Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 72 Exploiting plot loopholes

"Don't worry, it seems to be over."

Luther said to Qilin.

"Is it over?"

Qilin quickly took out her cell phone and called her parents.

Dad's phone was busy, but Mom's phone was connected.

"Qilin, are you okay!!!"

Mom said very excitedly, even without the speaker, Luther heard her voice.

"I'm fine, I'm with Luther, at... Luther's house."

Qilin said quickly.

"It's good that you're okay, don't run around, your dad has gone out and hasn't come back yet."

Mom relaxed and was with Luther, which meant that everything was fine.

"I didn't know what happened before, I couldn't contact you, and there was no signal when I called, but suddenly it was restored."

Qilin only then knew why her phone didn't have a caller ID for missed calls.

So there was no signal before?

"It's a mess outside now, don't go home, stay with Luther!"

Mom warned.

After all, it's a police family, she still knows what to do now.

The large-scale invasion of the Celestial Empire by the Taotie civilization has made the entire Blue Planet boil.

The Celestial Empire suffered heavy losses, and various forces have expressed their condolences and are very interested in the technology left by the aliens.

Not to mention the Denor civilization and the Super God Academy, the Xiongbinglian was dispatched once, and then was directly beaten.

After all, they are all rookies, even worse than the original plot, because there is no time for them to train, Ge Xiaolun did not even have the chance to be bombarded by tanks before going to the battlefield.

Even if Dukao thinks it is not the right time, it is very likely to waste their super gene warriors, but in that case, the Celestial Empire is going to be gone, how can it not go?

Then it ended inexplicably, the Taotie civilization retreated, but the Celestial Empire, which had seen the invasion of aliens, did not relax its vigilance, but accelerated the construction of underground fortifications, especially the air-raid shelters built decades ago, which are now renovated and used.

"The facts have proved that our army has no power to resist when facing aliens."

The people of the Yan Dynasty are under great pressure, and the losses last night were very heavy.

The loss of more than 100 fighter planes means the loss of more than 100 excellent pilots.

However, even with such heavy casualties, they still rushed forward without hesitation, but unfortunately their heroic sacrifice did not bring much results.

Even if the rear ordered them to return after running out of ammunition and not to make unnecessary sacrifices, it was obviously impossible to return under such dense enemy air force interception, so they crashed and died after running out of ammunition.

The loss of ground forces was dozens of times that of the air force. They had to use firepower to cover their comrades and the retreat of the people, and attract enemy firepower. The casualties were too heavy.

In this case, Yan Dynasty could no longer wait for the Denor civilization and the Super Seminary to train the Xiongbing Company so slowly.

Hope lies in the super soldiers, but if the people are gone now, what is the use of hope?

Even the Super Seminary and Angel Yan’s negotiations did not know how to proceed.

Originally, they wanted to push Di Lena, the main god of the Lieyang civilization, to deal with the justice of the angel civilization.

It's just that in this situation, they don't say anything else, and Yan Dynasty said they want to consider it.

This shows that Yan Dynasty is shaken.

They don't want to lose sovereignty, nor do they want to accept the concept of God, but they have to consider the people and their own country.

Luther came to the Super Seminary at this time. Of course, he used invisibility magic to prevent himself from being observed.

It can't be observed with the naked eye, and the dark plane is blocked, and the dark energy is also hidden. This is real invisibility.

The purpose of his coming is to get the super gene of the Galaxy Force.

The data of the Galaxy Force super gene is backed up. In the original plot, Sumali snatched this super gene and injected it into his body.

However, after the gene is injected, he can't use the anti-void engine, and can only upgrade his body strength.

Luther is different. If he really gets it, it's only a matter of time to crack the Galaxy Force.

In addition, there is the super gene of the No Star War God. Luther thought that since the Galaxy Force has a backup, it doesn't make sense that the No Star War God doesn't have one. Maybe the Space-Time Rose has a backup.

Then he also packed the No Star Sharp Knife and the De Star Spear. These two super genes are not special. They are the transition from the original super gene to the super gene engine, and their strength is average.

Dilena looked in a direction with a feeling. After finding that there was nothing there, she used the dark energy detection to re-detect it, but still found nothing. Then she thought that she might be an illusion.

"It seems that someone is spying on this goddess!"

Luther looked at Dilena, wondering whether to extract part of her super gene.

Maybe he could crack the gene lock?

Even if he couldn't crack the important permissions set by the Heavenly Dao Tower, it would be enough to unlock the previous stellar energy drive technology.

"Morgana's Demon No. 1 can unlock it, so there is no reason why my super brain can't?"

Luther thought about it and decided to do it!

Of course, not now, Dilena will get hurt, and then he can collect it openly.

Now it will only alarm the Lieyang civilization, although Luther is not afraid and doesn't care about the situation on Blue Star.

However, Qilin's problem asked Luther to try to avoid affecting Yan Chao and Blue Star.

Sneaking into the Super Seminary, Luther invaded the database.

After successfully finding the data on Deno-3, Luther's biomass computer began to invade.

Deno 3 was originally a satellite system that even Demon 1 could not crack. Later, the settings were changed and it became a supercomputer that Demon 1 and Morgana could enter and exit at will.

What Luther sees now is the supercomputer. His invasion did not cause any reaction from Deno-3. In the blink of an eye, Luther took over Deno-3.

"Important data has been encrypted. That's right. If it were so easy to get the Galaxy Power and the God of War, Morgana has already succeeded... But Sumali can find out where the backup of Galaxy Power's super genes is. It makes no sense and I can’t find it…”

Luther knew that the Super Theological Seminary had many logical loopholes and pitfalls that could not be filled. When these became reality, they became flaws that he could exploit.

Therefore, Luther actually decrypted some important data and obtained the location of the super gene backup.

This is the Black Great Wall project and base in the original plot, and is also the location of the dark alloy spaceship, Mangdangshan.

"Are you actually at the Black Great Wall at this time?"

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