Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 648 Three Clowns

"Hello, Terminator."

The clown's voice was low and hoarse, with a hint of provocation, as if he was enjoying a crazy symphony he had planned himself. He sat on the shabby chair, his hands crossed in front of his chest, a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, and a flash of madness and expectation in his eyes.

"Welcome to my crazy party."

The clown didn't care about Luther's silence, he had long been accustomed to this silent atmosphere. He liked to see people show expressions of fear, surprise or despair on the stage he carefully arranged, and that pleasure made him feel extremely satisfied.

"You know, I've been looking forward to meeting you."

The clown's tone was full of teasing and provocation.

"You are the guardian of this world, and I am the destroyer of this world. The contest between us is destined to be a wonderful performance."

The clown stood up and walked to a madman.

He gently patted the madman's shoulder, as if awakening a long-sleeping demon.

The madman immediately became excited, his eyes widened, as if he saw something terrible. He began to shout loudly, dancing, and the bombs on his body began to shake.

"Look, this is my art."

The clown pointed at the madman and said.

"I can inspire their madness and make them work for me. And you can only watch them fall one by one."

The clown's smile became more weird and crazy, as if he had seen the perfect ending in his mind. He likes to see people struggling in fear and despair, and that feeling makes him feel extremely excited and satisfied.

However, Luther was not affected by the clown's madness. He stood quietly in place, watching the clown's every move with a torch-like gaze.

He knew that the clown was an extremely dangerous and crazy person, and his behavior and way of thinking were incomprehensible to ordinary people.

The clown looked at Luther's calm eyes, and the fire of provocation in his heart seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water. He frowned, seeming to be a little dissatisfied with the result. However, he did not give up the idea of ​​provoking Luther, but became more crazy and provocative.

"To be honest, I'm a little disappointed."

The clown suddenly said.

"It would be great if you could shoot me right away. That way, the game would be more interesting and exciting."

The Joker's words were full of anger and dissatisfaction, as if the whole world owed him something.

He walked to the center of the room and began to shout and wave his arms.

His voice was sharp and piercing, as if he was going to tear the whole room apart. His movements were crazy and exaggerated, as if he was performing a drama that only he could understand.

The Joker was connected to a lot of trigger wires. As he walked and went crazy, these wires were also swinging wildly, and they could trigger bombs at any time, making people's scalps numb, creepy, sweating, and their souls flying.

The atmosphere in the whole room became more tense and depressing.

But Luther didn't react at all, just staring at the Joker coldly, as if he was watching a mime actor perform a mime.

Because Luther knew that the Joker would not use such a non-technical way to play his crazy game, and he was not a self-destructing maniac. Although the Joker didn't mind self-destructing, he had to see what he wanted to see.

The Joker said he was disappointed that he didn't shoot him right away because he didn't want to see a Terminator that would be constrained by the secular world.

But the Terminator would still be constrained, which made the Joker very boring, or in other words, there was already a more interesting bat head, and the Joker was not interested in the Terminator.

However, at this moment, the Joker suddenly stopped.

He stood there, panting, staring at Luther. A strange smile appeared on his face, as if he was admiring his masterpiece.

"Hahaha!" The Joker laughed.

"You are such an interesting guy, Terminator. I am looking forward to the next game more and more."

The Joker's spiritual core is a twisted joy and madness.

He enjoys the process of finding fun in chaos and destruction. For him, the world is a huge playground, and he is the craziest player in this playground.

His way of thinking is also different. He is not bound by any morals or ethics, but only follows his inner desires and impulses.

His behavioral logic is even more crazy and chaotic. He may make unexpected moves at any time and anywhere, making everyone feel terrified and uneasy.

Then the Joker suddenly shouted: "You damn machine! Do you think you can really protect the world? You are wrong! What the world needs is chaos and madness! Not a cold machine like you!"

As he said, the Joker suddenly took out a gun and pointed it at Luther.

His eyes were full of madness and murderous intent, as if he wanted to put Luther to death. However, Luther did not show any panic expression, he just stood there quietly, waiting for the Joker's action.

At this moment, the Joker suddenly laughed. His laughter was sharp and piercing, as if it was going to tear the whole room apart.

He put down the gun in his hand, shook his head and said: "No, this thing can't kill you. And killing you is too boring. I want you to watch the world become a mess, and let you feel your powerlessness!"

Batman had a headache. He didn't know what kind of collision would happen between the Joker and the Terminator, especially now that even a fool knew that the Joker must have connected all the bombs.

It was impossible to save the hostages or to subdue the Joker.

There were criminals and lunatics in the crowd. Maybe they would be afraid of their lives and dare not move, but there was the Joker Gang. They were not afraid at all. Instead, they watched their boss's performance excitedly and applauded. They didn't seem to worry at all whether the bombs on their bodies would be triggered by their intense body movements.

Luther never cared about bombs and hostages. He was just curious about which clown this clown was.

Generally speaking, clowns always hurt people because of pleasure, rather than hurting people to make the clown feel happy.

But sometimes they put the cart before the horse, because they got pleasure from hurting people who had nothing to do with them, so the three clowns became the best explanation for eating books.

What the Joker often did was to formulate a crime plan, force Batman to participate in it, do it according to his pace, and watch Gotham burn while fighting wits and courage with Batman.

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