Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 813: Omniscience and Omnipotence

"Why not withdraw the troops for the time being and wait for the time to be more mature?"

Some people questioned at the last moment of their lives, their hearts were full of reluctance and doubts.

Yes, it was only one year away, only one year away from having complete power, why did they choose to abandon them?

"Your Majesty! Why are you so urgent? Why can't you give us a glimmer of hope?"

An old veteran who had followed Youhabach to fight all over the world asked desperately at the last moment of his life.

His voice echoed in the air, but no response was received.

"I am the king of the Quincy, how can I lose without fighting!"

Desperate shouts came one after another, but Youhabach seemed not to hear them, and his face still maintained that faint ruthlessness.

He knew what consequences his decision would bring, but he knew more clearly that as the king of the Quincy, he could not choose to escape or retreat.

In his heart, there was no retreat, only progress and victory.

He wanted to prove to everyone with his actions that no matter whether it was God or man, he could not stop his pace forward.

Then, the giant spirit particle aura converged and all returned to Yhwach's body, and then a torrential rain of spirit particles began to fall.

The dead God's Pardon Guards and the still fighting God's Pardon Guards gained new power and became stronger.

They knew that the most important thing now was to deal with those Destroyer Gods. Everything in the Invisible Empire had been destroyed, and 99% of the Quincy had died, leaving only four God's Pardon Guards still alive.

Next, they had to block all obstacles for His Majesty so that His Majesty could enter the Soul King Palace.

With the experience of their companions as a warning, even if they didn't think they would be used as food for "holiness", they became serious.

After feeling that Esdeath was not affected at all and continued to move towards the throne, the God's Pardon Guards became anxious.

Gerard was still fighting with Kenpachi Zaraki, but with the new power he had gained, he had suppressed Kenpachi Zaraki.

His body also entered the state of perfect holy body.

Kenpachi Zaraki had to draw his sword, but it was only a matter of time before he was taken down by Gerard.

The remaining three did not dare to neglect and quickly left their opponents behind and headed for the throne.

Esdeath was also stopped in front of the throne.

"Just you? Do you want to stop me?"

Her voice was low and magnetic, and every word hit the hearts of Yaskin and the other three like a heavy hammer.

Although they had entered the state of complete holy body and tried to fight with the strongest posture, they still seemed small and powerless in front of Esdeath's spiritual pressure that seemed to devour everything.

Yaskin's face became extremely complicated, with both shock at Esdeath's strength and helplessness about the upcoming battle.

He knew that it was almost impossible for the three of them to stop the God of Destruction. However, as a member of the God's Pardon Guard, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and face the challenge.

"What an exaggerated spiritual pressure, worthy of being the strongest God of Destruction."

Yaskin forced a bitter smile, and at the same time quickly formed seals with both hands, releasing several energy balls containing highly toxic substances, trying to use them as a barrier to resist Esdeath's attack.

The other two were not willing to lag behind, and they all displayed their own unique skills, preparing for the final resistance.

Seeing this, Esdeath smiled faintly, and that smile was both recognition of the opponent's efforts and disdain for the upcoming victory.

She slowly raised her right hand, and in her palm, the flash of the God of Destruction began to condense violently. The light was so strong that it seemed that even the space was trembling.

"Then, try to take this move and see if you can survive."

Her voice was calm and indifferent, but revealed unquestionable majesty.

As her words fell, the power that was condensed to the extreme burst out instantly, turning into a dazzling light, like lightning that cut through the sky, and went straight to Yaskin and others.


After a deafening roar, the entire space seemed to be torn apart.

Esdeath had no interest in the small fish, so she added Qi, which made the power of this attack even shocked Yhwach.

Wherever the light passed, everything was frozen and shattered, and even the passage of time seemed to be suspended.

The ruins of the palace were turned into powder under the impact of the light, and the place where the throne was located was completely destroyed, leaving only a desolate and cold area.

Although the three members of the God's Pardon Guard had tried their best, they still looked so small and powerless under Esdeath's devastating blow.

Their figures gradually blurred in the light, and finally turned into nothingness, leaving only unwilling roars echoing in the air.

Yhwach, the king of the Quincy with omniscience and omnipotence, had to choose to dodge this attack. He knew that even he could not take Esdeath's full-strength attack head-on.

He widened his eyes, and a hint of disbelief flashed in his eyes. He never thought that there would be someone in this world who was stronger than him.

"How is it possible!"

There was a tremor in his voice, which was the fear and awe of the unknown power. He watched his God's Pardon Guards fall again, and his heart was filled with anger and unwillingness.

However, he knew that now was not the time to be angry. He needed to calm down and think about how to deal with this unprecedented strong enemy.

Esdeath looked at the complicated expression of Yhwach, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She walked forward slowly, and every step she took was full of the aura of a king.

"It seems that your power is not that good."

There was a hint of provocation and disdain in her words.

"You have sacrificed so many of your subordinates, but you don't even have the courage to take my blow?"

Yhwach's face became even gloomier when he heard this.

He snorted coldly and slowly opened his eyes with multiple pupils.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to be under his control.

The power of omniscience and omnipotence was fully demonstrated at this moment. He could see the essence and future of all things in the world, even including Esdeath.

He saw countless futures, the demise of the God of Death and the God of Destruction, the collapse of the Soul King Palace, and the moment when he redefined the world.

However, among these futures, the most eye-catching one was the demise of Esdeath.

Although her power was extremely powerful, her fate had long been determined under the omniscience and omnipotence of Yhwach.

"Useless trash shouldn't be alive. Those who are alive have their own meaning."

He said indifferently.

"The meaning of their existence is to become my strength. This is the value of all Quincy. I just respect them."

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