Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 590 Killing Vegeta

This attack was more violent than any previous one.

Thor poured all the Thor power in his body into the Thor's axe, and the light of the ax instantly became dazzling, as if it contained endless thunder power.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Thor's attack finally hit Vegeta's flaw. Huge energy exploded instantly, destroying everything around him beyond recognition. The air wave generated by the explosion swept across the entire battlefield, making it impossible for people to look directly.

After receiving Thor's thunderous blow, Vegeta's huge body swayed in the air a few times, and then fell heavily to the ground like a kite with its string broken.

White smoke emitted from his body, and he was obviously severely injured.

He let out a painful roar, his voice full of unwillingness and anger. However, no matter how hard he struggled, he could not stand up again.

Thor panted, looking at Vegeta lying on the ground, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

This battle was not easy for him. Vegeta's strength was beyond his imagination. If he hadn't awakened the power of Thor in time, the outcome of this battle would have been hard to say.

The Thunder God's Ax in his hand still exudes a faint light of thunder, as if telling the story of the thrilling battle just now. Thor planted the ax on the ground and supported his tired body.

The surrounding smoke and dust gradually dispersed, revealing its original appearance. The battlefield was a mess, with cratered ground and broken trees everywhere. Thor looked around, feeling a sense of sadness in his heart.

He knew that although the battle was over, the trauma it left on this land was indelible. Those innocent lives and those destroyed homes will become eternal pain in their hearts.

At this moment, Captain Marvel, Steve, Green Hulk, Tony and others also arrived on the battlefield. They were attracted by the loud noises and smoke rising in the distance, and their hearts were filled with tension and worry.

When they saw Vegeta lying on the ground and the exhausted Thor, they all had solemn expressions on their faces.

Tony was the first to step forward. He knelt down and carefully inspected Vegeta's condition. He noticed that Vegeta's chest was still rising and falling, faintly but definitely.

This shocked Tony. He knew very well that the Saiyans had a tenacious vitality. If he didn't take the opportunity to kill him now, it would probably cause even greater disaster in the future.

Captain Marvel stood aside, staring at Vegeta with cold eyes.

She recalled her previous confrontation with the Saiyans, and that kind of powerful power still left her with lingering fears.

She knew that the Saiyans were an extremely dangerous race and that their existence posed a huge threat to the earth and the entire universe.

Especially when Raditz disappeared before, it turned out that he was rescued by Rocky and Ultron. Once there was a second time, not to mention that Vegeta was much more dangerous than Raditz.

They were even less capable of imprisoning such dangerous individuals, which made her even more wary and hostile towards Saiyans.

"We must kill him."

Captain Marvel said decisively. There was an unmistakable firmness in her voice.

Steve didn't say anything. Even if he was the Holy Mother, Steve knew that some people had to die. He nodded silently.

The Saiyans are such people. They are really too dangerous. If Luther hadn't taken action this time, the earth and the solar system would have been doomed.

Even if Luther took action, those who died could not be resurrected. The Saiyan invasion alone caused hundreds of millions of human casualties.

They are dangerous elements more terrifying and terrifying than all wars and terrorists in human history.

Green Hulk looked at Vegeta angrily, his hostility towards the Saiyans never dissipated. He roared, as if he wanted to rush forward and tear Vegeta into pieces.

Tony analyzed the situation calmly.

He knew that the power of Saiyans could not be measured by common sense. They have amazing combat power and recovery ability. Once they are allowed to escape or recover, the consequences will be disastrous. Therefore, they must kill Vegeta now to avoid future troubles.

Everyone gathered around, preparing for Vegeta's final execution. They know this is a difficult decision, but one that must be made. They couldn't let the Saiyan threat continue.

However, at this moment, Vegeta suddenly opened his eyes.

He felt the murderous intention of everyone, and his heart was filled with unwillingness and anger. He struggled to stand up, but his body was too weak to move.

"Damn it, I, Vegeta, the Prince of the Saiyans, am going to die here?"

He said through gritted teeth. Although his voice was weak, it revealed a strong unwillingness.

Luther was also stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that there was no accident.

No, you are so determined to kill Vegeta?

Didn't you ever think about capturing Vegeta for research?

If you're like this, what should I do with Vegeta's "return"?

But it seemed normal. The Saiyans had caused so many casualties, and it was impossible for them to ignore the Saiyan threat.

Even the craziest Tony is no exception. A dead Saiyan is a good Saiyan.

This was Tony's idea.

At this moment, Thor raised the Thor's Ax in his hand.

He looked at Vegeta firmly, ready to give him the final blow. He knew this was a difficult decision, but he also knew it was for the sake of peace on earth and the entire universe.

Vegeta no longer had the strength to resist.

He lay on the ground and could only watch the crowd approaching. His heart was filled with unwillingness and anger, but he also knew that he had no hope of escape.

Finally, Thor raised the Thor's Ax and aimed it at Vegeta's neck. He took a deep breath and then struck hard.

There was a scream, and Vegeta's head was split open by the Thor's axe, and blood splattered everywhere.

His body twitched a few times, and then completely lost his life.

He could no longer be indestructible in front of Thor's axe.

Everyone looked at Vegeta lying on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief. They knew that this dangerous Saiyan had finally been eliminated.

Captain Marvel stepped forward and looked at Vegeta's body, a coldness flashing in his eyes. She knew that the Saiyans were an extremely dangerous race and they could not leave any hidden dangers behind.

So, she decided to take Vegeta's body away herself to ensure that he would not be resurrected or used.

In space, she flew at faster than light speed and threw Vegeta's body into the sun.

She knew that this was the only way to ensure that Vegeta would never appear again.

Captain Marvel even watched Vegeta being captured by the sun's gravity and submerged into the star before returning.

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