Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 791 Seize

A trace of surprise flashed across the captain's eyes. He did not expect that the other party could take his attack so easily.

However, he quickly regained his composure, with an unyielding flame burning in his eyes.

He raised his arms, and the Flowing Blade in his hand drew a graceful arc in the air, changing from slashing to sweeping, and the blade swept straight across.

The flames rubbed against the air, making a piercing whistle, and with more fierce flames and more fierce momentum, he approached Youhabach.

However, Youhabach still did not show any fear.

He raised his two-handed sword with one hand, and the power of the Static Blood Suit made him ignore the fierce flames on the captain's blade and steadily blocked the captain's heavy blow.

The sword body collided with the Flowing Blade, making a deafening metal collision sound and sparks flying.

Youhabach's two-handed sword easily blocked the captain's two-handed sword attack, and a disdainful smile appeared on his face.

The sword pressed down, and the power of Yhwach surged like a raging tide, instantly sweeping away the flaming flames.

Then, the two-handed sword in his hand slashed straight at the captain's chest.

This blow seemed to be understated, but it contained enough power to kill.

The captain only had time to utter a muffled groan before he was knocked back two steps by the huge impact.

He lowered his head and saw a deep bone-breaking scar on his chest, and blood gushed out like a stream, staining his clothes red.

"An attack without any power, this is not the level you should have."

Yhwach's face was full of smiles, and his voice was full of ridicule and contempt.

He slowly approached the captain, staring at him closely, as if to see through his heart.

"Or did the fake body before make you mistakenly think that I was just this level?"

Yhwach's voice became colder and colder, and his words pierced the captain's heart like a needle.

The captain didn't speak, he raised his head silently.

He forced down the pain in his chest, took a deep breath, and gathered all the strength in his body.

"Do you really think so?"

The captain finally spoke, his voice was weak but firm and powerful.

He took a breath, looked at Youhabach, his eyes flashing with determination.

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, a cluster of flames exploded, and the boiling flames rushed straight into the sky.

In the blazing column of fire, Youhabach's embarrassed figure stumbled out.

His cloak was burned by the fire, leaving only charred fragments falling in the air.

The burning pain on his back made his face look extremely ugly, but he still gritted his teeth and insisted on not falling down.

"Trading injuries for injuries, damn it, when is it?"

Youhabach roared angrily, he didn't expect the captain to be so crazy to trade injuries for injuries.

He stared at the captain angrily, his eyes flashing with a fierce light.

"Hmph! A trivial trick, just a powerless attack in your mouth!"

The captain sneered, his eyes flashing with mockery.

Yhuhabach's eyes were burning with rage, and his face changed from gloomy to a twisted hideous look.

He stared at Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, as if he wanted to see through this opponent from a thousand years ago.

"Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, I thought you were just an outdated veteran, but I didn't expect you to have such strength. It seems that I underestimated you. But it's better this way. If your sword is really that dull, then there is no need for you to continue to live."

Yhuhabach was very unhappy. He was very averse to getting injured.

Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni remained calm, his eyes like torches, and he responded coldly: "You, You call yourself the founder of the Quincy, but you are just a loser. A thousand years ago, you were defeated by me. Now, what can you do?"

Youhabach sneered, and a trace of disdain flashed across his face.

He slowly put away the two-handed sword in his hand. The weapon that once frightened countless enemies turned into an exquisite badge in his palm, quietly attached to his chest.

As the badge was worn, Youhabach's body began to change subtly.

The spirit particles in the air seemed to be summoned by something, gathering from all directions, forming a huge vortex, surrounding him.

The vortex contained endless power, as if it wanted to swallow everything.

The Holy Extinction Arrow slowly descended from the vortex and turned into an extremely wide and heavy spirit sword.

The sword body was crystal clear, emitting a dazzling light, as if it could cut off all obstacles.

Yhwach stretched out his hand and firmly grasped the hilt of the greatsword.

He swung it gently, and the sword drew an elegant arc in the air, making a deafening sound of breaking through the air.

He raised his head, his eyes full of madness and confidence.

He looked at Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni coldly, with a cruel smile on his lips: "Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, I have changed my mind. Since you are unwilling to use Bankai, then you have no value in existence. I will personally destroy the Soul Society that you built with your own hands!"

Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni heard this and responded lightly: "If you can do it, you can try it."

Yhwach looked at Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni coldly, as if he was looking at an ant about to be crushed.

He said: "You may not know that as the ancestor of the Quincy, I can not only give power to my subordinates, but also give power to myself."

As Yhwach finished speaking, his aura suddenly became heavier.

This aura was as heavy as a mountain, and it seemed to distort the surrounding space.

Under the astonished gaze of the captain, Yhwach's aura rose several times out of thin air. His eyes became more and more sharp, as if he could see through people's hearts.

"Taking away your Bankai is not my desire for your power,"

Yhwach stepped forward, and with every step he took, his aura rose to a higher level.

"All I want is to have an object that will allow me to remember you, my former opponent, when I recall the past one day."

Hearing this, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni's eyes widened.

He couldn't believe that the founder of the Quincy, who he once regarded as a strong enemy, was so powerful. He felt an unprecedented sense of crisis in his heart, as if he could be swallowed by this power at any time.

As the founder of the Quincy, Yhwach, all the power of the Quincy comes from him.

But what is even more terrifying is that when he bestows his power, he will separate a part of his soul and attach it to those who inherit his power.

After these people die, all the knowledge, experience, and skills they have learned in their lives will return to him.

During the thousand years of being sealed, Yhwach constantly seized the power of the mixed-blood Quincy for his own use.

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