Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 831 Mathematics will not lie

The mottled light interweaves between the two people, forming a series of bizarre pictures.

These lights are not just the manifestation of energy. Sometimes they turn into gorgeous fireworks, illuminating the dark universe; sometimes they are like sharp blades, cutting the surrounding space and time.

The distortion and spread of the black cracks are the universe's silent warning to this battle.

They are like the huge mouth of the abyss, swallowing all the existences that dare to approach. Whether it is the brilliance of the stars or the thickness of the planets, they seem so small and powerless in front of the cracks.

These cracks test the strength of Frieza and Zod, pushing them to the edge of the limit.

Under this limit, the potential of the two was completely stimulated. Their power seemed to break free from the shackles and reached an unprecedented height, as if they could shake the foundation of the entire universe.

With a deafening roar, the black cracks finally couldn't bear the terrifying energy accumulated inside, and suddenly exploded, releasing a devastating energy wave.

This energy wave was like a violent torrent, sweeping across the battlefield at an unimaginable speed. Wherever it passed, all tangible things disappeared.

The light of the stars dimmed in front of the energy wave, and the solid shell of the planet was as fragile as paper, disintegrating into dust and fragments.

Space and time lost their original order in front of this force, becoming distorted and chaotic, as if even the basic laws of the universe were subverted.

However, the ravages of the energy wave did not last too long. As its power gradually dissipated, the scene on the battlefield became more complex and weird.

Tiny cracks spread rapidly like spider webs, covering the entire battlefield. They were not only cracks in the physical space, but also a symbol of the interweaving of chaos and order in the depths of the universe.

In this chaos and destruction, an invisible force was quietly repairing the damaged space. That was the universe's own repair mechanism at work, trying to restore the balance and order of the battlefield.

But every time a crack was about to be completely smoothed out, there would always be a new force to tear it apart again. This strange balance and confrontation seems to indicate that the battle is far from over, and the contest between the two sides will continue to escalate.

During the space war between Frieza and General Zod, on the ground, the once arrogant and domineering soldiers of the Frieza Legion were defeated one by one by the Kryptonians like fallen leaves in the autumn wind.

These Kryptonians, especially the old generation of warriors headed by Fiora, not only have extraordinary strength and speed, but also have unprecedented sublimation of their bodies and minds because they were bathed in the mysterious and powerful light of the Terra Star a hundred years ago.

Although their power is not as shocking as General Zod, it is enough to compete with many powerful people in the universe.

Strictly speaking, their strength is at the same level as General Zod. At most, General Zod has better genes, so his combat effectiveness is stronger than them, but it will not be too far away.

It's like everyone is an ordinary person. General Zod is a super heavyweight boxer, and they are between flyweight and heavyweight.

Scientific research-oriented Kryptonians play an indispensable role on the battlefield. They not only possess extraordinary wisdom, but also have endless curiosity and desire to explore the unknown world.

During the interval of this battle, they quickly turned their attention to the wreckage of Frieza's army - those spaceships and weapon systems that once represented the pinnacle of technology.

For these Kryptonians, these ruins contain endless knowledge and secrets, which are valuable resources for improving themselves and strengthening their race.

"The structure of Frieza's army is indeed puzzling."

Ivan, a scientific research-oriented Kryptonian, murmured to himself while carefully studying the spaceships of Frieza's army.

His eyes flashed with curiosity and desire for the unknown world.

These spaceships, as a symbol of the technological strength of Frieza's army, are so exquisitely designed and made of advanced materials that Ivan admires them.

He knows that these valuable data and samples will have a profound impact on the technological development of Krypton.

"It seems that although Frieza is personally powerful, he has neglected the overall improvement of soldiers in the construction of the army."

Ivan's analysis is incisive.

"He may think that as long as he is strong enough, he can support the glory of the entire legion. However, true power never exists in isolation."

"Such a legion structure is unreasonable in interstellar wars."

The scientific Kryptonians are interested in studying the ships of the Frieza Legion and receiving their data information.

"But this is also one of the reasons why Frieza can rule such a vast star field,"

another Kryptonian added.

"He controls his men through fear and power without relying on a strong army. However, in a battle like today, this advantage has become his weakness."

Just as the scientific research team was working intensively, Fiora's voice broke the silence at the scene.

"You continue to study here and stay alert in case there are still residual forces in the Frieza Legion. I must go to space to support the general, and the battle there is equally fierce."

With a roar, Fiora turned into a dazzling light, rushed into the sky, and instantly disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Frieza's power is so strong. If we just look at the energy value, the general is no match for him."

The Kryptonians have already understood the concept of combat power detectors, but the technical content inside is like scratching an itch for the Kryptonians.

When Kryptonian scientists tried to analyze its technical details, they found that its technical principles were very different from their technological system, as if they were the fruits of two completely different technological trees.

As they delved into the ships and data left behind by Frieza's Legion, Kryptonian scientists encountered unprecedented challenges.

They discovered that Frieza's Legion's technological system was completely different from theirs, as if they were two worlds developing in parallel.

Although the Kryptonians have excellent technological analysis capabilities, they have to admit their powerlessness when facing this completely unfamiliar technological tree.

"Their technology is like it's from another dimension,"

sighed a scientific Kryptonian.

"We can't understand some of the basic principles. It's like reading a book in an unknown language."

"Yes, they have completely different technological development paths from us..."

The scientific Kryptonian was amazed, his eyes shining with curiosity and desire for the unknown.

They know that mathematics is the most universal language in the universe, and the logic and laws behind it are eternal.

But the data in front of them told them that even on the cornerstone of mathematics, the technological systems of the two civilizations showed completely different styles.

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