Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 603 Super Brain and Super Intelligence at their Best

The battle between Thanos and Luther has touched the forefront of physics.

Thanos' plan is to use the concepts in string theory to create an energy entity that matches the high-dimensional space by adjusting the energy vibrations of himself and the power gem.

This move not only shows Thanos' deep understanding of the basic units of the universe, but also highlights that his ability to control the power gem has reached a new height.

He has made some progress in his battle with Luther!

Under the framework of string theory, the basic units of the universe are no longer the particles we are familiar with, but one-dimensional strings.

These strings can present the forms of various particles and forces we observe under different vibration modes.

Thanos has grasped the essence of this theory and created an energy entity that can match the high-dimensional space by precisely adjusting the energy vibration.

This energy entity not only carries Thanos' consciousness, but also integrates the infinite energy of the power gem.

This makes it theoretically capable of fighting any form of energy, whether it is Luther's high-dimensional space ability or any other form of cosmic power.

In this new dimension, Thanos became the creator and master, and he could shape the rules and environment of this dimension according to his own ideas and wishes.

He used his control over the power gem to create a powerful gravitational field, which not only attracted Luther's energy and consciousness, but also limited Luther's quantum entanglement and parallel universe jumping ability.

In this dimension, Thanos became the absolute ruler, and every idea of ​​his could become a reality immediately.

However, Luther was not an easy person to deal with. He felt the attraction of this new dimension and realized Thanos' plan.


Luther sighed that Thanos had been able to respond to him in a way that surprised him.

He thought that he could kill Thanos with his super brain.

The attraction of the new dimension was very strong, attracting Luther's energy and consciousness.

Luther was amazed at Thanos's response, flexibility and wisdom, which was much better than the Thanos in the movie, but he did not back down.

On the contrary, he began to mobilize more cosmic forces to compete fiercely with the new dimension.

Luther first used the principle of entanglement in quantum mechanics to connect his consciousness and energy with Thanos' dimension.

Quantum entanglement is a magical phenomenon that allows two or more particles to share their states instantly at any distance.

Through this connection, Luther was able to sense every move and intention of Thanos, so that his attacks could no longer harm him, but would instead be used by him to enhance his own power.

Then, Luther used the concept of multidimensional space in string theory to create tiny cracks in Thanos' dimension.

These cracks are actually energy instabilities caused by different vibration modes of the string.

In high-dimensional space, these cracks can be regarded as the breaking points of the string, which continue to expand and eventually tear the entire dimension apart.

Thanos' consciousness and energy were swallowed up by these cracks and could no longer maintain the stability of the dimension.

In this process, Luther also used the theory of cosmic expansion.

He used the power of expansion to accelerate the collapse process of the dimension.

This caused Thanos' power to dissipate rapidly in a very short time and could no longer pose a threat to Luther.

The theory of cosmic expansion describes the rapid expansion of the universe after the Big Bang, which is due to the energy density and dark energy in the universe.

By simulating this expansion, Luther made the dimension created by Thanos unable to withstand the internal energy pressure, causing it to collapse.

However, Thanos is not a person who gives up easily.

At the last moment of the dimension collapse, he fought like a trapped beast, frantically condensing his remaining consciousness and energy.

He used his deep understanding of the rules of the universe to twist these invisible forces into a ball, forming an energy ball shining with a strange light.

This energy ball contains Thanos's last stubbornness and anger, trying to launch a final counterattack against Luther.

Luther stood at the intersection of time and space, and his super brain was like a high-speed computer, quickly analyzing the trajectory and speed of the energy ball.

Countless complex formulas and images flashed in his mind, which were his deep understanding of quantum mechanics, relativity, and multidimensional space theory.

In high-dimensional space, Luther's quantum entanglement ability allowed him to perceive every tiny change in the energy ball. He cleverly used this information to avoid Thanos' attack in an almost impossible way.

However, Luther's counterattack has just begun.

After calculating the trajectory of the energy ball, Luther showed his unparalleled control ability.

He used his quantum entanglement ability to cleverly guide the trajectory of the energy ball.

The energy ball drew a strange arc in the air, and then suddenly changed direction and flew towards Thanos himself.

This counterattack not only demonstrated Luther's profound understanding of quantum mechanics, but also reflected his unparalleled control ability in high-dimensional space.

Like a magician, he turned Thanos' attack into his own use and gave him a taste of his own medicine.

This counterattack was like a thunderbolt, causing Thanos to suffer unprecedented damage.

His consciousness and energy fled in all directions under the impact of the energy ball, and the originally stable state collapsed instantly.

At this moment, Thanos realized that he might really fail.

And Luther took this opportunity to launch the final attack.

He mobilized all the forces in the universe and gathered them into a dazzling beam of light. This was not just a beam of light, but an ultimate attack that contained all the energy forms of the universe.

This beam of light contained a combination of electromagnetic force, strong force, weak force, and even gravity. It could penetrate any matter and destroy all obstacles in front of it.

As long as it hits, Thanos will definitely be attacked by this force, his power will completely collapse, and his consciousness and energy will be completely destroyed.

However, at this critical moment, a golden infinite glove suddenly appeared and blocked Thanos.

The green infinite gem on the glove shone with brilliant green light. That was the power of the time gem, which could manipulate the passage of time and even change the trajectory of history.

"Time gem, the future Thanos?"

Luther realized that this was the future Thanos, who used the power of the time gem to travel through time and space to come here and block this fatal blow for his past version.

Although this kind of intervention across time is feasible in theory, it is extremely difficult in practice and requires an extremely deep understanding and control over the flow of time.

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