Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 856 The True Genius of the Devil May Cry World

In the secret laboratory of the Sword Cult, which is hidden deep underground and little known to the public, time seems to be distorted by some unknown force, flowing slowly and full of oppression.

Here, there is an abyss where knowledge and taboos are intertwined, and it is the stage where Agnes, the head of the technical department, pursues the ultimate and crazy dreams.

Agnes stood beside the experimental table, his figure was cast by the complex and precise instruments around him, and he looked particularly lonely and resolute.

His eyes flashed with endless desire and enthusiasm for the unknown world, which was a kind of almost morbid obsession that surpassed the ordinary people's desire to explore science.

The eyes behind the monocle were as sharp as an eagle, and seemed to be able to penetrate all appearances and reach the essence of things.

However, this light of wisdom did not illuminate his frustration at the moment - another failure of the experiment was like a heavy hammer, hitting his already tense nerves hard.

"Damn it! Failed again!"

His voice was low and full of anger, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, with unwillingness and frustration.

The smoke from the explosion had not yet completely dissipated, and the air was filled with a mixed smell of sulfur and burning, which intertwined with the smell of chemical reagents that had accumulated in the laboratory for a long time, the stench of demon remains, and the unique cold breath of unknown metals, forming a suffocating atmosphere.

Even the most advanced ventilation system could hardly completely dispel this heaviness and oppression.

Looking around, the scene in the laboratory was even more breathtaking and frightening.

A huge metal frame supported the ceiling, and it was hung with a variety of experimental instruments, some of which flashed a faint blue light, while others were quietly sleeping, waiting for the next opportunity to be awakened.

On the weapon rack, not only the cult's iconic sharp swords were displayed, but also those strange devices that combined technology and magic. They were either as sharp as thorns or as heavy as mountains, and each one revealed unparalleled power and unknown dangers.

What is even more eye-catching are the demon corpses scattered everywhere. Some of them are complete or incomplete. Some have dried up into mummies, while others still retain their hideous appearance in life, as if they will wake up from death at any time and launch a fatal attack on the invaders.

These demons are precious materials for Agnas' research. Their blood, bones, and even souls are regarded by him as the key to a higher level of power.

He believes that as long as he can unlock the secrets behind these demons, he can master the power to change the world.

However, it is this desire for power that has put Agnas into an endless cycle.

Every failure of an experiment seems to remind him how far he is from the ultimate goal. But he has never given up. Even in the most desperate moments, his heart is still burning with an unquenchable flame.

The walls around are covered with intricate drawings, from ancient alchemy arrays to modern biotechnology gene maps, all of which show his desire for knowledge and exploration of the unknown.

There were all kinds of test tubes, medicines and broken mechanical parts scattered on the table, which were witnesses of his countless attempts and failures.

"Why? Why is this happening?"

Agnas' voice echoed in the empty laboratory, with a bit of unwillingness and confusion.

He stared at the pile of man-made demon wreckage in front of him, which he had high hopes for but eventually turned into ruins, and his heart was full of mixed feelings.

In every experiment, he devoted all his efforts and wisdom, hoping to uncover the secret of the Spartan demon bloodline and create his own power.

However, reality knocked him to the ground again and again, and that unattainable goal seemed to have become his eternal curse.

Just as Agnas was immersed in deep self-doubt, a cold and calm voice suddenly broke the silence of the laboratory.

"Because it was too rough."

This voice was like a breeze in the ice, which made Agnas suddenly come back to his senses.

He turned around quickly, his eyes were sharp, and he saw a man in a pure white windbreaker, Luther, standing leisurely at the door, his hands folded across his chest, his eyes revealing a kind of detached indifference.

Agnes was furious, and he could not tolerate anyone making light judgments on his efforts and achievements. He roared, picked up the only remaining sword demon model on the table, and swung the sword desperately.

However, this blow did not hit the target as he wished, but when it touched the invisible barrier around Luther's body, it instantly collapsed, fragments flew everywhere, and the powerful force rebounded, shattering his entire arm.

The severe pain almost made Agnes faint.


He let out a heartbreaking scream.

Agnes was not a man of strong will, and cowardice was his character.

He gritted his teeth and covered the broken arm with his other intact hand. Blood slowly dripped through his fingers, staining the ground red.

At this moment, he finally realized the insurmountable gap between himself and Luther.

"Agnus, your technology is really amazing. You can perfectly integrate alchemy, genetic modification technology and biotechnology to create miracles such as artificial demons."

Luther said.

Agnes is a true genius in the Devil May Cry world.

The most special thing about the demons in the Devil May Cry world is that they can be transformed or even synthesized by technologies such as alchemy and genetic modification technology.

But they also have mysterious and unpredictable nature changes, so it is outrageous.

Agnus is a top master in mysticism, alchemy, and scientific biotechnology, but he can't figure out the Spartan Demon Bloodline.

The Magic Sword Cult was also lucky. Agnas found some fragments of the Dark Angel transformed by Virgil and a broken Yama Sword on the beach.

Then Agnas has been studying these things. Demons and artificial demons are just incidental. As a result, after so many years of research, he has not made any progress.

"But as I said just now, your method is too rough and ignores the essence of life."

Luther continued.

Hearing this, Agnas couldn't help but feel angry, but more confused and puzzled.

"The essence of life? What are you talking about?"

Luther shook his head gently.

"The Spartan Demon Bloodline is one of the most mysterious forces in the world and even the universe. It is not just a genetic information, but also a manifestation of a deep will and soul. You try to analyze and copy it with scientific means, but ignore the emotions, desires and choices behind this power. This approach is tantamount to fishing in a tree."

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