Vegeta also looked at the moon that had returned to its original point in disbelief, as well as the earth environment that had returned to normal around it. The damage caused by the hundreds of giant apes was now easily smoothed out and restored.

Ganata's eyes widened, but he couldn't see the guy who made the move.

"How terrible! There are such powerful guys on Earth?"

Ganata had been watching the show, and Vegeta didn't know that he would become Ganata's meal at any time. Ganata wanted to make a move just now, after all, losing the moon would affect her life.

Now, Ganata was scared.

Even though she knew that she couldn't be killed, she didn't want to be targeted.

"Good boy, it's not time for you to come out yet."

Then Ganata stomped on the ground.

The ancient existence under the ground suddenly fell silent.

Even Ganata was scared like this, not to mention Loki and Ultron.

"It's Luther!"

"Emperor Luther!"

This long-lost name, this name they thought would never appear again.

Loki was even more frightened, she had only seen such great power in one person.

That was her father, the Lord of the Nine Worlds, God King Odin!

But she didn't know whether Odin could balance the nine planets and restore them to normal.

Ultron ran away without hesitation. If Emperor Luther returned to Earth, he would be dead.

Loki was not much better.

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