Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 690 Finally appears

The parallax monster roared, and the sound was as shocking as thunder, as if it was going to overturn the entire city. Its body began to tremble slightly, releasing an invisible pressure, making the air around it heavy.

"Human, fear sprouts above courage, continue to fear me, and then become my food!"

The parallax monster's voice was low and terrifying, and its words were full of contempt and ridicule for humans.

A hideous smile appeared on its face, and its mouth opened like a snake, revealing a scarlet tongue and sharp teeth. Each tooth seemed to be made of fine steel, flashing a cold light.

In its mouth, golden light began to slowly condense, as if these lights were squeezed out from the depths of its body. They twisted and rotated in the air, like golden snakes dancing.

The light became brighter and denser, and finally they gathered into a dazzling energy ball.

The energy ball continued to expand and enlarge under the control of the parallax monster. Its light almost blinded people's eyes, and the power it contained was unimaginable.

The golden light illuminated everything around, making the entire ruins shrouded in a golden ocean.

The surrounding air was distorted by the high temperature of the energy ball, as if pulled by an invisible force. And the ground began to vibrate under the powerful energy, as if foreshadowing the impending disaster.

The parallax monster suddenly opened its mouth and released the energy ball to the ground.

At that moment, the whole world seemed to be still. Then, an extremely dazzling golden shock wave burst out instantly, it was like a golden dragon tumbling in the air, and fell down with an indiscriminate coverage mode!

Wherever the shock wave passed, everything turned into nothingness. Buildings collapsed under the bombardment of the shock wave, as if destroyed by an invisible force.

The streets were torn into ruins, and the once prosperous city was now only left with broken walls and ruins.

Countless people screamed and ran in fear. They tried to escape the disaster, but in front of the power of the parallax monster, they seemed so small and powerless.

In a corner of the city, Green Lantern Hal was struggling to resist the shock wave. He tried his best to stabilize his body, but the force still made him feel overwhelmed.

His body was shaken and seemed to fall at any time. His green lantern ring was constantly flashing, releasing a green energy shield to try to resist the invasion of the shock wave.

However, the power of the energy ball was too strong. It kept hitting Hal's energy shield, making Hal feel dizzy and powerless.

His heartbeat was accelerating, and cold sweat oozed from his forehead. He knew that he couldn't just give up. As a member of the Green Lantern Corps, he had to protect this planet and the people here.

"This... Is this the power of the source of fear?"

Hal exclaimed in his heart. He never thought that such a powerful enemy would appear in front of him, making him unable to withstand even a blow. But he knew that he couldn't be bound by fear.

He took a deep breath and tried to stabilize his emotions.

He closed his eyes and merged his consciousness with the power of the green lantern ring. He felt the energy in the ring surging, as if it were green rivers flowing through his body.

He directed the energy to various parts of his body, strengthening his defense.

However, just as Hal was about to resist the energy ball again, the parallax monster condensed a larger energy ball again.

The energy ball was more dazzling and powerful than before. It drew a dazzling light track in the air and fell again with an indiscriminate coverage pattern.

Hal's eyes widened. He couldn't believe what he saw. But he knew that he had to do his best to resist this attack. He once again concentrated all his strength on the green lantern ring in his hand.

The green lantern ring emitted a more dazzling light, and a more powerful green energy shield formed around his body.

However, the power contained in the energy ball was far from ordinary.

It was like an out-of-control star, rampaging in the universe, ruthlessly destroying everything. When it hit Hal's energy shield again, the invisible barrier was like thin paper, vulnerable to a single blow.

Hal felt an unprecedented pain, as if countless sharp blades were cutting his soul.

He gritted his teeth and tried to keep the shield intact, but he only lasted less than ten seconds before the energy shield scattered like broken glass.

Then, the energy ball crashed into Hal with a thunderous force.

At that moment, the whole world seemed to be lit up. The dazzling light flooded Hal's vision, and the huge impact force blew him away like a cannonball.

Hal's body drew a long arc in the air, like a meteor across the sky.

He felt as if his body was torn apart by countless hands, and the pain almost made him lose consciousness. But even so, he did not give up.

He knew he couldn't just fall down like this.

He struggled to open his eyes and rushed towards the parallax monster with all his strength.

He knew he couldn't confront this monster head-on, but he also knew that if he didn't do this, the entire earth would be in crisis.

Hal rushed to the front of the parallax monster and blocked its sight with his body.

He felt the terrifying aura on the monster's body like a cold blade, but he didn't flinch. He took a deep breath and gave the final command to the green light ring.

"Green light! Please give me power!"

Hal shouted. His voice echoed in the air, full of determination and determination.

Frustratingly, however, Hal's inner fears seem to have rubbed off on the Green Lantern ring.

The magical ring that had given him strength countless times had now become dim. It glowed faintly, like a light bulb about to go out.


Hal shouted anxiously. He felt his hope disappearing little by little. If the ring loses its power at this time, he will no longer be able to fight against the Parallax Monster.

At this moment, a hand gently fell on Hal's shoulder.

He was suddenly startled and looked back, only to see a figure wearing pure white and flawless armor appearing next to him.

The armor had a dreamlike blue luster, as if it was woven from stars picked from the starry sky.

This man has no decorations on his head and has a delicate face, quite similar to that of an Earthling.

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