Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 651 Talia's New Script

At the same time, Talia also had a desire in her heart, that is, to become Luther's woman and give birth to a descendant with Luther's powerful genes.

Because she wanted to get the best genes, so that her children could rule the world because of their excellent genes.

This desire burned in her heart like wildfire and could not be contained.

However, the most distressing problem in front of her was how to investigate Luther's identity.

She knew that this man's origin was not simple, and his strength and wisdom were far beyond ordinary people. But to uncover his true identity was like groping in the fog, and it was difficult to touch the truth.

The Terminator's Decepticon aircraft, that mysterious and powerful machine, had crashed twice.

But each time, it was magically repaired like a phoenix nirvana, leaving no material parts that could be investigated. This made Selina feel extremely confused and helpless.

What was even more frustrating was that every time the Terminator appeared, he came and went like a ghost.

They tried to track him, but always returned in vain, and could not find the Terminator's hiding place at all. This seemed like an unsolvable mystery, which made Talia feel deeply frustrated.

"They are just lunatics and criminals, and they can't do anything to me."

Luther said to Catwoman.

Although his performance was a bit supermodel, Luther felt that Bane would definitely not give up.

Bane thought he was hiding well, but in fact Luther had already discovered him. The reason why he didn't deal with Bane was because he felt that Bane still had value.

Heroes need criminals to set off. There are enough criminals who have died in Arkham Asylum. For those criminals who dare to show their heads, Luther will not hold back and will directly give them the punishment they deserve.

Because this is the embodiment of the power of the Terminator, you must not miss it, and you must not fail!

And those criminals who choose to hide, Luther will not take the initiative to look for them. He will keep them as the target of the next operation.

"The Joker is dead."

Commissioner Gordon was shocked and unbelievable when he heard the news of the Joker's death.

He has always regarded the Joker as one of the biggest threats to Gotham City. He didn't expect that this lunatic who did all kinds of evil would end up like this.

He recalled the Joker's cunning smile and crazy behavior, and a complex emotion surged in his heart. Perhaps, he had never thought about the possibility of the Joker's death.

After all, the Joker is an extremely difficult opponent, and even Batman has to be careful to deal with him.

However, now the Joker died so cleanly, without a complete body. Commissioner Gordon couldn't imagine what means the Terminator used to destroy the Joker's body.

The hostages at that time saw clearly that the Joker was turned into ashes under the attack of the Terminator, and there was no body left.

Such an ending made Commissioner Gordon feel very shocked and regretful. He knew that the death of the Joker might be a relief for Gotham City, but it also meant that they would lose an important sample that could be used for research and analysis.

Of course, even if the Joker's body was preserved, Commissioner Gordon would cremate it personally. He didn't want this Joker to continue to harm the people of Gotham City.

Next, Luther trained Catwoman and took her out to enforce justice on a daily basis. He noticed that Bane, Batman, Deathstroke and others were always keeping their eyes on them, trying to analyze more information from their actions.

Luther knew this well, but he didn't care. He knew that these people would not easily act without certainty.

After seeing Luther solve the criminals and mental illnesses in Arkham Asylum in one night, Batman abolished his "Anti-Terminator Armor II" overnight.

He deeply felt that his armor was as fragile as paper in front of Luther. So he began to redesign the "Anti-Terminator Armor III" to try to find a way to fight Luther.

However, Batman also knew that this was just the beginning. Perhaps in the future, there will be "Anti-Terminator Armor IV", "V" and so on.

Because Luther's strength and wisdom are constantly improving and evolving, if you want to really fight him, you need to put in more effort and wisdom.

It is indeed difficult for Talia to approach Luther without Luther giving her a chance.

But now Bane and the others don't know what they are doing in the dark. Although Luther can open the God's perspective to know what they are doing, he thinks it is boring to do so, so he plans to find other fun for himself.

For this approach, Talia has put a lot of thought into it and carefully planned a script. She repeatedly pondered every detail, striving to make it seamless.

She had a doubt in her heart, did the Terminator remember her face in the last scene of the hero saving the beauty? Although that scene passed by quickly, she still couldn't be sure. In order to avoid any possible trouble, she decided to appear in a brand new identity this time so that the Terminator could not connect her with the last incident.

So, she mobilized her power in the Assassin's League. Although her father, the head of the devil, Lei Xiaogu, has always been prejudiced against her and believed that she could not inherit his career and dream as a woman, Talia's influence in the Assassin's League cannot be underestimated. With a thunderous momentum, she mobilized a group of loyal assassins and asked them to join the drama as assassins.

Under Talia's careful arrangement, Luther, the legendary terminator, unknowingly fell into the trap she designed while executing justice. The firepower around him suddenly became dense, the machine guns washed the ground frantically, and the grenades fell like raindrops. This scene seemed thrilling, but for Luther, these attacks were just a small fight.

He was wearing armor and his steps were firm. Facing the firepower from all directions, he was not afraid. Those seemingly fatal attacks seemed so powerless in front of his powerful body. He easily dodged bullets and shot down grenades with the weapons in his hands without even a scratch on his body. This powerful body and extraordinary ability moved Talia, who was observing from the side.

Observing Luther up close, Talia could experience his shocking power even more.

She looked at his calmness and decisiveness when facing the enemy, and his figure that shuttled freely in the gunfire, and she couldn't help but feel a rush in her heart.

She knew that it was not easy for her to get close to him, but she also believed that as long as she worked hard, she would succeed.

At this moment, Talia took action. With amazing speed and strength, she threw grenades accurately at the enemy.

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