Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 846 Asgard royal family ethics drama, a grand series!

As the exciting background music on the horizon gradually became clearer, as if even the molecules in the air were jumping with it, a familiar yet somewhat playful voice penetrated through the layers of clouds through the broadcast of an unknown frequency band, hitting Sol directly. and HeLa’s eardrums.

Hela instinctively disliked this annoying music.

"Hey, Asgard is planning to have a party on Earth, why didn't you call me? It seems that I, Stark, came at the right time!"

Thor's originally resolute face couldn't help flashing a complicated expression after hearing this voice.

His eyes were sharp for an instant, as if he could look straight into the sky through the clouds, and then, Hela, the goddess of death, moved faster than her thoughts, flicked her wrist, and cut a sword of the night sky through the sky, pointing directly in the direction of the source of the sound, The tip of the sword flashed with a heart-stopping cold light.


Facing this sudden attack, Tony Stark not only did not panic at all, but instead exclaimed in an almost provocative manner.

His voice passed through the communication system built into the suit, clear and calm, as if he had everything under control.

Years of combat experience have taught him how to stay calm in crises, and every mistake makes him more cautious. Today, he is the embodiment of "Careless Stark".

Tony's body twisted flexibly in the air, adjusting the flight trajectory almost in an instant. The sword of the night sky whizzed past his shoulder, leaving only a faint black trail.

Seeing this, Hela raised an imperceptible smile on her lips, seemingly approving of Tony's reaction speed. However, she did not pursue the victory, but quietly waited for the next step.

"Thor, old friend, your uninvited way is really special."

There was a bit of ridicule in Stark's voice, and the MK99 suit on his body shone with the unique metallic luster under the afterglow of the setting sun.

This suit is the fruit of his and Dr. Bruce Banner's shared wisdom.

The addition of the Extremis virus makes this suit not only the pinnacle of technology, but also the perfect fusion of biotechnology and nanotechnology.

The desperate virus took on new life in Tony's hands.

Through his joint efforts with Dr. Banner, the Extremis virus was recoded, removing its original danger and turning into a powerful biological enhancer.

It can not only speed up Tony's physical recovery, improve his physical fitness and reaction speed, but also provide him with additional energy support at critical moments, allowing him to display combat capabilities beyond ordinary people.

The compounds developed by Luther further amplified this effect.

This compound complemented the Extremis virus and worked together on Tony's body, making his muscles, bones and even nervous system stronger than ever before.

On the surface of Stark's suit, nanomachines flow like living creatures, rapidly reorganizing according to his will to form various forms and weapons.

The most eye-catching thing is those terminal virus particles that are so tiny that they are almost invisible. They have been deeply integrated into Tony's nervous system and become a part of his body.

Every cell division in his body becomes tougher and more efficient under the catalysis of the Extremis Virus.

This kind of power allows him to no longer just rely on external armor, but to integrate the armor with himself, becoming a true 'Iron Man'.

This fusion not only enhanced Tony's physique, but also gave him unprecedented power and control.

Tony's voice came out through the loudspeaker built into the suit, with a bit of ridicule and ease, as if he didn't care about the tense situation at hand at all.

He gently adjusted his body posture to ensure that he was always in the best defensive state. At the same time, he was quickly calculating the next response strategy in his mind.

MK99 is also equipped with a variety of advanced weapon systems, including high-energy laser cannons, anti-gravity devices, and quantum disruptors that can disrupt the magic of gods.

The latter is purely aimed at the thunder and illusions performed by Thor and the evil god Loki.

He was surrounded by a weak electromagnetic field, which was caused by the slight fluctuation of the invisible magnetic field shield of the MK99 suit.

Stark slowly descended to the ground, and the magnetic levitation system closed almost silently under the control of his precise will, leaving only circles of electromagnetic ripples that gradually dissipated.

He gently patted the battle suit on his body. It was a nano-mechanical fabric that transcended the limitations of traditional materials. It could quickly adjust its shape, color and even function according to environmental changes, and it fit his body like a second layer of skin. It not only ensures flexibility of action, but also provides unprecedented protection.

Compared with the previous version, the molecular structure of the MK99 suit is lighter and tougher. It can greatly reduce the burden on the wearer while maintaining extremely high defense.

More importantly, it uses the energy provided by the Extremis virus to generate a technology called 'vector pulse force field'. This force field can not only move objects quickly, but also form a powerful defensive barrier in battle, and even Perform remote attacks.

"Stark, get out of here quickly, it's dangerous here!"

Thor shouted to Tony.

"That's impossible, this is Earth."

Tony refused.

"Under the laws of the castle I have the right to shoot you and this lady dead."

When Hela heard this, she immediately raised her eyebrows.

When he glanced at Tony, a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Midgardian, your courage is indeed admirable, but ignorance is also a kind of tragedy. How long do you think this iron skin can protect you?"

After hearing this, Tony's system in the armor quickly analyzed Hela's data. At the same time, he responded without giving in: "Ironhide? This is the crystallization of technology, the result of my countless failures and attempts. As for you, you are just a shadow in the ancient myth. Times have changed, and your power may not be unimpeded here."

Tony secretly calculated in his heart. He knew the gap between his strength and these gods, but as a scientist and warrior, he never gave up easily.

He quickly searched for all possible ways to fight Hela in his mind, and at the same time tried with words: "This familiar tone and situation, can't it be the worst situation I think? Thor, hasn't your Asgard royal ethics drama been played out yet? What's the situation this time, your sister? Your sister? Or your wife?"

Thor heard this, and a trace of complex emotions flashed across his face.

He knew that behind Tony's ridicule was the helplessness and irony of their family's complex relationship.

As the god of thunder, he had to protect Asgard and face the disputes within the family. This kind of pain and struggle was unbearable even for gods.

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