Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 628: Alliance

However, Death Shooter didn't expect Batman to be there.

Before coming to Gotham, Death Shooter would naturally understand the situation in Gotham City, and maybe his business would be expanded here in the future.

The chaos and darkness of Gotham City are both challenges and opportunities for him.

Death Shooter is not completely ignorant of Batman.

He has heard of the guardian of this city, the guy who is always hiding in the shadows.

However, because they have never met, Death Shooter's impression of Batman is only rumors and hearsay.

He thinks Batman is just a freak, or a self-righteous guy who always thinks he can change the fate of the entire city by himself.

Luther noticed the existence of Batman, but deliberately did not remind Death Shooter, but turned away.

Batman has been following Luther, the Terminator, tonight and observing him.

Witnessing the death knell being beaten to death, Death Shooter almost became a dead dog.

Lamenting the Terminator's brutal nature, BUG's body is like a beast, and at the same time mourning for himself for three seconds, I don't know when I can turn over.

Seeing Deathstroke being tortured by Deadshot and asked about his bank account password and where he keeps his money, Batman realized that his chance has come.

He can't be the opponent of the Terminator alone, so he needs help!

There are no absolute enemies in this world, only people with different positions. He believes that as long as they can find a common goal, even enemies can become temporary allies.

Batman in this period is still very flexible, and it can be seen from joining the Justice League later that he doesn't care about seeking help from others to deal with enemies that cannot be solved.

He can't rely on his own plans for opponents like Darkseid, Steppenwolf, and Parallax.

When the power is greater than his prepared plan, Batman is helpless.

However, Batman is still very cautious and patiently waited for a long time, so long that the Terminator has disappeared for several hours and Deadshot has almost finished maintaining his gun before he started to act.

This is Batman's patience. His unparalleled will makes him have extraordinary execution no matter what he does, such as going crazy.

Death Shooter finished the maintenance of the gun and began to pack up his equipment. He didn't realize that Batman had been secretly observing him, looking for the right opportunity.

Batman knew that it was not the time to act yet.

He had to wait for a more suitable time to ensure that he would hit the target. He continued to patiently observe Death Shooter's every move, looking for flaws that could be exploited.

Time passed little by little, and the night became darker and darker.

Batman's heartbeat always maintained a steady rhythm, and his senses became more acute in the dark, as if he could capture every subtle change in the air.

Finally, in the dead of night, Batman saw an opportunity.

Death Shooter seemed a little tired, and he began to relax his vigilance.

His movements became slow and clumsy, and there was a hint of sleepiness in his eyes. Batman immediately took action, and he approached Death Shooter quietly, ready to attack.

He shuttled through the darkness like a ghost, and each step was so light that it was almost silent.

His heartbeat seemed to blend into the night wind and the surrounding environment. He approached Death Shooter quickly and accurately, ready to end the fight with his steel arms.

However, just as Batman was about to attack, Death Shooter suddenly raised his head alertly.

A trace of fear flashed in his eyes. After all, normal people would be scared when they suddenly saw a big bat, especially this bat was as big as a person, but it was immediately replaced by a fierce light.

He quickly pulled out the pistol from his waist and pointed it at Batman.

Batman did not panic. With his extraordinary reaction speed and agility, he successfully avoided Death Shooter's shooting.

He rushed towards Death Shooter like a cheetah, with a dazzling speed. Death Shooter tried to shoot again, but Batman had already arrived in front of him.

A heavy punch hit Death Shooter's abdomen hard, and he bent over in pain.

However, even in such a predicament, he still struggled tenaciously and tried to raise the pistol again.

Batman did not give him this opportunity.

He quickly snatched the pistol from the hand of the dead shooter and threw it far away. Then, he strangled the neck of the dead shooter with his arm and pressed him to the ground with force.

" come you are here?"

The dead shooter gasped hard, his eyes full of horror and confusion.

"I have been watching you secretly,"

Batman said coldly.

"Your crimes will not be forgiven."

The dead shooter felt that he could not breathe, and his face became paler and paler. He tried to struggle, but Batman's strength was far greater than his, and he could not move at all.

"You want to kill me?"

The dead shooter said with difficulty.

Batman was silent for a while, and then unexpectedly said to the dead shooter: "No, although violence can solve the problem temporarily, in the long run, it will only bring more pain and hatred."

When the dead shooter heard this, a trace of complex emotions flashed in his eyes.

He seemed to not understand Batman's thoughts, but at this moment he was powerless to refute.

Then he was strangled by Batman.

Batman threw Death Shooter to the ground.

Then he stood in the warehouse, his eyes as sharp as a hawk, tightly locked on Deathstroke.

The moonlight shone through the gaps in the iron shed on the roof, sprinkled on his resolute face, outlining his sharp outline.

His eyes were deep and firm, as if he could see through people's hearts and see through all hypocrisy and lies.

"You're awake."

Batman said in a deep voice, with a unique low voice, and it was completely incomprehensible without looking at the subtitles.

Deathstroke raised his head and met Batman's eyes.

His mad dog state was gone long ago, not to mention that Death Shooter still gave him an IV.

Originally, Death Shooter wanted to continue to torture him so that he wouldn't die, but he helped Deathstroke, and now Deathstroke has recovered.

There was an unyielding wildness in his eyes, like a trapped beast, looking for a chance to escape.

His face was pale, but his eyes were extremely sharp, as if he could penetrate all obstacles and look directly into the enemy's heart.

"Are you the Bat-freak?"

Deathstroke said bluntly, his voice revealing contempt and disdain.

He was not impressed by Batman, the so-called "messenger of justice", and felt that Batman was like a psychopath.

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