Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 754: Fight to the death, endless!

Bailegang is really not afraid of Heixu, and thinks that Heixu's devouring ability is no big deal.

The atmosphere between the two gradually became tense, as if a storm was coming.

However, at this moment, Luther's voice flowed through the palace like a clear spring, breaking the tense atmosphere that was about to erupt.

"Now that Heixu has broken through, you should start training with the power of the God of Destruction."

Luther said calmly.

After hearing Luther's words, Bailegang lowered his head slightly, a trace of pride flashed in his eyes.

In his opinion, Luther stopped him from fighting Heixu because he was worried that Heixu would be easily solved by him.

This confidence comes from his absolute trust in his own power, and also from his awe of Luther, the God-King.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Heixu said respectfully.

Its fanaticism is directed only at those who dare to challenge it.

But in front of Luther, it was respectful, just like Ulquiorra's loyalty to Aizen Soyousuke.

This loyalty was born not of fear but of a deep awe of Luther's power.

Luther looked at Heixu, his eyes revealing an indescribable interest.

He saw through Heixu's mind and knew that although it looked calm on the outside, it was as wild as a beast on the inside.

This fanaticism does not stem from a desire to kill, but from a desire for power and an obsession with fighting.

Heixu is warlike, but the reason Heixu is warlike is to eat his opponent.

It can still be swallowed to become stronger.

Heixu could feel the hunger from the bottom of his heart, which was the desire for power and the pursuit of becoming stronger.

Therefore, it will not refuse any battle, because every battle is an opportunity for it to become stronger.

Devouring is the most direct way for it to become stronger.

Just like Balegang's decaying ability will become stronger after returning to the edge, now Heixu's devouring ability will also become stronger after returning to the edge.

The power training of the God of Destruction is actually to integrate the soul blade into oneself, and the final stage of returning the blade is like this.

The Soul Blade, to the God of Destruction, is like the key Luther gave them to open their souls.

Only by possessing this key can they truly understand their own power and maximize this power.

Stark also got a soul blade.

However, unlike the others, Stark wasn't very interested in new powers. He is already strong enough, so strong that he even wants to become weak.

What he pursues is the balance of power, not endless growth.

For others, however, new powers are always attractive.

Especially this kind of power is obviously more powerful than their original strength, which makes them excited.

They began to practice the practice of destroying God according to Luther's instructions. They know that only through such practice can they truly become gods of destruction and have the power to change the world.

"You have the ability to command Daxu. In this case, the job of capturing Xu will be left to you."

Luther said to them.


The Arrancars had no objection and started training to become the God of Destruction.

They now know that Zaraki Kenpachi has not yet completed his training as the God of Destruction. Of course, he has successfully drawn his sword later, so he is now the God of Destruction.

You have the power to defeat them without becoming the God of Destruction, let alone after becoming the God of Destruction?

But another thing happened at this time, that is, Unohana Retsu applied for a duel with Zaraki Kenpachi.

It's not a sparring match, it's a duel.

This word sounds very bad, but it also seems normal. After all, it is Uzuki Retsu's pursuit and wish for so many years.

The duel between the two Gods of Destruction would definitely be a big scene, and Unohana Retsu would of course want to say hello.

If Luther didn't agree...the two of them would probably run to Hueco Mundo through the Divine Gate to fight.

Luther agreed.

Unohana Retsu and Zaraki Kenpachi are destined to have a battle, but the original plot feels like it was a waste of Unohana Retsu's fighting power.

Now, Luther would certainly not let them suffer any casualties.

The battle between Unohana Retsu and Zaraki Kenpachi was of great significance, so he created a special space called "Muma" as their battlefield.

The interior of "Wu Jian" is like a pure dream. The ground is a piece of pure white snow, reflecting the faint light like the Milky Way.

And all around was deep darkness, like a huge black hole, swallowing everything.

There is no wind here, no noise, no smell. There are only two people, Unohana Retsu and Zaraki Kenpachi. They seem to be the center of the world, and each other's existence has become the only focus in each other's eyes.

Unohana Retsu, the beautiful and powerful female captain, has a determined light in her eyes. She was wearing a gorgeous team uniform, and her long hair was fluttering in the wind, like black flames dancing.

The long knife in her hand shone with cold light, as if it could split space.

She took a step forward, and the spiritual pressure beyond the captain level exploded, shaking the entire "Wu Jian".


There was a clear sound of metal collision, and Unohana Retsu's long sword and Zaraki Kenpachi's long sword met in the air. The two forces collided at this moment, causing a small explosion.

The shock wave generated by the explosion shook the surrounding darkness slightly, as if even the space was distorted.

Unohana Retsu moved and disappeared like a ghost.

Her long sword drew a perfect arc in the air, with a sharp blade light going straight to the vitals of Zaraki Kenpachi.

Zaraki Kenpachi was not afraid at all. He grinned, swung his long sword, and collided with Unohana Retsu's long sword again.


Another metal collision sound rang out, and the two long swords intersected again. This time the collision was more intense than the last time, and the shock wave was more powerful. Unohana Retsu and Zaraki Kenpachi were both shocked by this force and took a few steps back.

However, they did not stop because of this.

On the contrary, their eyes were more full of fighting spirit.

Unohana Retsu launched an attack again, her long sword dancing in the air with elegant trajectories, and each attack was as fierce as a storm.

Not to be outdone, Kenpachi Zaraki brandished his long sword and engaged in a fierce battle with Unohana Retsu.

Both of their attacks and defenses were exquisite and dazzling.

Each of their collisions could trigger a small explosion, shaking the entire "Infernal World".

The energy waves generated by these explosions continued to spread, as if they were about to tear the entire space apart.

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