Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 637 Arkham Asylum

Their immediate superior is the director of the asylum, Sharp. Sharp, this name is as shocking as thunder in Arkham Asylum. He is not only the manager here, but also a shrewd capitalist.

He cleverly used his power and wealth to build Arkham Asylum into a kingdom independent of Gotham City, like a closed and self-sufficient ecosystem.

Sharp's control over Arkham Asylum can be described as meticulous. He knows every detail of the island, whether it is the daily life of the patients or the patrol routes of the security guards.

He strictly controls every patient and security guard, as if they are just chess pieces in his hands, at his mercy.

On this island, there lives a group of special people. Some of them were sent here for treatment because of mental illness, and some were imprisoned here for serious crimes.

Their identities and backgrounds are different, making Arkham Asylum a place full of unknowns and dangers. Here, everyone is trying to find their own way of survival, while also trying to uncover the secrets of this place.

The sea around the island is like a hidden giant beast, ready to devour any life that accidentally approaches. The sea is blue and deep, but it hides endless dangers.

The sharp reefs are like sharp blades lurking under the water. They wait quietly, and once a ship accidentally touches them, they will tear the hull mercilessly.

The sharks cruising in this sea are even more frightening. Their sharp teeth flash coldly in the sun, and their ferocious temperament makes this sea a forbidden area for life.

However, in such a place where almost no one dares to set foot, an uninvited guest was welcomed today.

He is not a patient or employee of Arkham Asylum, but a completely unfamiliar outsider. This man is burly, with bulging muscles, clear lines like a knife and an axe, and as burly and strong as an iron tower.

He is wearing a black vest, leather trousers, iron boots, a respirator mask on his head, and several tubes inserted behind his back, which looks very weird. His eyes were firm and deep, as if they contained endless power and wisdom.

He accomplished an incredible feat - swimming over with his bare hands and landing on the west side of the island.

During the swim, he was attacked by a shark. But shockingly, he did not retreat or get hurt, but showed amazing fighting power and a calm mind.

He cleverly avoided the shark's attack, and at the same time defeated the sharks one by one with powerful force, dyeing the sea red. These sharks became food for other fish, and he successfully landed.

"Captain, there are people here!"

Inside the western security room, a "beep" sounded, which was the alarm of the monitoring system.

The security guards quickly gathered in front of the screen, only to see a figure approaching them. They had never seen such an outsider, and they didn't know how he avoided many obstacles and successfully landed on the island.

"How could someone appear there? Go and bring him to me."

The security captain said, with a hint of tension in his tone. They knew the dangers of Arkham Asylum and the unknown risks that any outsider might bring. Therefore, they decided to act quickly to control this man.

There were seven security guards in the security room, all of whom were elites who had been strictly selected and trained.

Originally, two of them should have been on the observation deck, but it was around two o'clock in the afternoon, the temperature was very high, and the sun was scorching the earth. No one wanted to go up to the sun to be scorched by the scorching sun, so they all stayed in the air-conditioned security room.

They picked up real guns and prepared to deal with possible dangerous situations.

"Don't move! Stop! Put your hands up!"

The security guards shouted at the man while keeping a safe distance. They didn't want to take the risk of approaching the man, after all, his identity and purpose were unknown.

However, the man didn't seem to hear their shouts, nor did he stop. He just stood there quietly, as if thinking about something.

Suddenly, he reached out and pressed a button on his body, and then the tubes behind him began to wriggle. These tubes seemed to be connected to his body, transmitting some kind of liquid into his body.

Seeing this, the security guards were shocked. They didn't know what the man was doing, nor did they know what this liquid was. However, they knew that this man was not a good guy and had to subdue him as soon as possible.

This man was Batman's archenemy - Bane!

The main effect of Titan's "poison" was to make Bane's physical fitness reach a low-level superhuman level, but this was only the most basic ability of the "poison". This liquid was like a mysterious switch. Once activated, it could give Bane superhuman power. However, the strength of the "poison" was not fixed, it depended on the amount Bane injected into his body.

When Bane injected the "poison" into his body, he could feel a powerful force surging in his body. His muscles seemed to be injected with new life, becoming harder and stronger, as if they could tear apart all obstacles. His physique also became more sturdy, with more obvious muscle lines, standing like an iron tower.

However, the strength of the "poison" is not fixed, it depends on the amount Bane injects into his body. He can adjust the injection amount as needed to control his strength. This allows him to flexibly respond to various situations in battle, whether facing a single enemy or an entire legion, he can handle it with ease.

Even without using "poison", Bane's strength and physique are still amazing. His muscles have been strictly trained, and every inch is full of strength and explosiveness. This allows him to show amazing combat power without using any external force. His movements are swift and powerful, and every punch or kick seems to tear the air apart.

Facing the shouts and threats of the security guards, Bane seemed not to hear them. There was no expression on his face, as if he was used to such scenes. He continued to stride towards the security guards, and every step seemed to challenge their bottom line. There was a firmness and determination in his eyes, as if he was ready to deal with everything.

"Stop!" The security guards shouted again, but there was a hint of panic in their voices. They knew that facing such a powerful enemy, any rash action could have disastrous consequences.

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