Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 821: Sweep the world and rebuild it!

As a result, Yhwach immediately activated his ability to change the future, but Aizen Sosuke suddenly vomited blood at this moment and his face was as pale as paper.

Although his Mirror Flower, Water Moon is strong, it cannot resist Yhwach's tampering with the future.

It was an attack that transcended physics and rules and directly affected the essence of existence, making Aizen feel an unprecedented threat.

He has integrated Kyoka Suigetsu into himself. Yhwach cannot break Kyoka Suigetsu, but he can change the future and directly attack Aizen Soyousuke.

Seeing the real world and feelings again, Yhwach's eyes flashed. Esdeath had already walked in front of him.

He did not dare to neglect, and quickly used the power of the Spirit King to condense the Crusader Saber, and the black saber struck Esdeath.

Esdeath waved the weapon in his hand lightly in an almost joking manner.

There was no earth-shattering roar or dazzling light with that knife, but it was like a sharp blade cutting through time and space, easily splitting Yohabach's seemingly indestructible body into two.

This scene not only shocked everyone present, but also made Yohabach feel unprecedented fear for the first time. He quickly used the powerful recovery ability of the Spirit King to reshape his body, but the shock in his heart could not subside for a long time.

"Holy chant! Holy praise!"

Yhwach's voice echoed on the battlefield. He no longer held back and released the power in his body with all his strength. Layers of defenses emerged like a tide, trying to isolate Esdeath.

Under the influence of the Spirit King's power, these abilities have been strengthened and changed.

However, in the face of Esdeath's seemingly ordinary sword, which actually contained endless power, all defenses seemed so feeble.

Wherever the blade passed, everything was cut in two. No matter whether it was solid armor or a powerful spiritual pressure barrier, it could not stop it in the slightest.

Yhwach's body was split into two again, and then torn apart.

But Yhwach did not give up. He relied on the tenacious vitality of the Spirit King to be reborn and stand up again and again.

Every time he was reborn, he was accompanied by more crazy attacks and defenses, but every time, he was defeated by Esdeath's seemingly simple but actually infinitely powerful blade.

As time passed, Yhwach's power as the Soul King began to gradually run out. His movements became slower and the light in his eyes gradually dimmed.

He knew that he had reached the end of his rope. However, even in such a desperate situation, he still did not give up struggling and still tried to find that glimmer of hope.

But Esdeath didn't give him any chance.

She swung the knife lightly, and the final blow was like the death sentence, completely ending Yhwach's struggle.

However, Yhwach himself is not so easy to kill, and his will was later killed by Kurosaki Ichigo's son.

If he hadn't been killed, Yhwach could still make a comeback, but at that time it was probably Ichigo Kurosaki's son who could kill Yhwach instantly with a single brush.

Yhwach, this crazy ruler who once intended to subvert the order of the three realms, confuse life and death, and create a world without fear, seems so powerless at this moment.

His body was torn apart by Esdeath's final blow, and his lower body gradually turned into nothingness and dissipated into the air.

His eyes were full of unwillingness and anger, which was an accusation of unfair fate and regret that his grand plan could not be realized.

As Yhwach's body was shattered, an indescribable wave of energy spread out. It was the struggle of the Soul King's power unwilling to be restrained, and it was also a precursor to the imminent collapse of the order of the three realms.

"The road has been sealed, the road to a world without fear."

Yhwach's voice was weak and trembling, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, full of unwillingness and hatred.

All my efforts seemed so insignificant in front of that irresistible force.

"The present world, Hueco Mundo, and Soul Society are one in themselves and should be integrated into one. Life and death should be mixed and integrated into one, but now it is no longer possible..."

His voice gradually became lower and lower, and finally turned into a wisp of smoke, dissipating in the wind.

"What a shame! What a shame!"

Yhwach's anger and unwillingness turned into feeble sighs. He seemed to see the world in his dreams collapse before his eyes, and all his efforts were in vain.

However, reality is cruel, and his ambition and obsession can only lead to this ending.

Yhwach seems to be making his final accusation against himself and the world.

His words were full of dissatisfaction with the current situation and despair for the future. It was a cry that transcended personal grievances and deeply questioned the laws of the universe.

However, this cry was quickly swallowed up by the endless darkness, and Yhwach's fire of life was eventually extinguished.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the battlefield, breaking the original tranquility.

That was Ichibei, the military master, an old but extremely wise monk. His appearance seemed to herald a new turn of events. He walked quickly towards Yhwach's body, his eyes shining with hope.


"Youhabach has now gained the power of the Spiritual King. You can use him as a wedge to stabilize and rebuild the Three Realms!"

The voice of the military master Ichibei was firm and powerful. He seemed to see the hope of rebuilding the Three Realms and restoring order.

However, Esdeath shook her head, with a sneer on her lips.

"No, there will be no Three Realms in the future."

Her voice was cold and resolute, and the blade in her hand swung again, cutting the body of Yhwach into countless particles smaller than molecules.

These particles drifted gently with the wind and finally disappeared in the air, as if they had never existed.

Ichibei Hyoshubu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

He thought he could use the power of Yhwach to rebuild the Three Realms, but he didn't expect Esdeath to be so determined to destroy all these hopes. He was stunned in place, and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"It's over!"

Ichibei Hyoshubu felt a sense of despair in his heart.

However, he did not give up, and a thought quickly flashed through his mind-Ichigo Kurosaki.

The boy who has the status of a candidate for the Soul King and has also integrated the power of the Hollow may become a new hope.

Thinking of this, Ichibei Hyoshubu's eyes glowed again.

Just now he arranged for someone to secretly protect Ichigo Kurosaki to ensure his safety.

Ichigo Kurosaki's kindness and tenacity also make him believe that if he were to become the new Soul King, he would work hard for the peace and stability of the Three Realms.

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