Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 708 Research

"I want the key to other multiverses."

Luther said to Lucifer.

"That's it?"

Lucifer was a little surprised and puzzled.

"You can create doors to other parallel universes. I need this."

Luther nodded.

"If you accept it, you can do it."

What Lucifer is talking about is the power of an archangel. As long as Luther accepts it, he can become an archangel that is superior to all living beings in the DC universe, and he is comparable to Michael and Lucifer.

Lucifer even felt that he might be stronger than himself because God paid too much attention to Luther.

"I don't want that."

Luther shook his head. It sounded hypocritical, but Luther had an infinite future, an unstoppable future. There was no need to take risks for the power of the universe, not to mention that this power was not invincible.

"That's right."

Lucifer smiled, his laughter full of appreciation and recognition. He had never seen a human being with such courage and determination, which made him admire Luther with admiration.

"Then, this is for you."

Lucifer said, taking out a card from his hand and handing it to Luther.

Luther didn't take it.

"Don't worry, there are no tricks."

Lucifer said seriously.

"I believe Lucifer won't lie because he is very proud."

Luther then took the card.

Lucifer laughed.

He was laughing at the fact that Luther said he wouldn't lie.

Yes, proud Lucifer disdains lies, but no one knows.

"John, let's go."

Lucifer dragged Constantine's soul into hell, not even bothering to look at Mamon, the son of hell, who was crucified on the throne of hell.

Anyway, if one dies, it’s better to replace him with someone else as his son.

Now Lucifer has not escaped from hell to play in the human world.

Later, he was able to do extremely outrageous things such as surrendering in the face of demons and devils who were not as powerful as him, just to see the changes in hell.

Luther didn't understand why Lucifer was so happy. This Constantine's soul was nothing to him. In so many universes, there must be countless Constantine's souls that Lucifer had obtained.

Maybe there are countless Constantine souls in the theme park of hell.

But for Lucifer, it is probably one of the few pastimes.

Luther took the card given by Lucifer and did not use it immediately. Instead, he went directly back to the Marvel Universe.

After the Beyonder left the DC universe, Lucifer felt something.

"Is there no way my power can be taken out?"

Lucifer felt a little regretful, and then continued to torture Constantine's soul.

When Luther came to the Marvel Universe, the first thing he did was take out the card.

Looking at the picture on the card, it is not a purgatory card with the devil playing the piano. After all, Lucifer cannot give him that thing.

Luther stood in a no-man's land in the Marvel Universe, holding the mysterious card in his hand. His eyes were deep, as if he could penetrate the patterns on the surface of the card and glimpse the secrets contained within.

The image on the card is indeed a tarot deck, but it is different from a regular tarot deck.

It depicts a mysterious figure wearing a black suit, with golden wings and hair, who is the Lucifer Morningstar who once talked with him.

In the tarot cards, Lucifer's name is clearly visible, and the golden text shines on the black background, giving people a majestic and mysterious feeling.

"That guy didn't give me his power, did he?"

Luther thought, this is not impossible.

He came to the Marvel Universe with a clear goal: to isolate Lucifer's influence and power and explore its mysteries in depth to ensure that he can use this power safely and effectively.

Luther knew that as a powerful being, Lucifer's power was not easily controllable.

He knew that if he used this power rashly, it would probably have unpredictable consequences. Therefore, he chose the safest way - research first, then learn, and finally master.

Only in this way can we continuously become stronger and upgrade ourselves. Luther will not use it rashly without knowing what it is.

When ordinary people get such a card, they might directly use its power, but Luther chose another path - research.

He knew that only by deeply understanding the nature and source of these powers could he better master and use them.

Whether it's power, personality, rules or his own super brain, he has enough ability to understand and study.

"If you can't even decode and influence it, then you won't be able to study it..."

"But I cracked it!"

Luther looked at the card that he had partially cracked. Lucifer did not seem to have thought that Luther would study the card instead of use it after getting it, so he did not encrypt it.

Otherwise, with his power, it should be difficult for Luther to decrypt it.

He found a secluded place and began to study the mysterious card intently.

This card exudes a faint light and seems to contain endless mysteries. Luther took a deep breath and focused entirely on the cards.

He first tried to use his power to penetrate the surface of the card.

However, he soon discovered that this material could not be easily destroyed by ordinary physical means. He was a little surprised, but also strengthened his determination. Since physical means are ineffective, use thinking to interpret.

Luther closed his eyes and began to use his mind to perceive the information on the card. He felt that the pattern on the card was not a simple picture, but contained a profound magical power.

This power flows in the card, like a thin stream, converging into a powerful force.

He tried to understand the flow of these forces and feel the connection between them. As his perception gradually deepened, he found that there seemed to be some kind of law between these forces.

He began to try to use his mind to guide these forces, so that they flow and change according to his wishes.

This process is not easy. Luther needs to constantly adjust his thinking and strength to find the best way to guide.

After a long period of trial and effort, Luther finally had a preliminary understanding of the part of Lucifer's power contained in the card. Although these powers are powerful, they also need to be mastered and used by himself.

He felt as if he had opened a new door and saw a wider world.

However, he also knew that he still had a long way to go.

These powers were only part of Lucifer's power, and how to use them also required him to continue learning and exploring.

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