Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 838 Confidence is power!

However, because he was bored, No. 18 still chose to attack.

As an artificial human, No. 18's fighting power is naturally needless to say.

Even if the full-strength attack of the lightning perfect body Cell only destroyed the entire solar system, it was already unimaginably powerful for people in the Marvel world.

Although No. 18 was not that strong, he was also a super strong man who could explode stars like drinking water and eating.

Dou Jian was also stunned when he saw No. 18 appear.

Although he did not discriminate against women, after all, the Shi'ar Empire was still ruled by the queen, but subconsciously he also felt that there were no strong women.

"What's wrong? Why don't you fight?"

No. 18 looked at Dou Jian and asked with a smile.

She had just witnessed Dou Jian's battle. This guy was really strong. It was said that he was the strongest man in the Shi'ar Empire, one of the three major empires in the universe. Such performance deserved his nickname.

But it was still a little weak for No. 18.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry."

The first punch was like lightning that broke through the night sky. Dou Jian did not use his full strength directly. He held back and wanted to test No. 18's strength.

However, even so, the power contained in the fist was enough to make the stars tremble. It almost approached No. 18's nose in an instant, with a terrifying momentum that could tear through space.

But No. 18 did not retreat, her reaction was extremely fast. At the moment when the fist was about to touch, she gently waved her palm, as if she just casually brushed away a fallen leaf.

However, it was this seemingly understated palm that cleverly removed Dou Jian's fist force that was enough to destroy mountains.

Her body did not move at all.

A faster punch came alternately, leaving no room for breathing.

In less than a blink of an eye, the fist shadow fell on No. 18's chest, but No. 18 seemed to skip a frame, and her arm blocked her chest in time.

The fist force poured in like a tidal wave, and a powerful energy exploded on No. 18's arm, causing her body to retreat violently.

Dou Jian was slightly shocked, he did not expect No. 18 to have such keen insight and exquisite control. But he was not discouraged, but became more excited. He knew that he had met a real opponent. So, he launched the second punch without hesitation.

This time, he did not hold back and went all out. His fist seemed to have turned into a black hole in the universe, swallowing all the light and sound around it. Its speed and power far exceeded the first punch. It came straight to No. 18's chest with destructive power.

However, No. 18 seemed to have seen through Dou Jian's intention.

She did not choose to dodge, but chose to confront head-on. There was a resolute light flashing in her eyes, and the energy of her whole body seemed to be ignited at this moment, surging into her arms, and then gathered on her right fist along her arms.


As the two fists collided, an indescribable energy storm broke out instantly, as if two stars collided directly in the universe, releasing dazzling light and blazing flames.

This brilliant beam of light not only illuminated the surrounding darkness, but also tore apart the surrounding meteorites one by one. They seemed so fragile in front of this destructive force, and they exploded one after another, turning into flying stardust, adding a bit of tragic and magnificent to this battle.

The universe seemed to tremble at this moment, and even those distant stars felt the shock of this power, and their light seemed to dim a little because of it.

Dou Jian's face changed drastically at this moment. He had never seen such a terrifying power. From No. 18's fist came a physical impact like a mountain and sea.

Driven by this force, Dou Jian was ruthlessly knocked away. His body was like a kite with a broken line, drawing a long arc in the universe, and finally smashed a huge meteorite with a diameter of 300 kilometers before barely stopping.

The fragments of the meteorite scattered in the universe, forming a spectacular meteorite rain, and Dou Jian used this impact force to quickly adjust his posture and prepare for the next round of counterattack.

However, No. 18 did not give him a chance to breathe. She wanted to pursue the victory, but Dou Jian's reaction was just as fast. His thermal vision shot out instantly like a lightsaber, and the speed was so fast that it was astonishing.

This thermal vision laser not only has an astonishingly high temperature, but also contains a strong penetrating power. Even the hardest material can hardly withstand its sharpness.

Faced with this sudden attack, No. 18 did not retreat.

She raised her hand without hesitation and prepared to send out a qigong wave to attack.

However, Dou Jian obviously had a more cunning plan.

At the moment when the thermal vision laser was about to touch No. 18's defense, he deliberately detonated the energy in the laser. In an instant, the entire universe was illuminated by this brilliant golden light, and a gorgeous fireworks show was staged in the dark universe.

The energy and air waves generated by the explosion surged like a tsunami, instantly engulfing No. 18.

In this brief chaos, Dou Jian had flashed behind No. 18 at an even more astonishing speed.

He took a deep breath, and the energy of his whole body gathered in his right fist like the water of a river. At this moment, the whole fist seemed to hold a miniature sun, and golden light pierced out from the cracks of his fist, like thousands of arrows, pointing directly at the vest of No. 18.

This is the power to break through the universe that Dou Jian extracted from his self-confidence!

The more confident you are, the stronger you will be!

This is Dou Jian's all-out punch, his desire for victory and his ultimate pursuit of power.

As the punch landed, the entire universe seemed to be silent, and then there was an even more violent explosion.

The golden light and the flames intertwined to form a beam of light that was brighter than before, rushing straight into the sky, tearing the surrounding space into pieces.

Under the impact of this force, No. 18's body was instantly submerged in the golden light. She seemed to have turned into a meteor, penetrating the entire meteorite belt at a speed exceeding the speed of light, leaving a long tail.

This "meteor" drew a gorgeous arc in the universe, and finally fell towards the distant planet with an unstoppable force.

When the "meteor" hit the surface of the planet, the entire planet trembled. The huge impact force caused a shocking explosion, and the smoke and dust rolled out, as if the end of the world had come.

A huge pit with a diameter of 100 miles was blown out on the surface of the planet, and the surrounding rocks and soil were thrown into the sky, forming a chaotic scene.

No. 18 flew up a little embarrassed.


No. 18 stretched his body. The battle suit he was wearing was made by Luther with his bare hands. It locked the "krypton gold" of the atom. It was based on the same principle as a water droplet, but it achieved the "absolute rigid body" in the sense of physics.

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