Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 660 Super Bane

In the dark underground laboratory, Bane was concentrating on operating the complex experimental equipment. His goal was to mix two extremely rare and dangerous substances, Dionysus factor and Titan venom. This process was no joke. It required not only advanced chemical knowledge, but also extremely precise operating skills.

Bane was wearing a special protective suit, and his gloves and goggles were strictly disinfected and sealed to ensure that no contaminants would enter the test tube during the operation.

On the test tube rack in front of him were placed various precision measuring instruments and reagent bottles, each with clear labels and precautions.

Bane carefully used a special dropper to draw a drop of crystal liquid from the Dionysus factor test tube. He held his breath, his hands trembling slightly, and slowly dripped the drop of liquid into the Titan venom test tube. He was extremely careful in every move, fearing that the slightest negligence would lead to a catastrophe.

At the moment the liquid came into contact, a dazzling light suddenly burst out from the test tube. The brightness of the light was too bright to look directly at. Bane quickly closed his eyes and covered his face with his hands to prevent being stabbed by the strong light. He felt a stream of hot air pouring out of the test tube, as if to ignite the entire laboratory.

When the light faded, Bane opened his eyes and saw that the liquid in the test tube had begun to slowly rotate, like a small vortex. He knew that this was a sign that the two substances were beginning to react.

He quickly adjusted the parameters of the experimental equipment and closely observed the changes in the liquid in the test tube.

He constantly adjusted the ratio of the two liquids, while using instruments to monitor the temperature and pressure in the test tube. Each adjustment requires extremely precise calculations and judgments, and a slight deviation may lead to the collapse of the entire experiment.

As time went on, the liquid in the test tube gradually became turbid, and the color became deep and mysterious. Bane could feel that the powerful force was quietly awakening in the test tube. His heartbeat accelerated, his breathing became rapid, as if he could hear the call from deep in his heart.

However, this process was not smooth sailing. As the reaction deepened, the liquid in the test tube began to become unstable, sometimes boiling and sometimes solidifying. Bane knew that this was a rejection reaction caused by the two substances in the process of mutual fusion.

Fortunately, he was well prepared. He carefully dripped the stabilizer into the test tube, and saw that the liquid in the test tube immediately became calm, no longer boiling and solidifying.

After countless long and tense days and nights, the liquid in the test tube finally completely merged together to form an unprecedented new substance.

The atmosphere in the laboratory was tense and solemn, and every subtle sound was particularly clear. The faint light in the test tube seemed to contain the power of the stars, making people hold their breath and stare. Bane stood in front of the test tube, his eyes flashing with determination and expectation, and every cell seemed to cheer for the arrival of this great moment.

He carefully held the test tube tightly and felt the pulsation of that power. This power was different from any power he had ever touched before. It was more stable and deeper. He knew that this was not just a simple experimental success, but also a key step towards his dream.

Bane took a deep breath and slowly injected the liquid in the test tube into his body. This process was full of unknowns and risks, but he did not retreat, but was full of expectations and determination. The liquid flowed along his blood vessels, like a hot river, surging in his body.

A powerful force emerged from deep in his body, as if to tear him apart. Bane gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain, and cheered in his heart.

He felt as if he was undergoing a transformation, every cell was recombining, every nerve was reconnecting.

As time went by, the severe pain gradually subsided, replaced by an unprecedented sense of power. Bane felt as if his body had undergone earth-shaking changes.

His muscles became more solid and powerful, as if he could easily lift a thousand pounds; his bones became harder, as if he could withstand any impact; his blood also flowed with powerful power, as if he could never tire.

At the same time, his thinking became more acute and clear. He was able to perceive all the subtle changes around him, as if he had an extraordinary intuition. He was able to make decisions quickly and accurately judge the situation, as if he had become a real wise man.

He walked to the mirror, and the person in the mirror seemed to have changed. The firmness and confidence in his eyes were something he had never had before. He felt the powerful force flowing in his body, as if he could control everything.

"Now, I am Super Bane!"

He whispered, his voice full of pride and dominance.

Bane's transformation plan was finally completed. He stood in the center of the laboratory, feeling the unprecedented power in his body.

"The plan can begin."

Bane's goal has never been to rule Gotham City, he just wants to destroy Gotham City.

For this reason, he also prepared a dirty bomb, but because of Luther, this dirty bomb has never been taken out.

Because Bane is not sure whether Luther can solve this dirty bomb. If he can't solve it, it is of course a good thing, but if he can solve it, then wouldn't Bane's work be in vain?

Now, he is sure to solve Luther.

He took the dirty bomb out of the hiding place and prepared to detonate it.

He knew that this move would cause a huge disaster, but he didn't care anymore.

He just wanted to see Gotham City trembling in the sea of ​​fire and hear the wailing and despair of those innocent people.

At the same time, with the help of the Court of Owls, Bane's revenge plan was quickly launched.

They sent a group of specially trained "claw" killers, who quietly sneaked into every corner of Gotham City and assassinated the gang leaders one by one.

Overnight, the gang forces in Gotham City collapsed.

The order originally maintained by the gangs collapsed in an instant, and the whole city fell into chaos.

Those jailbreaks who were beaten to pieces by Luther and Batman, under the manipulation of Bane, rushed to the streets. They wantonly destroyed, robbed, and killed, turning the whole Gotham City into a hell on earth.

The city hall was also captured by criminals, government officials were imprisoned, and the power structure of the entire city was paralyzed.

In this case, even Batman had to show up and try to maintain order in the city.

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