Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 874 Flame Demon Baroque

Lucia understood Luther's words.

That special thing is the reason why Baroque can come to the human world?

No wonder, if there is such a hole in the Holy Demon Island that can accommodate a demon of Baroque's level to pass through, why haven't the guardians of all generations noticed it? All of this seems to point to the unknown "special thing" in Luther's mouth.

At this moment, Nero's anger almost overflowed from his chest. His beloved Crimson Queen, the weapon that had accompanied him in countless battles and witnessed his growth, had turned into nothing in the blink of an eye, and even the possibility of repairing it was gone.

This despair and unwillingness made him uncontrollably want to vent to Baroque.

Blue magic power gathered in his palm, and the magic sword Apophis came out in response. Its cold light was even more intense in the dim environment, seeming to indicate the coming storm.

"I'm going to chop you!"

Nero's voice was low and firm, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, full of the flames of revenge.

"Are you... the son of Sparda?"

Baroque's sudden question stunned Nero, and then he realized that this might be some misunderstanding of his power by the devil.

Nero shook his head, with a self-deprecating smile on his lips: "No, I am a descendant of the magic swordsman Apophis."

"Magic Swordsman Apophis?"

Balok Baroque had never heard of this name.

How could Luther leave such a loophole and instantly insert the information about the Demon Swordsman Apophis into the mind of Balrog.

Just when Nero wanted to ridicule Baroque, the Balrog, for being ignorant and a frog in a well, he immediately saw the subtle changes in the expression on Baroque's face - from confusion to shock, and then to disbelief.

"A descendant of Apophis? Are you his son?"

There was an imperceptible tremor in Baroque's voice.

Nero shook his head and corrected: "No, I am his grandson."

There was a sense of surprise in his heart. He didn't expect that this fire demon from the abyss would actually know his grandfather's name.

"He is actually the grandson of Apophis, so the Demon Swordsman Luther is your father?"

Baroque said again.

"He is Luther."

Nero motioned in Luther's direction.

Lucia looked at Luther beside her in disbelief.

"Who is the Demon Swordsman Apophis?"

Lucia had never heard of it.

Luther smiled, his eyes flashing with memories: "He is Sparta's biological brother, and he is also a legendary magic swordsman."

"Which Spartan?"

Lucia's surprise was palpable. She couldn't believe that she had inadvertently touched such a huge historical context.

"Who else is Sparta? Of course it is the magic swordsman Sparta who is praised by the world."

Luther said with a smile.

"The Demon Swordsman Sparta's biological brother?"

Lucia's voice trembled slightly, and every word revealed her inner shock.

She tried hard to search for fragments of these names in her mind, but found that she knew very little, as if these names only existed in ancient legends and were out of reach.

Seeing this, Luther patted Lucia's shoulder gently, giving her a warm strength.

"Yes, Lucia. A long time ago, our world was not as peaceful as it is now. Wars between demons and humans broke out frequently, and Sparta and Apophis were two of the protagonists in that long war. Legendary heroes. They fought side by side, expelling demons back to the abyss countless times, and guarding the peace of this land. "

Luther was talking serious nonsense.

"You know that, Dante?"

Lucia asked, thinking of Dante.


Luther nodded.

Lucia then had no doubts.

It can be seen from the flames on Baroque that it has completely lost its momentum.

Have you lost your will to fight or your strength?

In any case, Lucia has no intention of fighting anymore.

Nero also put down the magic sword Apophis and laughed.

"Are you going to admit defeat?"

"Yes." Baroque's answer was concise and firm, without any hesitation or flinching.

Although his voice was light, it was full of power, as if he was announcing to the world that admitting defeat does not mean giving up, but the beginning of another form.

However, just when everyone thought that everything was about to settle, the flame in Baroque miraculously rekindled again, not the flame of revenge, but the fire of hope.

This flame is no longer born for fighting, but for a more ambitious goal - to continue his fighting path in another form.


There was a bit of urgency and uneasiness in Lucia's cry. She keenly sensed that the power surging in Baroque's body was changing. It was a transformation of power that transcended life and death, and transcended form.

She was worried that Baroque would do something unpredictable at the last moment of his life.

But Nero seemed unusually calm. He seemed to have already understood Baroque's intention. He just stood there quietly, staring at everything that happened in front of him with his deep eyes.

It is a kind of understanding and respect that goes beyond words, a tacit understanding between strong people that needs no words.

As Baroque roared, the flames on his body were like waves stirred up by the strong wind, churning violently, and finally gathered into a huge whirlpool, swallowing his body.

At that moment, time seemed to freeze, and everyone held their breath to witness this incredible scene.

Baroque's body gradually broke into pieces in the vortex of flames, turning into dust and drifting away with the wind. But at the same time, an unprecedented force surged out of the vortex and resonated with the magic in Nero's body.

Those dust particles seemed to be given life, spinning around Nero, and finally condensed into a brand new magic tool, tightly fitting on his limbs.

His limbs were wrapped with those magic tools condensed by Baroque's power. They flashed with strange light and echoed with Apophis from a distance, as if telling a new legend.

"I know my strength is not as good as yours. It's a pity that I can't defeat you now. But!"

Baroque's voice suddenly rose, full of indomitable and desire.

"I still want to fight more powerful people! So I can't be killed by you now!"

Baroque's voice echoed in everyone's heart. It was his last will and his endless vision for the future.

He chose to continue to exist in this way, in the form of magic tools, accompanying Nero, witnessing and participating in more fierce battles, until one day, he can rely on his own strength to compete with Nero again.

"Oh my... What a willful guy, I haven't agreed yet."

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