Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 865: Forced Demolition Failed

The air seemed to freeze at this moment. Nero could only rely on his instinct and years of combat experience to barely jump back and avoid the fatal blow.

But the savior's attack did not stop there. Its left hand followed closely, like a huge net, trying to capture Nero.

Nero's heart trembled. He knew that in this small space, he was already at an absolute disadvantage. However, it was this desperate situation that inspired the fighting spirit and courage hidden in his body.

He quickly adjusted his posture, holding the magic sword Apophis in his right hand, ready to meet the next challenge.

"Come on, let me see how capable you, the so-called 'savior', are!"

Nero roared, injecting all his magic power into the magic sword, and the sword body burst into a dazzling light, colliding with the savior's cold mechanical arm.

The huge impact force made Nero almost unstable, but he relied on his amazing willpower to stabilize his body.

He is worthy of being the most powerful child of the Sparta family.

Luther sighed, Dante needed both hands to catch it, but Nero caught it with one hand.

"Watch this!"

Nero jumped up and chopped down the magic sword Apophis with all his strength. Its blade deeply embedded into the savior's head, but it was too big. The wound pierced by the blade of the magic sword Apophis was like a mosquito bite to the savior.

And this small wound was repaired when Nero drew his sword and fell to the ground.

Nero spat and thought hard about countermeasures. The Pope appeared above the savior's head and looked down at Nero as if he had won:

"It's useless. This kind of trick is meaningless in front of the savior!"

"...That's right."

Nero sighed and said to himself.

"It's really harder than imagined to destroy this big guy."

Nero muttered in his heart, sweat slid down his resolute face, dripped on the cold stone slab, and evaporated instantly.

His eyes passed through many obstacles and fell on the looming figure of the Pope in the body of the Savior.

The Savior stopped now. Perhaps the Savior can only move when the Pope is in it?

"Savior... perhaps the source of its power is the Pope."

Nero's thoughts turned rapidly, and a bold idea took shape in his mind.

"If the Pope is the core that drives this huge machine, then as long as he is separated from the source, the Savior will fall apart."

But then, he realized the risks and difficulties involved. "The Pope would not be unaware of this. He dared to appear so blatantly. He must have something to rely on, or underestimated the enemy, or set a trap."

Nero took a deep breath, put away the distracting thoughts in his heart, and decided to take a gamble.

"Pope, your doomsday has come!"

Nero roared, and his body suddenly jumped up, rushing towards the Savior like an arrow from a string.

However, the Pope's reaction was faster than he expected. A shadow flashed by, and the Pope had disappeared in the body of the Savior. Then, the Savior's huge fist came like a mountain, with the momentum of destroying everything.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the entire underground space trembled. Nero was hit hard by this huge force and his body hit the wall behind him. The wall collapsed instantly and the rubble flew.

Nero felt that his internal organs seemed to be displaced, but he endured the severe pain and struggled to get up from the ruins, his eyes still as firm as iron.

The Pope's sneer echoed in the empty space, and his eyes turned to Luther, the mysterious figure who suddenly appeared.

Luther stood there, with his hands on his chest and a faint smile on his face, as if all these disputes had nothing to do with him.

But in the eyes of the Pope, Luther was a huge threat, because he could feel the huge magic power hidden in Luther's body, which was a power that even he felt palpitations.

"It seems that there is a bigger treasure hidden here."

The Pope's eyes became greedy and fanatical, "With such a huge source of magic power, you will be the best sacrifice for me to realize my great plan."

Luther heard this and raised a playful smile at the corner of his mouth, "Oh? Want to attack me? Then you must be prepared to pay the price."

Luther folded his hands and said with a smile.

Dante, who was following in the dark, looked at the statue of the savior, which was simply a huge humanoid weapon.

Dante remembered the Demon Emperor he had faced before.

Demon Emperor Mendes.

Its power was too strong. Mendes had never appeared in this world, but chose a huge stone statue similar to a statue of a god as a possession.

And now the savior in front of Dante overlapped with Mendes at that time.

"It seems that the thinking patterns of bad guys are similar."

Dante said, touching his chin.

He was not worried about his relative, his father's other child.

Because from the feeling, Luther could hardly feel anything.

There was no stench of other demons, nor the unusually friendly feeling of Nero.

If Luther hadn't shown his skills, Dante wouldn't have been sure that Luther was another child of his father.

After all, Luther copied Nero's demon right arm, which led to Dante's misunderstanding.

Being able to hide his aura so well means that the other party's power to control himself is also very strong.

This is something that Dante can't do, so Dante thinks Luther must be very strong.

"Only by defeating you can we build a real paradise, a world without disputes and pain. Luther, why are you unwilling to sacrifice yourself for this great vision and for this world?"

The Pope looked at Luther and said.

"Nero, if you don't come out, I will chop him down."

Luther said to the bottom.

At this critical moment, the ground suddenly shook violently, and in the dust, a figure broke out of the ground like an angry dragon out of the sea. It was Nero.

His clothes were tattered and covered in blood, but his eyes were like burning flames, full of unyielding and anger. The fragments of the wall that just pressed on him seemed to be just a trivial obstacle, unable to stop his will to be reborn.


Nero roared, and his voice contained too many emotions-anger at injustice and unyielding to fate.

He tightly grasped the magic sword Apophis in his hand. This legendary weapon seemed to sense the owner's emotions. A strange red light flowed on the sword, constantly devouring all the negative emotions around it, and transformed it into surging power and magic in Nero's body.

"Do you think that you can make me surrender with just this?"

Nero's voice echoed on the battlefield, and every step he took was a firm rhythm, approaching the Pope.

"Paradise? That's just a lie you made up to satisfy your selfish desires! Real power is used to protect, not destroy!"

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