Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 625 Death Shooter

The bullets left only a tiny mark on Luther's body, not even making him shake.

Each of those carefully selected bullets contained enough power to penetrate steel, but in front of Luther's indestructible body, it was like hitting something indestructible and unshakable.

When Floyd Lawton saw this scene in the scope, he felt an indescribable shock in his heart. He knew that he was no longer facing an ordinary enemy, but a real monster.

Floyd Lawton's worldview seemed to be completely overturned at this moment.

He originally thought that his sniping skills were sophisticated enough to deal with any enemy.

However, when facing an opponent like Luther, he found that the skills he mastered seemed to be useless.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm his inner fluctuations. As a sniper, he knew the importance of mentality. He had to stay calm and focused to perform at his best.

He raised the sniper rifle again and carefully observed Luther's every move through the scope. There was a firm light in his eyes, as if he wanted to see every subtle movement of the other party.

Some of his worldviews collapsed, and he felt refreshed.

There was a firm light in his eyes, as if he wanted to see every subtle movement of the other party.

He had to go all out to ensure the successful completion of the mission.

"If one bullet doesn't work, then ten, a hundred!"

Floyd Lawton Jr. muttered in his heart.

He firmly believed that as long as he could hit the same position continuously, he would be able to break Luther's defense.

After all, even the most indestructible metal will wear out under continuous attacks. What about flesh and blood?

However, it is not easy to do this.

He must accurately control his breathing and heartbeat to ensure that every bullet can hit the target with the highest speed and accuracy.

This requires extremely high concentration and patience, and the slightest mistake may lead to failure.

So he took a deep breath and adjusted his breathing and mentality.

He raised the sniper rifle again, and every movement seemed unusually calm and firm.

The crosshairs in the scope slowly aimed at Luther, the target he had to eliminate. His finger rested lightly on the trigger, as if he could feel the subtle touch of the trigger.

He knew very well in his heart that every bullet that followed would carry a huge responsibility. This was not only about the trust of his employer and the success of the mission, but also about his life and death.

Every bullet must hit the target accurately and without any error.

His eyes locked onto Luther through the scope.

He recalled the rigorous training he had received, the sweat and hard work in those days, all for the purpose of being able to perform at his best at the critical moment.

He also remembered the countless experiences of fighting the enemy on the battlefield, each time a life-and-death contest, and each time made him more determined in his beliefs.

He told himself that he had to go all out to ensure the successful completion of the mission.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm his inner tension and anxiety.

He knew that he was an experienced sniper with excellent marksmanship and a calm mind. He believed that he could complete this mission.

However, just as he was about to pull the trigger, Luther suddenly moved.

His figure was as fast as a flash of lightning, and he disappeared from the spot in an instant.

A trace of surprise flashed in Floyd Lawton's eyes, and he quickly adjusted the angle of the sniper rifle, trying to re-lock Luther.

But Luther's speed and reaction ability far exceeded his imagination.

He seemed to be able to see through Floyd Lawton's attack, and he was always able to dodge at the most critical moment.

This made Floyd Lawton very angry and frustrated. He kept adjusting the angle and strength of the sniper, trying to find Luther's flaws.

However, no matter how hard he tried, Luther seemed to be an unbeatable enemy.

He kept changing the shooting angle and method, sometimes using continuous shooting, sometimes using point shooting, trying to find a flaw in Luther during high-speed movement.

However, Luther seemed to have the ability to predict, and he could always make accurate dodges at the moment he pulled the trigger.

Floyd Lawton began to feel a little powerless.

He understood that although he was an excellent sniper, his marksmanship seemed useless in the face of such an opponent who was almost unrestricted by the rules of physics.

His figure kept flashing in the scope, but he could never be locked.

Floyd Lawton Jr. began to feel a sense of frustration he had never felt before.

What was the use of guns in the face of such an enemy?

However, because he had predicted the current situation, no matter how unwilling he was, the Death Shooter would still prepare a retreat for himself.

He quickly threw away the sniper rifle and jumped down from a height.

He had already made preparations, and the hook on his back was firmly buckled on a cable that had been prepared long ago.

This cable was very strong, enough to withstand tens of tons of tension, ensuring that he would not be hurt during the fall.

He also prepared a suspension device that allowed him to rotate 360 ​​degrees freely during the fall to deal with possible emergencies.

Little Floyd Lawton's movements were very fast and smooth, but the next moment, he was startled by the figure on the cable.

Isn't that his target, the Terminator!

Lawton's pupils suddenly contracted, and an indescribable fear surged in his heart.

Damn, how did he get up?

He had clearly occupied a favorable position, how could he be caught up so quickly?

Death Shooter looked at himself in disbelief as he slid to the feet of the Terminator, and then the Terminator stepped on his buckle.

So he was hanging in the air.

"You run pretty fast."

Luther said with a smile.

Death Shooter swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then he suddenly raised his hand and fired a grenade!

The pistol handguards modified on his hands can fire most modified ammunition, and this grenade is one of them.

Such a close-range grenade will definitely affect him, but Death Shooter thinks this is a good opportunity.

After all, he is aiming at Luther's weakness as a man!

Even if you are a body of steel, that place is definitely soft!

While firing the grenade, the Death Shooter unfastened the buckle on his body with his other hand and fell rapidly to avoid the subsequent explosion.

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