Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 849 The New World Devil May Cries!

The 84th Devil May Cries!

Thor's normal power is less than 1%, but when it comes to seriousness, his power instantly rises to more than 10%, enough to shake the stars. It ignores the ultra-high temperature of neutron stars that can melt everything, and can even wave with a wave of his hand. The battle ax with concentrated divine power splits apart asteroids blocking the way forward, displaying jaw-dropping destructive power.

Only when dealing with Saiyans, Thor will go all out, as for his sister.

Although it is very strong, it is just that.


Hela didn't surrender, she just looked at Thor with hatred and unwillingness.

Tony flew over. The big scene just now really scared him. Through Super Jarvis' calculation and analysis, Thor released a hundred times the energy of all the lightning energy in the earth from the beginning of its life to the present!

Such terrifying energy was completely concentrated in this small area by Thor, and it did not even go deep underground to destroy it. One can imagine the degree of control Thor has over his own power.

Otherwise, according to calculations, at least it is not impossible for the land beneath our feet to sink.

"Stark, the matter has been resolved and it's time for me to leave."

Thor said to Tony.

"Ah, um, oh."

Tony didn't know what to say for a moment. Thor had always been the force leader of their team. Although he didn't look as powerful as a fat green man or a Smurf soldier, he didn't expect Thor to be far more powerful now. them.

After Luther, Thor was the second guy who made Tony feel like he was drifting away and losing his book.

The gap is too big. Will the elephant care about the ant?

Luther had already looked here when Sol and Hela were fighting.

"Awesome, Thor."

Luther can see through Thor's current energy, he is truly a cosmic powerhouse, the kind that Thanos can't do without the infinite stones.

Thanos in this universe has also become more powerful. In the previous war, Luther almost taught Thanos step by step how to use the Infinity Stones, toying with Thanos to applause. After Thanos successfully escapes, he will definitely Delve into the power of the Infinity Stones.

Rather than being as rough as the original plot, with Thanos's wisdom, Luther feels that Thanos should now be able to catch up with version 3.0 of himself.

Of course, Luther is now version 10.0.

"It's time."

Luther came back for a while and planned to continue exploring the new world.

So he traveled through time again.

Luther stood by the abandoned pier. The sea breeze was slightly cool and salty, gently brushing his face, as if it was a unique welcome ceremony of the sea.

The blue ocean in front of us is vast and sparkling. The distant skyline and the sea interweave into a breathtaking picture, which makes people involuntarily awe.

The next moment, he was standing in front of a small town.

The streets of the town are so clean that they can almost reflect people's shadows. Every stone slab seems to have been carefully polished, exuding a faint historical luster.

The buildings on both sides are mostly designed with spires, and the colorful glass windows reflect the charming brilliance in the sunlight, revealing a strong religious atmosphere.

Luther strolled down the street. Wherever he looked, almost every resident was wearing a white hood. As a melodious and deep bell rang, the town instantly became quiet.

The residents stopped one after another, clasped their hands, closed their eyes and bowed their heads, and began their daily prayers. Luther also stopped, realizing that any interruption at this sacred moment would be disrespectful.

When the bells ended, the people of the town resumed action.

Luther walked through several narrow streets, and Luther came to the center of the town - a huge stone monument. This stone monument stands there as if it is the guardian of the island, standing firm despite the wind and rain.

While Luther was idle and bored, he had already read the information about everyone in the entire town.

"I didn't expect to come to this world."

Luther clicked his tongue.

This is an isolated island, Fuduna!

The name of the town is "Destiny Town", and the most peculiar thing is that most of the residents here are believers.

And unlike believers in the outside world, they do not believe in gods, but in devils!

Magic Swordsman Sparda!

This is the world of "Devil May Cry"!

Demon Swordsman Sparta, in the distant past, when Mondes, the emperor of the demon world, was ambitious and intended to cross the boundaries and conquer the human world, it was he who single-handedly stepped forward and used his unparalleled swordsmanship. With firm belief, he defended the peace of the human world.

Sparta's name has since become the embodiment of courage and justice. His deeds have been passed down orally among the people and have been given a mythical color.

In Fortuna, Sparta once left his footprints, and that time seemed to have given the island a golden glow.

His bravery and wisdom not only conquered the devil, but also deeply affected the residents of the island.

As a result, a group of people full of infinite respect and worship for Sparta gathered. They called themselves the "Demon Sword Order", with Sparta as their spiritual leader, and were committed to protecting this land from demons. At the same time, they also passed annual The "Magic Sword Festival" commemorates Sparta's "great sacrifice" and passes on his spirit forever.

The Order of the Demon Sword, this seemingly contradictory but powerful organization, their belief is not the worship of gods in the traditional sense, but the infinite respect for the demon hero of Sparta.

They believe that by imitating the Spartan fighting style, they can purify themselves, gain strength, and then protect this land.

Therefore, the members of the cult not only practice swordsmanship every day, but also go out on patrol regularly to find and expel the demons who try to invade the island.

However, this belief is also accompanied by a certain degree of extreme color.

For the Demon Sword Cult, any existence that threatens their beliefs or the safety of the island is a "heresy" that must be eliminated.

This almost paranoid piety makes them often take the most direct and violent means when facing demons.

Therefore, on the island of Fortuna, the Demon Sword Cult is the ruler who controls violence and criminal law.

However, Luther is not interested in understanding these, he just laments that he has just come to the world of Devil May Cry.

It seems that Devil May Cry 4 has just started?

Or is Nero still a little kid now?

Luther took a look, well, Nero is now a rebellious teenager, not a little kid.

This version of Nero is called "Cream Nero", handsome and tender.

Compared with the gangster Nero who came later, the style is completely different, and it even makes people wonder if someone else has played the role.

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