Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 662 Batman's Second Brokeback

Then, the sharp sound of armor exploding came to Batman's ears, as if metal was groaning in pain. His back armor, which was once his trusted protection, now seemed so fragile under Bane's terrifying power.

Batman could feel the bones in his back under the armor being squeezed continuously, and every second felt like it was being roasted in fire. His back armor was finally overwhelmed by Bain's ruthless squeeze, and burst open like a fortress bombarded by artillery fire.

The fragments scattered in the air, like bright fireworks, but they looked extremely desolate in such a heavy atmosphere. Batman felt an unspeakable despair in his heart, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

Bane looked at the fragments of Batman's back armor coldly, with a satisfied smile on his lips. He seems to be a god who controls life and death, and is indifferent to Batman's pain. He increased his strength, and his hands were like iron vices, tightly clasping Batman's body, and his knees were like heavy mountains, mercilessly squeezing Batman's back.

Batman's pain reached its peak, and his eyes were filled with fear and despair. His heart beat like a crazy drum, beating crazily in his chest. He could clearly feel the slight sound of his spine being squeezed by Bain's knees, which was the prelude to bone fractures.

The painful memory of having Luther's back broken flashed through his mind, and the unspeakable pain and fear struck him again. He tried to struggle and resist, but Bain's power was beyond his imagination. He was like being trapped in an invisible net, unable to escape.

Bane just put his knee on Batman's back and firmly fixed Batman to the ground with his hands. His eyes were full of coldness and cruelty, as if he was admiring his own masterpiece.

With Bane's slow but rock-solid exertion, Batman's back gradually bent to the limit. He felt that his spine was being squeezed continuously, as if it was about to be torn apart. The pain was beyond words and could only be expressed through his gasps and moans.


Batman's willpower gradually wore away in pain, and his voice became hoarse and desperate. His eyes were full of tears, tears of fear, despair and anger.


A crisp sound of broken bones echoed in the night sky. Batman's body trembled violently, and his back spine was mercilessly broken by Bane. The pain almost made him lose consciousness, and his eyes went dark, as if he had fallen into endless darkness.

His body fell limply to the ground, his eyes staring blankly at the sky. His heart was filled with endless despair and anger, but he was powerless. He felt that his life was passing away little by little, and he could not stop it from happening.

The air around him seemed to freeze, with only Batman's heavy breathing and Bane's cold laughter echoing. Batman lay on the ground, feeling every cell in his body tremble in pain. There were sharp pains in his back, as if countless knives were cutting into his flesh. His breathing became rapid and heavy, and every inhalation was like sucking a sharp razor into his lungs.

His vision began to blur, but he still tried to open his eyes wide, trying to see clearly this world that made him despair. However, his world has become dark, as if shrouded in a thick layer of dark clouds. His consciousness also began to blur, as if he was sinking into an endless abyss of darkness.

However, at this desperate moment, an unyielding force surged in Batman's heart. He remembered his mission and those who needed his protection. He couldn't just give up, he had to stand up and keep fighting.

So, he gritted his teeth and tried with all his strength to stand up. His hands groped hard on the ground, trying to find support.

However, his body was like a soulless body, unable to obey his commands. He could only lie helpless on the ground, letting pain and despair erode his soul.

"The first one is you, and the next one is the Terminator. I will break the Terminator guy's back just like I broke your back!"

Bane said to Batman coldly, his voice filled with cruelty and triumph.

Batman lay on the ground, his body so battered and bruised that he could barely move. But he still gritted his teeth and looked at Bain firmly.

"You can't do it."

Batman said hard.

Bane sneered, he didn't care about Batman's provocation. In his opinion, Batman is already a dying man, and no words from him can change his determination.


Bain said coldly.

"Then let's wait and see."

Then, he turned around and ordered his little brother to prepare to hang Batman.

The younger brothers responded excitedly, they had long wanted to witness Batman's death with their own eyes.

Batman was roughly dragged up, his body drawing a long mark on the ground, and pain spread throughout his body.

But he didn't make any sound, he just endured it all silently.

A group of citizens had gathered at the door of the city hall. They watched Batman being dragged in, with expressions of horror and uneasiness on their faces.

Batman knows that his death will bring greater chaos and panic to Gotham City, which is the last thing he wants to see.

However, there is nothing he can do now and he can only hope that others can step up and save Gotham City.

They never thought of covering up along the way, after all, this is Batman!

Although Batman has not appeared for a long time since the appearance of the Beyonder and the Terminator swept Gotham City, and the value of Batman has been greatly reduced, this is still Batman, the most valuable target in the minds of the older generation of Gotham villains. .

Only by defeating Batman can you become the King of Gotham!

This is something that villains recognize, and now they've done it!

Once Boss Bane takes care of that guy from Death, they will be the undisputed kings of Gotham.

The citizens were frightened into silence, and they could only watch helplessly as Batman was hung in the air, struggling feebly.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky and landed at the door of the City Hall.

"You are not qualified to hang Batman."

Death knell!

He rushed directly towards Bain's younger brothers.

His movements were as fast as lightning, and he defeated all the younger brothers in the blink of an eye, knocking them to the ground.

"You can't die before you've settled your balance."

Deathstroke looked at Batman calmly and said.

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