Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 867 The Demon Sword Family's Heritage

After everything was settled, Dante also came out.

He didn't intend to reveal his identity and Luther's identity, he just wanted to meet him.


Nero looked at Dante.

"Don't be nervous, kid."

Dante said with a smile, he had a good impression of this kid who might be his nephew.

"Dante, demon hunter."

Luther didn't have any special reaction or emotion.

"Let's get to know each other."

"My name is Luther, and I'm a demon hunter like you."

Luther stretched out his hand.

Dante was a little surprised by Luther's friendliness, and stretched out his hand to shake hands with Luther.

Letty and Tracy also came over at this time.

"Dante, who is this?"

The two women looked at Luther with interest, but Luther knew that they were bound to Dante and it was impossible to pry him apart.

They were still flirting in Devil May Cry 5, why did the old woman act so solemnly?

It can only be said that the reason why the three of them have not been together completely is just because they are not used to this way of getting along.

Both Letty and Tracy have their own pasts, not to mention Dante.

He probably won't think about starting a family.

So the small circle of the three of them, others can't squeeze in, and they can't disband.


Luther just nodded slightly, without any special expression.

In fact, Letty and Tracy have communicated with Dante and know that this person is very likely Dante's relative.

Maybe it's another son of Sparta, that is, Dante's half-brother.

"Dante, I know you, the son of Sparta."

Luther suddenly said.

"That's right."

Although Dante will not advertise that he is the son of Sparta everywhere, he will not deny it.

For Dante, his father is an admirable hero, his mother is an elegant woman who makes his father fall in love with her, and he believes that he is the one who inherited their noble souls, so he doesn't think it is necessary to specially investigate his father Sparta.

Sparta has various legends. Defeating the devil is just the beginning of his legend. After that, how did he live for two thousand years?

In the city of Fortuna where he is now, Sparta was the lord here. Although Dante has heard of such rumors, to be honest, he doesn't believe it.

Originally, Sparta was almost a fairy tale existence, and strange stories that are difficult to distinguish between true and false are everywhere. The legend of Fortuna is probably one of them.

"So, you too?"

Dante didn't know what to say, and touched his hair and said.

Nero's eyes widened. His father is the son of Sparta?

"No, but we are relatives. My father is Sparta's brother."

Luther said with a smile. He was not interested in being Sparta's son, so of course he had to make up an identity.

"My father's brother?"

Dante was stunned. Ah, sorry, dad, I suspected you had other children at the first time.

I didn't expect that it turned out to be my dad's brother?

"Dante, don't you know about this?"

Letty and Tracy laughed so hard, and then teased Dante.

"I can't know everything. Isn't this normal? How can anyone know everything about his father?" Dante complained. What's more, he was still young at that time, and his father didn't take him to visit relatives. Although this may be false, the unusual intimacy between Luther and Nero is not wrong, and Luther has no need to lie. So, he has relatives now. Nero also heard Luther's words and his eyes widened. They are actually the descendants of Sparta's brothers? And Dante is actually the son of Sparta. It feels like this world is really magical. The legendary figure of Sparta just appeared like this. Although he is only his son, in the eyes of others, he is almost the incarnation of Sparta. After all, Sparta is too far away, two thousand years ago. Compared with Sparta, Sparta's brothers don't seem to be so famous, so much so that Dante has never heard of them. "The magic sword Apophis is the sword left by my father. He left with Sparta and disappeared."

Luther continued to make up stories.

"The magic sword Apophis is the same as the magic sword Sparta. They are weapons that condense their power. They don't know where they went and didn't even take their weapons with them."

Luther sighed.

After listening to it, Dante felt the same way, although he always felt that his father's life span had come to an end.

In the original plot, he assumed that his father's life span was about 2000 years.

"Apophis, is this grandpa's sword?"

Nero looked at the magic sword Apophis in his hand.

My father gave this magic sword to me. Did he want to pass it on as his own inheritance?

"I already have the magic sword Luther, which was forged with my own power and the materials of the devil. The magic sword Apophis was also made in this way. Nero, you will also have your own magic sword Nero in the future. This is the inheritance of our family. Use your own power to create your own magic sword."

Luther also made it up in a very realistic way, such as family inheritance.

Dante didn't think so much. He never thought that he would have the magic sword Dante in the future.

So I think Luther's family is like this.

"In this case, won't there be too many swords in the future?"

Dante said with a smile.

"Probably so."

Luther also laughed.

Nero thought about that scene and felt a little confused.

Forget it, that's what I and Ji Liye's children want to think about.

And he doesn't even have his own magic sword Nero now, so why bother thinking so much.

Nero never thought about getting the magic sword Luther in Luther's hand. After all, the inheritance of this weapon often means misfortune and tragedy.

"What are your thoughts as a family in the future?"

Dante was very envious that Luther, who was similar to himself, had such a big child, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Of course I will continue to be a demon hunter in Forduna."

Luther said.

"There are still demons in Forduna?"

Dante said strangely.

"The Gate of Hell is right here. The device on the ground was built by Sparta back then. If it is not destroyed, the devil will still come out."

Luther nodded and said, the fifth generation of Nero and the others are still in Fuduna.

I don’t know why I haven’t killed all the demons in Fuduna after fighting for so many years.

Now the Demon Sword Order is definitely destined to disband, but because of Luther's intervention, Credo is not dead, so taking over the Demon Sword Order is not a problem.

After taking over, the Demonic Sword Order still has a lot of power left, and they can make Fuduna their own territory.

Dante thought for a while, how about destroying the gate of hell?

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