
This whisper came out of several Stern Cross Knights almost at the same time, and their eyes instantly became sharp, as if they could penetrate layers of obstacles and look directly at the southern sky.

That was a subtle change that only the strong could perceive-the disappearance of spiritual pressure, and the disappearing spiritual pressure belonged to one of them, Bazby.

"Bazby's spiritual pressure disappeared?"

A member of the Stern Cross Knights, Es. Nott, whose holy letter was F, muttered to himself, with both disbelief and a hint of worry in his tone.

He knew that although there were many of these so-called "destroyers", not many of them could really threaten the members of the Stern Cross Knights.

Unless, there was a more powerful existence hidden among them, or Bazby encountered some unknown danger.

"Did Bazby get rid of that guy?"

He frowned, with a bit of disbelief in his tone.

Although he was in the battle, he did not feel too much pressure with his extraordinary combat power and keen intuition, so he had the spare time to pay attention to the safety of his companions.

Ace Nort sighed softly, with a hint of complexity in his eyes.

"That idiot is always so impulsive."

There was both blame and regret in his words.

Ace Nort slowly raised his hands and gently opened his ten fingers.

Then, those seemingly illusory light spots began to gather at his fingertips, gradually condensing into sharp and slender light arrows, each of which contained enough power to penetrate any material defense.

These light arrows were not simply energy condensation, they were more like messengers endowed with life, carrying Ace Nort's unique will, launching a fatal attack on the restless destruction gods around.

The destruction gods tried to stop those seemingly fragile but indestructible light arrows.

However, all efforts were in vain. The light arrows penetrated their defenses, like invisible sharp blades, directly piercing their most vulnerable place-heart.

The destruction gods hit by the light arrows first felt an indescribable chill, which did not come from the physical temperature of the outside world, but from the fear deep in their hearts.

This fear surged like a tide, instantly drowning their reason and courage.

They began to see illusions. The fear and anxiety that had been buried deep in their hearts were like a film that was magnified countless times at this moment, playing in front of their eyes.

Some Destroyers saw their helplessness when they failed, some recalled the despair of being crushed by stronger people, and some were deeply afraid of the unknown...

This is the ability of Esnot, creating and controlling cone-like light arrows from the surroundings, attacking the surrounding enemies, and no physical form of defense can stop the light arrows.

Living objects hit by light arrows will turn everything in their hearts into fear, and then they will be suspicious of everything around them, and even unable to concentrate on thinking.

Many Destroyers were hit by light arrows, screaming and going crazy because of excessive fear, unable to withstand the torment, causing their hearts to be burned out, and finally suffocated to death.

"Despicable guy, actually used poison..."

The remaining Destroyers cursed angrily and unwillingly, as if they had found the root cause of failure.

Ace Nott smiled playfully when he heard this.

"So that's it, you thought I used poison."

He shook his head slowly, with a bit of teasing in his tone.

"But you guessed wrong, feel it again, this may be something you have forgotten a long time ago - the most important feeling in life is called fear."

As his words fell, countless light arrows shot out, and the gods of destruction who tried to resist were hit, and those who wanted to dodge could not dodge.

After being hit, the gods of destruction only felt an invisible force surging from the bottom of their hearts. It was an indescribable sense of fear, as if countless pairs of eyes were peeping at them in the dark, and it was like millions of insects crawling slowly on their bodies, which made people shudder.

"I have nothing to fear!"

Some gods of destruction tried to calm down and tried to dispel this fear with words, but their voices were trembling, betraying his heart.

"Nothing to fear?"

Ace Nott chuckled, and the laughter echoed in the night sky, which seemed particularly harsh.

"True fear has no reason. It is not based on emotion, but on instinct. It is like the powerlessness and despair of wild animals in nature when facing natural enemies. No one can truly escape the bondage of instinct."

His words were like a sharp blade, piercing the depths of the hearts of the gods of destruction. They began to tremble and retreat. The original firm belief seemed so fragile in the face of fear.

As his ability was fully deployed, the situation on the battlefield was reversed in an instant.

Those gods of destruction who were still resisting stubbornly were now like dogs that had lost their homes, running away in all directions. The members of the Stern Cross Knights took the opportunity to launch a fierce offensive and completely eliminated this sudden threat.

At the moment when Es Nott's arrogant laughter sounded and he was about to further show off his power of fear, the air on the battlefield seemed to be torn by an invisible blade, and a dazzling knife light suddenly descended like a meteor that cut through the night sky.

This was not just a flash of light, but also the moment when the boundary between life and death was ruthlessly cut off.

Ace Nott's body was split into two in front of everyone's astonished gaze. Fragments of blood and fear intertwined together and scattered all over the land baptized by war.

In the midst of this chaos and shock, a woman in a kimono, with a gentle face but a tough look that should not be underestimated, slowly stepped into the battlefield. Every step she took seemed so calm, as if even the abyss of death and despair could not shake her in the slightest.

Unohana Retsu!

"Fear? What a great ability."

Unohana Retsu's voice was soft and peaceful, without any haste or tension caused by the battle.

For her, the concept of fear had long been diluted by the years, but Es Nott's ability unexpectedly touched a ripple deep in her heart, a long-lost emotional fluctuation.

So, with an almost compassionate attitude, she swung the knife that decided the outcome, cleanly and neatly, without any drag.

As the embodiment of fear, Es Nott's vitality is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Even though his body was split in two, he still struggled unwillingly, trying to use the power of the perfect holy body to be reborn.

However, fate did not seem to intend to give him a second chance.

Just when he was about to complete his transformation, a trace of determination flashed in Unohana Retsu's eyes. She slightly opened her eyes that seemed to be able to see into people's hearts, and a destructive force instantly surged into the soul blade in her hand.

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