Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 600 Impeccable!

It is precisely because of knowing and being able to understand that we know the degree of difficulty here.

At the very least, if Thanos does it himself, he can never do such an operation by himself except using the power gem to transform and control himself.

"Thank you for telling me this. Next, your attack will have no effect on me."

The purple power gem inlaid in the Infinity Gauntlet on Thanos' left hand flashed a purple light, and his injuries recovered immediately.

This is the super-speed regeneration superpower copied by the power gem, and it can also restore Thanos' physical strength and spirit to full health.

Thanos' eyes revealed a hint of cold determination.

Facing an opponent like Luther who is proficient in physics and energy control, pure strength is not enough to guarantee victory.

He needs a deeper transformation, a transformation that can resist Luther's special attacks.

He concentrated his mind and deepened his consciousness into the power gem in the Infinity Gauntlet.

The purple light flashed again, and this time, it was not only healing his body, but also began to synchronize with his body structure.

Thanos felt that his body was being enveloped by a powerful force, which was deeply analyzing and understanding the nature of Luther's attack.

The Power Stone is not only a source of energy, it is also the most powerful knowledge base in the universe.

It allows Thanos to understand the nature of power more deeply, so as to exert more powerful power.

Thanos began to immerse himself in the wisdom of the gem, and his consciousness seemed to have entered a whole new world.

In this world, he saw the flow and change of energy, the structure of atoms and molecules, and all the mysteries of the universe.

Simple power enhancement and endless energy are only very rough applications of the Power Stone.

The real power lies in having a deep understanding of the nature of power and being able to use it to create and change everything.

The deeper the understanding of the nature of power, the more powerful power can be exerted!

The user of a certain Power Stone in the comics is even more ridiculous. He just embedded it on his forehead and let the Power Stone strengthen all his power tenfold, and then he felt that he was invincible.

Thanos began to use the power of the Power Stone to reweave his defense mechanism at the atomic level.

He no longer simply absorbs and transforms energy, but builds a complex energy resonance network at the microscopic level.

This network can identify and adapt to any form of energy attack, transform it into harmless energy, and even bounce it back.

First, Thanos uses the energy of the power gem to penetrate into every cell and every atom of his body.

He wants to readjust and optimize his body's energy absorption mechanism to make it more flexible and efficient at the microscopic level.

He wants to make his cell and atomic structure more stable, so that it can remain stable and not be damaged when the resonance effect occurs.

His body began to emit a faint purple light, which was the power gem recoding his cell structure.

Thanos felt that his body was undergoing earth-shaking changes, as if he had gained a new vitality.

His muscles became more solid and his bones became harder, as if he had become an indestructible steel giant.

Then, Thanos began to build a protective field composed of the energy of the power gem around his body.

This protective field can not only absorb and transform external energy attacks, but also dynamically adjust the energy frequency to prevent resonance with Luther's attack energy.

Thanos's perception is also constantly improving. He can clearly perceive the energy flow and changes in the protective field, so that he can respond in time.

When Luther attacked again, his energy attack was completely absorbed by Thanos's protective field.

Thanos was even able to convert these energies into his own power, further enhancing his defense and attack capabilities.

His skin became harder, as if he was wearing an invisible armor that could resist the damage of the resonance effect.

In addition, Thanos also used the energy of the power gem to transform his nervous system.

He wanted to take his perception to a new level and be able to keenly capture any tiny energy fluctuations.

In this way, even if Luther's attack is cunning, Thanos can react in time and protect himself from harm.

At the same time, Thanos is also learning Luther's attack mode.

He knows that only by fully understanding the opponent's attack method can he find a way to crack it.

He uses the energy of the power gem to simulate Luther's attack frequency and create a virtual attack environment in his body.

In this environment, he can constantly experiment and adjust his defense system until he finds the best defense method.

As the transformation progresses, Thanos feels that his power is growing.

His body became stronger and his mind more focused.

This transformation was not only for defense, but also to gain an advantage in the next battle.

Finally, Thanos also took into account the tunneling effect in quantum mechanics.

He knew that although this effect had a negligible effect in the macroscopic world, it could have a huge impact at the microscopic level.

Therefore, he used the energy of the power gem to set up a series of quantum barriers in his energy field.

These barriers can effectively prevent or weaken the tunneling effect, making it impossible for Luther's attack energy to directly penetrate his body.

When the transformation was completed, Thanos opened his eyes.

His eyes were full of confidence and strength, as if he had become a true cosmic overlord.

His body has become a perfect fighting machine, not only with strong defense, but also with a new level of attack power.

"You are indeed very strong, Emperor Luther."

Thanos said calmly,

"But now, I am no longer the same person as before. Let's see if your attack can still pose a threat to me."

He stood there, waiting for Luther's next attack.

He knew that this time, he would no longer have any weaknesses and would be able to fully control the rhythm and outcome of the battle.

Luther quite recognized and even appreciated Thanos' series of operations.

This Thanos is undoubtedly very good at using the Infinity Stones. The Well of Eternity allows him to understand and gain knowledge about the Infinity Stones. In addition, Thanos himself is cursed by knowledge and is a great scientist comparable to or even surpassing Tony Stark...

These things combined make this Thanos extremely terrifying. Even if he only gets a Power Stone, he can exert desperate combat capabilities!

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