Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 694: City of Angels

Hal's disguise or Green Lantern's transformation did not consider the disguise aspect at all.

He also thought that he could just wear a green tights and a green eye mask, and the result was that he did not even change his hairstyle.

As long as Batman is not a fool and is still the detective, he can find out Hal Jordan's identity.

As expected, Batman only took one day to find Green Lantern.

Then he came to visit.

And Hal saved the world... well, after trying to save the world, after all, although he did not save the world in the end, he also tried!

Then he successfully got the beauty, who was his childhood sweetheart and the daughter of his company's boss.

His father-in-law did not object to this marriage, so he was a winner in life.


Hal was stunned when he saw the big black bat appear.

It took a lot of effort to recognize Batman, but he also transformed into Green Lantern in front of Batman. This was his instinctive reaction. When he was trained on Oa Star, the first step was to transform as quickly as possible at any time.

This directly exposed his true identity.

"Hello, Green Lantern, or, I should call you, Hal."

Batman said in a low voice.

"How did you come here from Gotham City?"

Although Luther's series of operations of transcendence, terminator, and death took away the most glorious superhero image in Gotham City, Hal still knew Batman.

During that time, most people in the whole of America regarded Batman as the real Captain America.

The DC universe has Marvel comics, of course, it is just comics.

When Batman was pulling people all over the world to join the Justice League, such a magical plot was staged.

Luther did not have the idea of ​​watching the show. What's so good about a few grown men? It's not time to have fun.

Now Luther has run to Los Angeles.

Los Angeles, a place praised as the "City of Angels" by countless movies and songs, always exudes a unique charm. When night falls, the streets of Los Angeles are still brightly lit, and the traffic is endless, as if it never stops. The neon lights on the high-rise buildings flicker in the night sky, like stars, adding a bit of mystery and romance to the city.

However, in a corner of this bustling city, Constantine's life has fallen into an unprecedented predicament.

His face is slightly haggard, and his eyes are full of fatigue and despair.

His life is full of twists and turns, but the recent days have become more and more difficult.

Constantine, a name that was once glorious, is now only full of vicissitudes and fatigue. His life is full of twists and turns, as if there has never been a peaceful moment.

Twenty years of smoking has damaged his lungs, and now he has developed lung cancer. Whenever he coughs, he can feel the severe pain coming from deep in his lungs, as if thousands of needles are piercing his heart.

He was lying on the hospital bed, holding the diagnosis sheet with "late stage lung cancer" in his hand, his heart filled with fear and helplessness.

The doctor's diagnosis was like a sharp knife, piercing his heart mercilessly.

He stared with his eyes wide open, unable to believe the fact: "I have only smoked for 20 years, how could I have lung cancer?"

"There are people who have smoked for 70 or 80 years and nothing happened!"

He tried to defend himself with a trembling voice, but the doctor just looked at him coldly, as if looking at a hopeless patient.

"It depends on the individual's physique, Mr. Constantine."

The doctor sighed and continued: "Not to mention, you smoke too much. Three packs of cigarettes a day, to be honest, I think it's a miracle that you can stick to it until now. Maybe your physique is too good."

The doctor's words made Constantine feel powerless, he knew that he could no longer escape this cruel reality.

He recalled his past life, those days filled with smoke, those nights tortured by illness. He realized that his lifestyle had cost him a heavy price.

However, what made him even more troubled was that his soul was targeted by a big shot in hell.

He was full of interest in Constantine, and even said that when Constantine died, he would come to take Constantine's soul away in style.

Who would have such a treatment as Satan, the devil of hell, or the arrogant Lucifer, to come to greet him personally?

Such a treatment made Constantine feel flattered, but he was not blessed. He knew that he could not escape the call of hell, but he was unwilling to be dragged into the darkness.

Constantine began to run around, asking for help from others, hoping to sell his soul to heaven. He believed that if heaven could accept him, he would have a chance to get rid of the torment of illness and the threat of hell. However, the reality he faced was cruel. The gate of heaven was closed to a notorious person like him, and even the sewer was blocked tightly.

Constantine fell into despair. He knew that he could not escape the call of hell, but he was unwilling to be dragged into the darkness. He began to look for other ways to extend his life and allow himself to stay in this world for a little longer.

He tried various remedies and treatments, but to no avail. His health deteriorated and his spirit became increasingly depressed.

Just when Constantine was in a state of panic, a female police officer named Angela found him. She brought a bizarre case and hoped that Constantine could assist in the investigation.

Angela took a deep breath and began to tell the story of her sister Isabel.

Isabel is a devout Catholic who has been deeply influenced by religion since childhood.

However, as she grew older, she gradually became mysterious and often said that she could see something that others could not see - the devil.

These strange behaviors aroused the suspicion of people around her, and she was eventually sent to a mental hospital for research.

A few years later, the doctors in the mental hospital conducted various tests and studies on Isabel, but they never found any abnormalities.

However, just when they were about to give up, Isabel chose to jump off the building and commit suicide. This news was unacceptable to Angela. She could not accept the fact that her sister had gone to a dead end because of her faith.

"Suicides cannot go to heaven. As a believer, Isabel will only be demoted to hell to be punished."

Angela's voice was full of grief and helplessness.

"As her sister, I couldn't accept this ending. I hoped the church would give her a Catholic funeral, but was rejected."

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