Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 853 Uncle teaches his nephew a lesson

Dante killed the Pope and several demonized knights of the Order of the Demonic Sword. He originally planned to leave but Nero arrived.

After seeing the situation at the scene, Nero was furious and waved the magic sword Apophis, which Luther had just thrown to him when he turned around and ran away.

After Nero caught it, he realized that he had to have a weapon, so he didn't refuse.

At this moment, it comes in handy.

Apophis was no longer sleeping. In an almost violent manner, it swallowed up Nero's anger and turned into that heart-stopping blood-red light.

The red light was like the most dazzling meteor in the night sky, but it also carried the shadow of death. It was shrill and intense, as if it could drip blood, dyeing everything around it with an ominous color.

It is not only a light, but also the embodiment of extreme cold, cold enough to freeze the blood in the body of the strongest warrior.

Under the illumination of this light, the space seemed to be distorted, time seemed to slow down, and everything was shrouded in an indescribable atmosphere of terror.

The sword of Apophis looks even more ferocious against the red light. It seems to be condensed from the blood and life essence of hundreds of millions of people. Every line records the killings and wails of the past, revealing a commanding force. A heart-stopping aura.

This is not just a sword, it is the embodiment of fear, the whisper of death, and its existence is the most direct threat to life.

When this force reached its peak, even the space itself felt unprecedented pressure, as if it might collapse under this force at any time.

What Apophis demonstrates is a powerful force that transcends convention and violates the laws of space. Its existence itself is a challenge to the laws of nature.

Even the faint light emitted by the gently swaying sword tip will make people's breathing become heavy and their heartbeat speed up, as if the whole world is shaking once it falls into people's sight.

"This is...what a power..."

Dante secretly marveled in his heart, even a well-informed warrior like him could not help but be shocked by the terrifying power displayed by Apophis.

That light is not only a visual impact, but also a test of the soul and will. It seems that if you take one more look, you can feel the call from the abyss, tempting the darkness and desire deep in people's hearts.


With a deafening sound of metal collision, the rebellious sword and the magic sword Apophis fiercely clashed in the air, sparks flying like falling stars, lighting up the entire battlefield.

Two powerful forces collided head-on at this moment, causing violent vibrations in the surrounding environment, dust flying, and the air seemed to be torn apart.

"Ji Liye!"

Nero found Ji Liye in the melee. At that moment, all the noise and danger seemed to have gone away from him, leaving only the tender concern in his heart.

He quickly moved to Ji Liye's side and used his solid body to build a defense line for her.


Ji Liye looked at Nero's back, her eyes full of gratitude and trust. She knew that no matter what difficulties she faced, Nero would be her most solid support.

Nero protected in front of Ji Liye. After Dante was knocked back a few steps, he looked at Nero with the great sword of rebellion.

"There's something wrong with that sword."

Dante glanced at the magic sword Apophis, and then at Nero.

There was nothing wrong with him, and for some reason, Dante always felt that Nero was very pleasing to the eye and extremely kind.

But the magic sword Apophis isolated and affected his judgment.

The extreme malice hidden deep in the sword made Dante feel extremely evil, which almost affected his judgment and killed Nero.

Faced with the chaotic situation in front of him, Credo made the wisest choice-to protect the safe evacuation of the Pope and Ji Liye.

The key to this battle is not the immediate victory or defeat, but the long-term planning and layout.

Therefore, he entrusted his trust and responsibility to Nero, believing that this young warrior could shoulder the important task of guardianship.

"I'll leave this to you, Nero!"

Credo said to Nero.

"Take Ji Liye out of here quickly!"

Nero didn't say much. The magic sword Apophis was so powerful that Nero was so excited. This was the first time he experienced such a feeling.

Credo then took Jilie away, believing in Nero's power.

"Be careful with that sword in your hand, kid."

Dante spoke only after the person left.

"Really, in my opinion, you are the one who should be careful!"

Why should I be careful with my father's sword?

Nero held the magic sword Apophis with his left hand. He was not left-handed, but because his right hand became the hand of a demon, Nero felt it was very inconvenient, so he did not use his right hand.

After all, the feel is different from before, making it difficult for Nero to adapt.

Dante smiled, he didn't mind playing with the child, and by the way, he could figure out what was going on with that unusually friendly feeling, which was intermittent and vague.

The two sides are at war with each other and are on the verge of breaking out.

Nero, a young warrior who inherited the blood of Sparta, struggled to grow up in the torrent of fate since he was a child.

His power comes from the awakening of his bloodline, a primitive and wild power that allows him to survive in a world full of dangers.

However, compared with Dante's fighting style that has been baptized in countless battles and emphasized both skill and wisdom, Nero's battle is more like an unpolished wild dance, full of uncertainties and variables.

With Nero's roar, the magic sword Apophis in his hand burst into dazzling light, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Dante, as if to cut off all obstacles.

Seeing this, Dante smiled faintly, and that smile showed both recognition of the younger generation and expectation for the upcoming challenge.

He gently waved the rebellious blade in his hand, the legendary sword that accompanied him through countless storms, drew an elegant arc in the air, and accurately blocked the edge of Apophis.

The first collision was not only a clash of swords, but also a collision of wills and beliefs of two warriors.

Dante felt Nero's surging power, which was a kind of vitality and momentum unique to young life, which reminded him of his appearance when he was young.

However, as an experienced veteran, Dante knew that brute force alone could not defeat the real enemy.

So, he skillfully used his fighting skills to turn Nero's powerful blow into nothingness, and took advantage of the momentum to counterattack, cleverly guiding Apophis to the ground, avoiding further direct conflict.

Then, Dante's movements were like flowing water. He swung his sword down, but he did not use the blade to attack, but used the back of the sword to hit Nero with the force of a home run.

This blow was both an affirmation of Nero's strength and a profound lesson.

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