Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 752 Devouring Grimmjow

Grimmjow's figure seemed particularly lonely.

The black stripes on his body were like living snakes, wriggling on his skin, and every wriggling was accompanied by severe pain, as if countless small insects were gnawing at his skin.

This pain penetrated deep into his bones, making him almost unbearable.

Constantly devouring his strength, his flesh and blood.

He felt that he was being gradually consumed, and his vitality was constantly draining away.

Grimmjow gritted his teeth, he knew he couldn't just give up.

He stretched out his trembling hand and tore off a large piece of flesh and blood with force.

The piece of flesh and blood was instantly covered by black pollution, and finally turned completely black, turning into a group of black gas like smoke and fog, rising up, and finally merging into the body of the black void in the distance.


The black void seemed to be extremely satisfied with such devouring, and it let out a deafening roar.

The sound echoed on the battlefield, making people shudder.

Grimmjow's face was pale, he had no more flesh and blood to tear. His body was covered with wounds, each of which was deep enough to see the bone, and blood was pouring out.

"If this goes on, I will be exhausted to death by it."

Grimmjow felt a sense of despair.

He knew that he did not have the super-fast regeneration ability like Ulquiorra. In order to gain more power, the Hollow gave up a large part of the super-fast regeneration ability when he became an Arrancar. In the back of the comics, when Ichigo and Ulquiorra were fighting, Ulquiorra said.

So once injured, it takes a long time to recover.

And now, he doesn't even have a chance to recover.

Bylergan stood aside, observing the battle. There was a playful smile on his face, and he didn't seem to sympathize with Grimmjow's predicament. He touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

"Fighting it means being eaten all the time?"

Bylergan whispered to himself, his voice full of fear of the black hollow's ability. He understood that the black hollow's devouring ability was not a simple physical attack, but a destruction starting from the spirit level. This ability is fatal to any creature.

Harribel and Stark stood on both sides of Bylergan, their brows furrowed, obviously also feeling the pressure brought by the Black Hollow.

"The ability of this Black Hollow is indeed very dangerous."

Harribel said in a deep voice, her voice full of worry.

Stark also nodded in agreement. They all knew that facing such an enemy, any underestimation of the enemy could lead to failure.

However, Bylergan did not show the slightest worry.

He shook his head gently, as if he was dismissive of Harribel and Stark's concerns.

He thought to himself: "The ability of this Black Hollow is indeed very dangerous, but I am not afraid of it. My decay ability can restrain its devouring ability."

However, he did not intend to stand up and fight the Black Hollow immediately. He had a bigger goal - he wanted to become a god of destruction, wanted to become stronger, and become an existence beyond the god of death and the Hollow!

Grimmjow's battle continued. He faced the powerful enemy Black Hollow and continued to attack. However, every attack would be contaminated by the opponent's ability and then devoured.

His injuries were getting worse and worse, and his physical strength was constantly being consumed. He knew he couldn't hold on for much longer.

Grimmjow's body was covered with scars, and almost every inch of his skin was cut. The wounds were so deep that the bones could be seen, as if they were going to tear his body apart completely.

His blood had been drained, and every breath was accompanied by severe pain. However, he did not give up, and he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

He knew that he couldn't just lose to the Black Void. He had to find the opponent's weakness in order to have a chance to defeat it. However, the Black Void seemed to have no weaknesses, and no matter how he attacked, he could not cause substantial damage to it.

A gleam of determination flashed in Grimmjow's eyes.

He decided to take a risk, and Grimmjow rushed forward, his figure drawing a sharp arc.

He did not hesitate to put his right hand into the Black Void's body, ready to use his own strength to make the final destruction.

However, his attack did not cause any damage to the Black Void as he wished.

On the contrary, his right hand seemed to be firmly sucked by an invisible force, and then swallowed by the Black Void bit by bit. Grimmjow could clearly feel the pain of being swallowed.

Luther enjoyed watching this scene.

He watched the battle between Grimmjow and the Black Hollow with great appreciation.

The devouring ability of the Black Hollow is indeed amazing, but the Hollow itself started with devouring.

It can be said that all Hollows are good at devouring, but 99% of Hollows have very weak devouring abilities. The Black Hollow is just amplified and stronger in this aspect.

Although its devouring ability can start from the level of spirit particles, it seems hard to defend against, but there is no shortage of microscopic attack methods that can act on the level of spirit particles in the world of death.

Grimmjow lost his right hand, his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced, and his body was shaky.

However, he did not beg for mercy, he silently accepted his fate.

He had tried his best, although he failed, but he had no regrets.

Grimmjow was finally completely devoured by the Black Hollow.

His body and soul became part of the Black Hollow and disappeared forever in the darkness.

The mask on the face of the Black Hollow that devoured Grimmjow began to crack.

These cracks streaked across its face like lightning, making it look even more hideous and terrifying.

"Oh, is it going to break its body soon?"

Luther looked at the cracks on the black hollow's face and looked forward to it.

"After all, after eating an Arrancar, it's time to break its body by itself."

Arrancar refers to the nickname of a Hollow that has comprehended the power of the god of death, also known as a "hollow transformed into a god of death".

Usually, only Hollows of the level of Great Hollow Gillian or above can evolve into Arrancar.

The characteristic of an Arrancar is that the mask of the Hollow is broken, revealing a human face, and carrying weapons shaped like Zanpakuto, which are sealed by the "spiritual core" of the power of the Arrancar.

The Arrancar still has a brutal nature and devours souls. They have skin as hard as steel, which is a steel skin that is difficult for Zanpakuto to penetrate.

After being released, the attack and defense capabilities of the Arrancar will be significantly improved, and the appearance will also change greatly.

However, it seems that Grimmjow cannot meet the needs of the black hollow. Five or six cracks appeared on the black hollow's mask, and then there was no movement.

"Who's next?"

Luther looked down at the Arrancars.

No one stood up. After seeing what happened to Grimmjow, the Arrancars were not stupid and would not go and die.

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