Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 793: Ninety-sixth Breaking Dao: Cremation with One Blade!

Chapter 793: The 96th of the Broken Path: Cremation with a Blade!

Waiting for the suffocating smoke to slowly dissipate, what appeared in sight was Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni lying on the ground.

His figure seemed so fragile in the dust, as if a gust of wind could blow him away.

This time, he really lost the strength to stand up again, and could only lie there powerlessly, his chest heaving, and breathing hard.

Holding the spirit sword, Youhabach walked towards Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni with steady steps.

His eyes were full of determination, as if he had foreseen the end of this battle.

"Goodbye, Genryusai."

Youhabach's voice was low and cold, as if announcing the end of an era.

He raised the long sword in his hand, the tip of the sword pointed directly at Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni's head, ready to give the once powerful man the final blow.

However, just when the tip of the sword was about to touch Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni's head, the old man who seemed to have no power to resist suddenly opened his eyes.

In those eyes, there was an unyielding flame, as if to devour the whole world.

"————Hadao Ninety-six: One Blade Cremation!!!"

Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni used all his strength to make this final cry.

His voice echoed in the empty battlefield, as if even the air was trembling.

Yhwach's pupils shrank, obviously not expecting Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni to be able to launch such a powerful attack.

He quickly retreated, trying to avoid the attack, but it was too late.


The sky seemed to be torn apart, and a fiery red flame blade soared into the sky.

The flaming sword, like a demon rising from hell, brought endless destruction and anger.

The terrifying temperature and power instantly enveloped the two people in the center, as if to burn everything about them to ashes.

The flame blade was like a giant dragon, tumbling and roaring in the air, releasing terrifying temperature and power.

The surrounding space seemed to be distorted by the high temperature, and the air made a sharp hissing sound, as if wailing for this terrifying attack.

Its range was even more shocking. With Yhwach as the center, everything within a radius of dozens of kilometers was swallowed by the flame blade.

Even Hasward in the distance was not prepared at all and was instantly engulfed by the terrifying flame.

One-blade cremation, this is Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni's unique skill and his last blow.

This ghost way is not only a super high-level broken way, but also a rare sacrificial broken way.

It requires the user to burn part of his body into charcoal as a sacrifice, releasing a blade-shaped high-temperature explosion, burning everything around.

At present, this broken way has been listed as a taboo technique because the power it releases is too terrifying.

Under the cover of this flame blade, everything around turned into nothingness.

Trees, grass, rocks, and even the air were burned out.

The entire space seemed to be cut open by a huge flame blade, revealing a terrifying hole.

The space around the hole was distorted, as if pulled by an invisible force.

The flames condensed into a huge blade, with the tip facing up, standing in the sky.

The blade emitted a blazing light, reflecting the surrounding sky into a fiery red color.

It seemed to burn the entire sky to ashes.

The fiery red color reflected everything around in the same color, making people feel an unspeakable fear and despair.

The entire space seemed to be painted with a thick layer of red by a huge paintbrush. It was the color of fire and the color of destruction.

People dozens of kilometers away could clearly see this huge flame blade, which was like a huge volcano, burning in the night sky.

Under the burning of this flame blade, all people and things turned into nothingness.

Those who were engulfed, their bodies disappeared instantly in the flames, leaving no trace.

And those objects touched by the flame blade also melted instantly under this high temperature and turned into pools of liquid.

In the center of the flame, Youhabach was struggling. He felt the heat and destruction brought by the flame blade, and he felt his vitality was rapidly draining away. He knew that he couldn't just sit there and wait for death, he had to find a way to resist the attack of the flame blade.

Between life and death, Youhabach didn't think much, he moved his mind and attracted countless spirits into his body. Countless straight and evil lines began to emerge on the surface of his body, that was his Static Blood Suit.

The Static Blood Suit is one of the strongest defenses of the Quincy, it can protect Youhabach from the burning of flames.

However, this is not enough.

The power of the flame blade is too strong. Although the Static Blood Suit can resist some attacks, it cannot completely resist it. Youhabach knew that he had to take more powerful defensive measures.

So, he continued to mobilize the power in his body, and the Static Blood Suit lines on the surface of his body began to light up, as if they were ignited.

The light became stronger and stronger, and finally spread out to form a hemispherical halo defense shield. The halo defense shield wrapped him firmly in place, forming a solid fortress.

This is the outer shell of the static blood suit!

It is an extended and enhanced version of the static blood suit, which can extend the defensive static blood suit outside the body to form a semicircular shield with patterns.

This shield can not only resist the enemy's attack, but also corrode everything that touches it, taking away their control for its own use.

However, even such a defensive measure seems so fragile when facing the cremation of Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni's sword.

The moment the flame blade came into contact with the outer shell of the blood-static suit, it seemed to have ignited a fuse, instantly triggering a violent reaction.

The flame was no longer a simple burning, but like a living thing, it frantically corroded every inch of the outer shell of the blood-static suit.

Its burning power was so strong that it seemed to be able to melt everything and peel off the defensive layer of the outer shell of the blood-static suit layer by layer.

As the flame burned, tiny cracks began to appear on the outer shell of the blood-static suit.

These cracks were not conspicuous at first, but as time went on, they became more and more numerous and larger, like a ferocious mouth that could open at any time and tear the outer shell of the blood-static suit into pieces.

Yhwach's pupils shrank suddenly. He never thought that this attack would be so terrible.

He thought that his outer shell, the Static Blood Suit, could withstand any attack, but at this moment, he witnessed with his own eyes the fragility of the Static Blood Suit under the flame blade.

However, at this moment, the flame suddenly disappeared.

It came and went quickly, as if it had never really appeared.

But the traces left behind were so shocking - most of Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni's body had turned into charcoal, leaving only a head and a pair of empty eyes.

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