Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 808: Harsh Education

"You've been fooled!"

Jadis gritted her teeth and smiled, and an unexpected figure quietly appeared behind Kenpachi Zaraki - the Bambietta whose legs were torn off by Kenpachi Zaraki!

Bambietta used her ability to fly to barely maintain her movements. Although her condition was worrying, her eyes shone with determination.

She knew that this was their last chance.

"Critical hit!"

As Bambietta let out a low roar, her wings vibrated suddenly, as if the air was torn apart, and countless small explosive spheres emerged from around her, like stones blown up by the strong wind, or like hailstones in a heavy rain, dense and dense. It poured towards Zaraki Kenpachi quickly and violently.

These spheres drew splendid trajectories in the air, and eventually turned into sparks of destruction, trying to drown Zaraki Kenpachi in the ocean of explosions.

However, Zaraki Kenpachi just laughed, and his laughter was full of enthusiasm for fighting and indifference to life and death.

He seemed to be in another world, and those explosions were nothing more than insignificant fireworks displays to him.

He stood there, without dodging or defending, and allowed those explosive spheres to explode around him, causing fire to scatter and smoke to fill the air, temporarily swallowing his figure.

When the aftermath of the explosion gradually dissipated, Zaraki Kenpachi's figure reappeared in everyone's sight. He was unscathed, and none of the divine armor on his body was broken.

He jumped suddenly and rushed towards Bambietta like a cheetah hunting prey. The speed was staggering.

The moment he approached Bambietta, he grabbed her body and then mercilessly smashed her body to the ground, making a dull and heavy sound.

"Boom!" This loud noise not only shook the earth, but also shook the hearts of everyone present.

Bambietta's body fell limply to the ground, losing all consciousness.

"I must kill you! Death penalty!"

Jadis's voice became hoarse with anger, and she seemed to transform into a violent beast, rushing towards Zaraki Kenpachi desperately.

Her hands had already grasped two strangely shaped knives at some point. The blades shone with lightning-like light. They were essentially knives formed by thunder and lightning, the most unruly lightning in the world.

Kenpachi Zaraki looked at Jadis who was rushing towards him, a hint of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

He didn't hate the enemy who charged bravely, because in his opinion, only such an opponent was worth killing.

"Although she is a woman, she is very good."

So, he stood there without making any defensive gesture, just quietly waiting for Jadis' attack. This was his reward for the brave.

When the two forces finally met in the air, at that moment, time seemed to freeze.

The light intertwined by thunder and lightning illuminated the entire battlefield like daylight.

In the deafening roar, the air was torn apart and the space seemed to be shaking.

Zaraki Kenpachi's sword, like the first ray of sunlight at dawn, penetrated Jadis' lightning barrier and went straight to her heart.

At this moment, Jadis's double swords exploded with unprecedented power, trying to completely destroy Zaraki Kenpachi's offensive.

However, at the subtle moment when the two forces were about to reach balance, Zaraki Kenpachi suddenly burst out with a more powerful force.

His sword force suddenly accelerated, like an undercurrent in the roaring sea, instantly breaking through Jadis's defense.

Although Jadis's double swords were extremely sharp, they seemed so fragile in front of Zaraki Kenpachi's sword light that seemed to be able to cut through all obstacles.

With a crisp sound of metal breaking, Jadis's swords were shattered to pieces, turning into little bits of lightning and dissipating in the air.

Jadis's body flew backwards due to the reaction force. She tried hard to stabilize her body, but her injuries were too severe and she finally fell heavily to the ground.

Blood overflowed from the corners of her mouth, staining her clothes and the surrounding land red.

She felt a sharp pain coming from all over her body, which was a sign that her body had been severely injured. Blood gushed out from her wounds, staining her clothes and the ground red, as well as her eyes.

Jadis lost consciousness.

Zaraki Kenpachi's gaze was like two sharp sword blades, piercing Giselle's heart. It was a sense of oppression that transcended words, and almost suffocated Giselle, who was already on the edge of despair.

Her legs were shaking involuntarily, and every breath was accompanied by violent ups and downs in her chest, as if even the air had become heavy and thin.

All around, the hustle and bustle of the battlefield seemed to have faded away at this moment, leaving only Zaraki Kenpachi's calm and powerful figure, and the fear and unwillingness surging deep in his heart.

Giselle knew very well that although her Quincy team was known as the elite of the Invisible Empire, it was actually so vulnerable in the face of beings like Kenpachi Zaraki.

Those tactics and skills that I was once proud of now seem so pale and feeble.


Giselle's voice trembled slightly, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from between her teeth. She tried to gain a chance of survival through this false show of weakness.

However, she had already planned the next step in her heart - to use her unique "zombie" ability to catch Zaraki Kenpachi off guard.

Behind this "surrender", there is an unknown conspiracy.

Giselle understands that she has no chance of winning in a head-to-head confrontation. Her only hope is to use her unique and strange ability - "zombie".

She secretly glanced at Kenpachi Zaraki, trying to find a suitable opportunity.

She had both fear of the unknown and desire for success in her heart.

She imagined that when her blood touched that arrogant body, Kenpachi Zaraki would no longer be the invincible warrior, but a puppet at her mercy.

This idea was like a ray of light that penetrated the darkness and gave her a faint hope.

But Giselle also knew that this process was full of unknowns and risks. Although her ability was strong, it also had its limitations.

For example, her blood would not work for the equally powerful Quincy;

While facing the god of death, although it was possible to control the other party without killing him, it would also consume a lot of blood and might not be completely successful.

What's more, Kenpachi Zaraki's strength was far beyond that of an ordinary god of death, and she didn't know if she had enough blood to control him.

"Oh? Surrender?"

Kenpachi Zaraki's voice was low and powerful, and every word hit Giselle's heart like a heavy hammer.

After saying that, Kenpachi Zaraki suddenly attacked, and in a flash he came in front of Giselle, his speed was astonishing.

Giselle was horrified and tried to activate her ability, but Kenpachi Zaraki seemed to have anticipated her move, and hit her abdomen with a heavy punch, knocking her out.

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