Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 697: Master of Scams

However, in this plan full of conspiracy and darkness, Constantine unexpectedly became an insurmountable stumbling block for them.

His soul has long been predestined by the supreme master, and like a chess piece, it occupies an indispensable position on the chessboard.

If Constantine dies, that great man will definitely come in person and collect his soul. By then, Mammon and Gabriel's conspiracy will be exposed to the light.

Therefore, this man, who was already notorious in the world and hated by gods and ghosts, miraculously survived this storm.

He was like an old tree that had been baptized by the storm. Although it was scarred, it still stood firm.

He was severely beaten by the demons. The demons who had a grudge and a vengeance were very cruel. Not only did they beat him into a pig's head, they also stripped him of his clothes and didn't even give him a torn newspaper. He stays!

Then Constantine was thrown into a dark corner, like a waste forgotten by the world.

However, Angela, the twin sister who is inextricably linked to Constantine, was ruthlessly captured by the demons.

She was taken to a mysterious and strange place where a horrific ritual was taking place.

Constantine's heart was filled with anger and unwillingness. He couldn't accept that he was abandoned like this, let alone that Angela fell into such a dangerous situation.

So, he endured the pain on his body, pursued all the way to the end, and finally revealed the truth of the matter.

It turned out that Mamen, the son of hell, wanted to come to the world. This news shocked and angered Constantine.

He knew that if Manmeng really came to the world, the whole world would fall into darkness and chaos. He couldn't imagine such a scene, let alone sit idly by.

After all, he couldn't even accept a two-minute journey to hell, let alone the world turning into hell?

The mental hospital, a place that seems ordinary but hides countless secrets, has become the ceremonial place for Manmeng to come to the world.

This was once the place where Angela's sister committed suicide, but now it has become a place where demons carnival.

Constantine sneaked into the mental hospital quietly, and he saw the devils gathered here.

They are either ferocious and terrifying, or cunning and cunning, but without exception, they all want to become ministers of the dragon and welcome Manmeng's birth.

There is no way, the chance of winning is too great. In heaven, there is Gabriel, the archangel, who secretly communicates the music. In hell, there is Manmeng, the son of hell. The two leaders in both worlds, how can they lose?

The advantage is mine!

These devils and demons are afraid of being slow to follow the dragon's power.

Deep in the asylum, Constantine found Angela.

She looked very weak, as if she might die at any moment.

Her body was floating in a huge pool, with some edema on her pale skin, making her look as white as a dead person. Her eyes were empty and confused, as if she had lost her soul.

On Angela's exposed abdomen, a huge hand was propped up from under her skin, as if it would burst out of her body at any time.

That was Manmeng's hand. He was already inside Angela's body, waiting for Gabriel to come with the Longinus gun and cut open her abdomen so that he could truly be born in the world.

Constantine's heart was filled with despair and powerlessness. He knew he couldn't stop this from happening. However, he couldn't just give up. He had to do something for Angela, even if it cost his life.

Just then, Gabriel appeared. She took the Longinus gun and walked towards Angela step by step.

Her eyes were full of indifference and ruthlessness, as if she were looking at an ant that was about to die.


When the demons and demons saw Gabriel's appearance, they all retreated, fearful of her power.

But I felt that I didn't have the confidence to show off in front of my new boss, so I showed my true colors to demonstrate with all my teeth and claws.

Gabriel ignored them. Only the weak would show their teeth and claws to intimidate others, while the strong would kill directly.

"The promised time has come, come the children of hell!"

Gabriel said calmly.

The Spear of Longinus, the weapon that killed gods, has the power to kill all things, and can also control one's own destiny. If you own it, you can always win and control your destiny.

But once you lose it, you will also be targeted by fate!


Constantine came out.


"Kill him!"

The demons were dancing wildly, and they all became very excited after seeing Constantine.

"Idiot, you can't kill him!"

Manmeng, the son of hell, roared loudly, shocking the demons.

"Yes, if you dare to continue, I will commit suicide!"

Constantine said immediately.

The demons and devils were stunned for a moment before they realized that Constantine had not said the wrong thing. He was going to threaten them with his own suicide.

However, this special thing is really useful!

Gabriel was speechless as he looked at a group of helpless devils and demons. No wonder you can't even defeat humans.

"If you can't kill him, then control him, you idiots!"


Although Gabriel called him a fool, the demons and devils' eyes lit up and they immediately planned to control Constantine.

"Don't move!"

Constantine took off his windbreaker, revealing his small belly and skinny upper body. He saw magic array patterns of large and small circles all over his body.

"These magics can kill me, do you want to try?"

Constantine lit a "Silka" brand cigarette and said proudly.

"Whether it is holy light, magic, or means to confuse me, as long as the power in my body loses balance a little bit, I will explode with a bang, even if it is just a little pain."

Gabriel heard this and stared at Constantine.

But she found that she couldn't judge the truth of Constantine's words, after all, he was best at deception.

This is the strongest mouth trick of DC that can even deceive big guys like the First Fallen.

And Gabriel had never seen the magic circle on his body. You know, Gabriel even knows the knowledge of ancient Judaism very well. There are very few magic circles in the world that even she doesn't know.

The texture is natural, and the shape of the magic circle is coordinated and complete. It doesn't look like a means of fooling people by graffiti.

The demons and devils didn't dare to act rashly and could only surround Constantine.

Constantine strode towards them without fear.

"Make way for me, can you afford to pay me for bumping into me?"

Constantine was so arrogant that he stretched out his hand to push the demons and devils that were blocking his way.

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