Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 825 The Powerful Kryptonian

However, General Zod did not answer Frieza's question.

As the most outstanding warrior and commander of Krypton, he knew that words were often superfluous on the battlefield.

The glory and mission of a soldier were engraved in his genes, and his mindset was only about victory and obedience.

Therefore, he simply waved his hand and gave the order to attack.

As General Zod's low and majestic command resounded through the sky, the Kryptonian army seemed to be awakened by an ancient and powerful force. Every cell in their bodies was cheering and full of desire and expectation for the upcoming battle.

This is not just an army, they are elite warriors from Krypton, and each member has been bathed in the glory of Terra, the super active and young star, for decades. This endless energy not only nourishes their bodies, but also gives them power and potential beyond mortals.

On this battlefield illuminated by the light of the star, the Kryptonians showed a jaw-dropping combat power.

Although their average combat power is rated at more than 2000, this is just a starting point, because the real strength of Kryptonians is their comprehensive and powerful superpowers.

These abilities, like a tailor-made arsenal for them, allow every Kryptonian warrior to become an unstoppable god of war on the battlefield.

A hundred years is enough time for General Zod and his group of Kryptonians to conduct research and various training on their superpowers, and build Kryptonian warriors in all aspects!

The biological force field is one of the most basic and powerful abilities of Kryptonians.

It can not only provide Kryptonians with an indestructible defense against all physical and energy attacks, but also derive countless wonderful uses.

In battle, the biological force field is like an invisible shield, protecting Kryptonians from harm;

At the same time, it can also eliminate sonic booms and thermal barriers during movement, allowing Kryptonians to shuttle between battlefields at supersonic speeds or even faster, coming and going like ghosts, making it impossible for the enemy to catch their traces.

Super speed is another terrifying ability of Kryptonians.

With this ability, Kryptonians can easily break through the limit of the speed of sound and even reach more amazing speeds.

Their movement is no longer restricted by the laws of physics. Whether it is short-distance instant movement or long-distance high-speed sprint, it is as natural as breathing.

This speed allows Kryptonians to quickly occupy advantageous positions on the battlefield and give the enemy a fatal blow. It also allows them to quickly retreat when danger comes to ensure their own safety.

The new generation of Kryptonians have received dodgeball training since childhood. They try to avoid supersonic impact balls in a confined space as much as possible, and the number of balls will increase tenfold every time they are hit.

Super strength is the most intuitive manifestation of Kryptonian power. They have unimaginable physical strength and can easily lift 10,000 tons of boulders and even tear steel.

This power gives Kryptonians an absolute advantage in close combat. Any enemy who tries to confront them head-on will face the fate of being killed instantly.

What is even more frightening is that Kryptonians also know how to use this power and transform it into a more deadly means of attack, leaving the enemy struggling in despair.

The soldiers of Frieza's army didn't know how to use Qi to strengthen their bodies. Their combat uniforms and energy weapons were like toys and paper in front of the Kryptonians. They collapsed and disintegrated in an instant.

In addition, the Kryptonians also have a series of powerful abilities such as steel bodies, heat vision, and super breathing.

The steel body makes the Kryptonians almost invulnerable. Even the most powerful energy cannons can hardly leave a mark on them.

And the heat vision, the iconic attack method of the Kryptonians, makes the enemies terrified.

When the eyes of the Kryptonians flashed red, a high-temperature beam converted from the solar energy stored in the body would burst out, and its power was enough to cut metal, penetrate rocks, and even directly penetrate the enemy's body.

This power can not only adjust the power and range, but also instantly increase the value of the Kryptonians on the combat power detector, showing their true terrifying strength.

And super breathing allows them to control the surrounding air, forming a powerful storm or air wave, causing a devastating blow to the enemy.

Faced with such a powerful army, the Frieza army soon fell into a bitter battle.

Even the best among them, such as the fighters with a combat power of 3000, were so fragile in front of this force and were easily killed by the Kryptonians.

Although their combat power was only more than 2000, if they really fought, they might kill 5000 combat power.

Moreover, combat power detectors are useless against people who can hide their breath.

Kryptonians have biological force fields. If they don't want to, their energy will not be exposed. Otherwise, the energy filling the cells of the whole body may multiply this number several times.

"Something is wrong, these guys."

The two senior commanders Sabo and Dodoria frowned, knowing the difficulty and cruelty of this battle.

However, as the core members of Frieza's army, they must stand up and lead the army through the difficulties.

"Mr. Sabo, Mr. Dodoria, it's time to show our strength."

Frieza saw this and couldn't help but feel an unprecedented sense of crisis.

If you continue to allow these Kryptonians to wreak havoc, your own legion may fall apart overnight.

Judging from Frieza's Legion's recruitment, their requirements are very low and they rely on a large number of auxiliary personnel to find combatants. Dragon Ball Super also said that it is difficult to find someone with a combat power of 1,000.

There is also an old technician who has been in Frieza's Legion for many years.

There are rewards for finding warriors with relatively high combat effectiveness.

Therefore, even if these soldiers do not have 1,000 combat effectiveness, they are still a very important force.

Therefore, he decisively ordered the two generals Sabo and Dodoria to personally take action to stop the Kryptonian offensive.

"Yes Lord Frieza."

After receiving the order, Sabo and Dodoria immediately turned into two streams of light and rushed towards the core of the Kryptonian army - General Zod.

As long as Zod is defeated, the Kryptonian army will lose command and fall into chaos.

General Zod put his hands behind his back, watching Sabo and Dodoria attack him, and then he just stretched out a hand.

"Bang bang!"

The sound sounded almost simultaneously, and then Sabo and Dodoria flew out one on the left and the other on the right.

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