Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 779 Aizen: Tired

In this battlefield shrouded by mysterious power, the originally calm air seemed to be torn apart by an invisible force.

These powers, originally belonging to the spiritual pressure in countless warriors, under the control of Aizen Sosuke, have undergone a subversive change.

He recoded these spiritual pressures and integrated them into his own will and strength.

Under Aizen's control, these spiritual pressures are no longer just a help in battle, but have become a new and special power.

They seem to be endowed with life, have self-awareness, are closely connected with Aizen's will, and become his right-hand man.

This power is different from the powerful power of the Quincy and the destructive power of the God of Destruction. It is unique and belongs exclusively to Aizen Sosuke.

This power can already be called "the power of mirror flowers and water moons".

This name implies its illusion and beauty, and also implies its deceptiveness and threat.

It is like a mirror, reflecting the fear and desire deep in people's hearts; it is also like a bright moon, illuminating every corner in the dark.

However, under this beautiful and charming appearance, there is a deadly threat.

When this power comes with the sword light and pressure, it seems to be in a whole new world.

It is a sense of vastness that goes straight into the depths of the soul, which is irresistible.

Esdeath was the first to bear the brunt.

She looked at everything in front of her, her heart was full of shock and confusion.

What caught her eye was the endless void, as if the entire universe was displayed in front of her.

In the deep night sky, the stars were dotted and flickering with mysterious light.

And in front of her was a huge and boundless full moon, emitting a soft and charming light.

This scene was so real that she almost forgot that she was on the battlefield.

However, Esdeath knew that this was the power of mirror flower and water moon of Aizen Sosuke.

She clearly felt that her five senses were being controlled by this power, as if she was in a fantasy.

She tried to tell whether it was true or false, but the power was like an invisible hand, tightly grasping her heart.

Although Esdeath's power far exceeded that of Aizen Sosuke, she had to admit that this power was powerful and mysterious.

She had seen countless powerful enemies and skills, but she had never felt it so real and strong. This power seemed to penetrate deep into her soul, making her unable to resist.

Unfortunately, Esdeath's power surpassed Aizen Sosuke by too much.

The soul blade in her hand flashed coldly in the moonlight.

She placed the knife horizontally in front of her, and her palm slowly brushed across the blade.

The cold and hard touch made her feel at ease.

She took a deep breath, and then concentrated all her strength on the blade.

There was no powerful momentum of the collapse of the mountains and cracks of the earth, nor was there a magnificent pressure.

Esdeath just calmly swung the knife in her hand.

At that moment, the whole world seemed to be still.

That knife did not have a powerful momentum of the collapse of the mountains and cracks of the earth, nor a magnificent pressure.

It looked ordinary, but it contained endless power.

When the sword light and the sword pressure intertwined, the entire battlefield seemed to be torn apart.

And the light that came out of the crack was the moment when the power of the mirror flower and the moon, which coexisted with truth and falsehood, was torn apart.

As the sword light fell, the full moon seemed to be torn apart, revealing a huge crack.

Then, the entire illusion began to collapse and disintegrate.

Esdeath finally tore apart the power of the mirror flower and the moon, which coexisted with truth and falsehood, revealing the stunned expression of Aizen Sosuke.

Aizen Sosuke looked at Esdeath with shock and confusion in his eyes.

He didn't expect Esdeath to be able to crack his power of the mirror flower and the moon so easily.

This is not the mirror flower and the moon before, but the power of his soul essence and then the evolution again.

It is no exaggeration to say that Aizen Sosuke has walked ahead of all the death gods, and he is now the pinnacle of all the death gods.

Only when Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni reaches this level can it be called "Ryujin Jakka" or "Zanka Tachi Power".

However, it was easily broken by Esdeath now.

"God of Destruction, is it so powerful?"

Aizen Sosuke could feel that Esdeath's destructive power had no will of its own, but she could still defeat him.

This made Aizen Sosuke know that Esdeath was a simple numerical monster, and there was an unimaginable gap between him and her, otherwise it would not be so easy for Esdeath to break the power of mirror flower and water moon with one sword.

Even if the evolved power of mirror flower and water moon is still not suitable for output, it is undoubtedly stronger and more natural to play with others.

Even so, it was still broken by Esdeath.

"Can it continue to evolve?"

Esdeath pointed the tip of the knife at Aizen Sosuke and asked.

Aizen Sosuke did not answer.

Esdeath understood, and then slashed with a knife.

Aizen Sosuke's body was split into two, and the Hogyoku also shattered at this moment and dissipated into nothingness.

However, because Aizen Sosuke has evolved into an existence that surpasses the God of Death and Hollow, he is not so easy to kill.

"What are you going to do with me?"

Aizen Sosuke's body fell to the ground, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and then he asked.

"Why should I deal with you?"

Esdeath put away the Soul Blade and said.

Aizen Sosuke was silent. It seemed that Esdeath had no reason to deal with him. The reason they kept chasing him was just because they attacked them in Soul Society.

Aizen Sosuke did not regret his attack on them at that time. Under the premise of unclear situation, Aizen Sosuke would definitely collect information.

He did not regret the encounters later.


Bylergan and the others ran over. After seeing Aizen lying on the ground, Black Hollow drooled.

What a powerful and special spiritual pressure. Although he could no longer feel Aizen's spiritual pressure, Black Hollow knew that if he ate Aizen, it would probably reach a level beyond imagination.

Bylergan was pure hatred.

Zaraki Kenpachi limped over.

"Can you take him back?"

Zaraki Kenpachi said.

The others looked at Zaraki Kenpachi with a confused look on their faces.

"He is very strong. If he becomes the God of Destruction, he will definitely be stronger."

Kenpachi Zaraki said very simply.

"Whatever you want."

Esdeath didn't care if Aizen Sosuke would betray her after becoming the God of Destruction. The power of the God of Destruction was just that to her, not to mention Luther.

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