Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 804 Girl Group

In addition to Esdeath, Kenpachi Zaraki was also unstoppable.

Then they met the female group of the Stern Cross Knights.

The five members of the Stern Cross Knights have their own characteristics. Their dress and temperament reveal a kind of arrogance and confidence that is different from ordinary people.

The tall woman with green hair in the lead is named Jadis Katnip. She has an upright posture and sharp eyes, as if she can see through people's hearts.

Every word she says reveals her desire for power and persistence in victory, and the confidence almost overflows from her body.

"Are they the ones who made that big noise just now? Are these two guys the captains?"

There was a hint of excitement in Jadis Katnip's voice, as if she had found some interesting toys. Her voice echoed in the empty battlefield, causing layers of echoes.

"Little Jiadi is really stupid. I have never heard of a captain among the God of Destruction. He must be a stronger guy among the God of Destruction."

On the other side, the fierce girl with long pink hair, Minina Macaron, has a "P" as the sacred letter, which symbolizes strength.

I didn't expect Millie to be so tall. She is 1.91 meters tall, which can be said to be a giant. And this outfit is really cute. The car is too big. It seems that 98 is very knowledgeable. As the real cute girl in the girl group, she is a real King Kong appearance + Loli heart.

"There is also a child. "

There was a hint of surprise in her words, as if she was surprised by the existence of Kusaka Yachiru.

At this moment, a girl wearing a JK short skirt and looking the most energetic, Bambietta Bastabaiyin, a member of the Invisible Empire Stern Cross Knights, a Quincy force, whose "holy letter" is "E", and whose symbolic ability is [Blast], turns everything that hits her spiritual pressure into a bomb to attack.

She uses a short saber with a forked blade and full of lethality as a weapon. She has outstanding strength equal to or even above the captain level.

She suddenly shouted excitedly: "Oh oh oh oh, I know who this guy is! Kenpachi Zaraki! Special combat power! "

Her voice was clear and pleasant, but it exploded in everyone's ears like thunder. Special combat power, this title is undoubtedly synonymous with the top powerhouse, enough to make anyone look sideways.

With the announcement of Bambietta Basta, the eyes of the other four people instantly focused on Kenpachi Zaraki, and there was both surprise and fear in their eyes.

"Special combat power? That should be very troublesome, I don't want to fight."

Someone said.

"Special combat power, it must be delicious."

Litoto Lampado said with saliva.

Litoto's holy word is "G", and her ability is gluttony. She is smart and calm, acting as a think tank in the female knight group and formulating strategies. She often eats while on the move.

But she needs to be careful not to consume too much physical strength and ability, because this will lead to extreme hunger, and may even attack or devour teammates.

However, Jiadi was unwilling to back down, she roared: "What are you talking about, His Majesty has said that all those you see must be solved! "

Her voice was full of determination and anger, as if she wanted to vent all her dissatisfaction and pressure in this battle.

"Hey, little Jiadi looks pretty disgusting when she's serious."

The girl next to her with cockroach antennas, Giselle Juel, complained indifferently.

Giselle has the holy word "P" and has zombie abilities. She has black waist-length hair, side-swept bangs, and two cockroach-like hairs on top of her head.

She is usually easy-going, often smiling, and likes to tease Jiadi Katnip, but she is merciless to any enemy and defeated or dead companions. In fact, she is a cross-dresser.

"Yeah, I don't mean to think so."

However, just as everyone was talking, Bambietta Bastabaiyin suddenly took action.

She flashed and rushed towards Kenpachi Zaraki and Yachiru Kusaka like an arrow from a bow, shouting: "The head of the special combat power is mine! "

Her movements were so fast that it was shocking. It was obvious that she had great enthusiasm and expectations for this battle.

Seeing this, Katis was not willing to lag behind. She roared and followed closely, as if she wanted to pour all her anger on Kenpachi Zaraki.

"Damn it, Bumbi, you actually ran away!"

There was a bit of unwillingness and anger in her voice, but it also strengthened her determination to fight.

As the conversation deepened, the atmosphere on the scene gradually became tense and subtle. Kenpachi Zaraki and Yachiru Kusaka faced the sudden Stern Cross Knights without showing any fear in their eyes, but instead an indescribable excitement and expectation.

Kenpachi Zaraki couldn't help but smile.

He slowly drew out his sword.

He whispered to Yachiru Kusaka beside him: "Yachiru, stand further away, let me enjoy this battle."

"Come on, Xiaojian! "

Although Kusaka Yachiru was a little worried, he nodded obediently, stepped aside, and watched everything that was about to unfold with her clear eyes.

Bombietta used the flying kick, and she approached quickly like a ghost. Every move left a blurry afterimage in the air, making it difficult to guess her true position.

She waved her hand, and then a series of explosions came one after another, deafening.

However, when the smoke gradually dissipated, Kenpachi Zaraki still stood steadily, his clothes fluttering in the wind, as if the violent explosion just now had never happened to him.

Bambietta's face changed slightly, and a trace of disbelief flashed in her eyes.

"Tsk, didn't you solve it?"

She quickly adjusted her mentality and prepared to use stronger power to deal with this seemingly invincible opponent.

"It seems that I have to spend a little effort to deal with it..."

Before she finished her words, her figure had already jumped up again, trying to make up for the lack of strength with speed and skills.

But Kenpachi Zaraki's speed and reaction far exceeded her imagination.

Almost at the moment when she had the idea, Kenpachi Zaraki appeared in front of her like a ghost, and the tip of the knife was accurately against her throat. The cold blade seemed to freeze everything.

"Where are you looking at?"

Kenpachi Zaraki's voice was low and powerful, and every word was like a hammer hitting Bambietta's heart. Her pupils shrank suddenly, and a chill rose from the soles of her feet and rushed straight to her forehead.

Blood slowly oozed from her neck and dripped onto the ground, making a subtle but crisp sound. Bambietta staggered back a few steps, her face full of disbelief and fear.

"A special head of combat power!"

Gatis rushed up with a shout, but Bambietta couldn't grab it!

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