Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 640: Massive Killing

"Do you think you are heroes? Hahaha, you are just toys in our hands!"

The members of the Joker Gang grinned, their eyes revealed madness and cruelty, as if they were completely immersed in the pleasure of destruction and killing.

The weapons in their hands flashed with cold light, as if announcing their cruelty and ruthlessness.

However, just when they thought they had won, Batman quietly hid in the dark, observing everything.

He did not move, did not make any sound, as if he had merged with the darkness around him. His figure was looming in the moonlight, like a cheetah lurking in the dark, waiting for the best time to attack.

Batman was wearing a black cloak, like a ghost in the night.

His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, staring at the members of the Joker Gang through the darkness. His heartbeat was steady and powerful, like an experienced hunter, waiting for the appearance of prey.

He knew that he could not act rashly, and had to wait for the right time to give Scarecrow and the Joker Gang a fatal blow.

Suddenly, gunshots were heard from the falling aircraft, and six gunshots were almost continuous. Six bullets accurately blew up the heads of six members of the Joker Gang, and their bodies fell down instantly, and the blood stained the ground red.

This scene made the entire Arkham Asylum quiet, as if time had frozen at this moment.

In the fire, a figure slowly walked out.

He was wearing a black and gold tights, like a warrior walking out of hell. His figure looked particularly tall and mighty in the firelight, and every step seemed to step on the hearts of everyone.

His armor was filled with the smell of gunpowder, and the flames licked his body, but he was unscathed, which was daunting.

His mask eyepiece lit up with golden light, like two bright stars, shining in the darkness.

"Tonight, the Terminator will end everything!"

The owner of the figure said calmly.

Although his voice was low, it was full of determination and strength. His eyes swept over everyone present, as if he wanted to see through their souls.

The Joker was holding a telescope, watching the scene with a smile. He showed a surprised expression on his face, but then he became unbridled and laughed.

"I like him, he is different from Bathead!"

The Joker said loudly, his laughter echoing in the night sky, which was particularly harsh.

The Scarecrow was amazed at the side, he was glad that he did not act rashly, otherwise he would be shot in the head by this Terminator from a distance.

As soon as Luther stepped into the gate of Arkham Asylum, a cold breath came to his face.

The strong smell of medicine and disgusting stench filled the air, making people frown involuntarily. However, Luther seemed not to smell it, and his eyes quickly swept around, looking for potential threats.

Suddenly, a group of mental patients rushed out from all directions, holding various weapons and firing wildly at Luther. Gunshots, screams, and shouts came one after another, and the whole asylum seemed to be caught in a vortex of chaos.

However, Luther was like an unshakable mountain. He stood there unscathed, allowing the attacks of the mentally ill patients to fall on him.

He seemed to have an invisible shield on his body, blocking all attacks.

"It seems that you don't understand what real power is."

Luther said coldly, with a kind of disdain and ridicule in his voice.

Indeed, there are many mentally ill patients with special abilities or strong strength in Arkham Asylum.

Some of them were locked up because they were too crazy, and some because they had some power that was not understood by the world. However, in front of Luther, they seemed so vulnerable.

Mental illness, killing is not illegal, so many "mental patients" are in Arkham Asylum, and another place is Blackgate Prison.

But even the people of the Joker Gang appeared, which seemed normal. This time, the gangs in Gotham City who were swept by the Terminator and the people of the Court of Owls could not sit still, and planned to get rid of the Terminator through Arkham Asylum!

I have to say, it is very imaginative and in line with Luther's stereotype of American comics.

For example, the Flash, whose speed is comparable to the speed of light or even faster than the speed of light, has been caught more than once.

Perhaps, they have been playing low-end games, so now they think they will be solved by the lunatics in Arkham Asylum.

Luther has two guns in his hands, he pulls the trigger, and a hail of bullets breaks out instantly.

The golden bullets and silver bullets intertwine to form a deadly barrage.

Each bullet hits the target accurately, knocking down the mentally ill one by one.

"Bang bang bang bang bang————"

The sound of gunfire echoed in the asylum, and each sound was accompanied by the fall of a patient.

Their bodies trembled under the penetration of bullets, and blood gushed out of the wounds, staining the ground red.

However, Luther did not stop.

He continued to pull the trigger, and the bullets in the two guns seemed endless and kept shooting. There was no mercy or hesitation in his eyes, only the pursuit of power and the coldness of the enemy.

The medical staff and patients in Arkham Asylum screamed in fear and fled in all directions. However, Luther did not let any of his enemies go. He shuttled through the asylum, and every move was accompanied by a burst of gunfire.

Those mental patients who tried to resist seemed so powerless in front of Luther.

His two twin guns are the largest caliber Desert Eagles, one gold and one silver!

Solid gold version of Desert Eagle and silver alloy Desert Eagle.


When the 50AE is fired from the 6-inch barrel of the Sand Eagle, the kinetic energy is around 2,000 joules, which is roughly the same as the kinetic energy of the AK47. However, since the .50AE is basically a bullet that is easy to expand and deform after entering the body, and the kinetic energy is transferred more directly, it is The last shot of this thing is worse than a shot from a rifle.

Luther held on to the trigger, and the two infinite-bullet Desert Eagles each output ten bullets per second, which really knocked down a large group of people in front of him in an instant.

Now this group of mental patients have intuitively experienced this feeling firsthand.

Without a bulletproof vest, being shot was worse than being bitten by a wild animal. There was only a hole in the surface of the body, but a large gash was opened on the back, and the swollen flesh exploded and splashed in all directions.

Then these mentally ill people ran away in fear.

"If you actually know how to be afraid, then you are not mentally ill at all!"

Luther said immediately.

There are also those who don't run, Luther can kill them with one shot.

"How dare you pretend to be a mental patient? You must not be a mental patient!"

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