Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 876: The loving father and filial son are about to perform

Two hundred years ago, the magic swordsman Sparta needed four artifacts and a bunch of demons from the Holy Demon Island to seal the chaos. It can be seen that Sparta is not the mechanical deity that most people think can defeat the sky, the earth, and the air, nor is he acting alone, but under the outbreak of humanity, he still defeated the Demon Emperor like Dante a thousand years later.

The central square of Red Tomb City was crowded with people watching the excitement.

They looked at the mysterious tree-like object that suddenly grew out of the ground a few days ago in confusion.

Some people were taking pictures, some people knelt down to pray while saying the words in the Bible, and some people discussed what the tree-like object in front of them was with a woman who looked like a lover.

The Magic Sword Cult took over here.

Red Tomb City is also within the garrison of the Magic Sword Cult.

But looking at the huge tree, everyone was shocked.

"Is this tree the magic tree in the demon world?"

Nero said, looking at the tree.

"Yes, according to what Captain Luther said, this magic tree is called the evil tree, the reverse Kabbalah!"

"Captain Nero, what should we do?"

The magic swordsmen of the Magic Sword Cult asked.

They were no longer knights, but were called magic swordsmen, which made them more happy.

At this moment, the first person to notice the change was a man who was watching the excitement.

"Oh, what is that?"

The man pointed upwards and said, and the others around him also turned their eyes to the direction of the man's finger.

Nero and the others did the same, slightly squinting their eyes and looking there.

That part of the tree was wriggling violently.

The crowd watching the excitement began to make noise, and the wriggling part suddenly collapsed, and the crowd was filled with surprised screams and wails.

Some "tentacles" appeared on the ground next to the tree. Judging from the cracks on the asphalt road, these tentacles should have grown from the ground.

The whole crowd looked at these tentacles in surprise, and then a tentacle instantly pierced someone in the crowd with its sharp tip, and miserable shouts broke out around them.

People ran away with their heads in their hands, and the tentacles behind them chased them closely.

The abnormal movement of the Anti-Kabbalah Evil Tree became more violent. The tentacles that emerged from the ground were like living creatures, wreaking havoc among the crowd, and every swing was accompanied by screams and blood.

Seeing this, Nero immediately ordered: "Split up, some people are responsible for evacuating the citizens, and the other part will follow me to fight these monsters!"


The magic swordsmen responded quickly, holding long swords and attacking the tentacles in a well-trained formation.

In the flash of sword light, several tentacles were accurately cut off, but more tentacles came like a tide, as if they could never be killed.

At the same time, on the streets of Red Tomb City, citizens ran in panic, looking for safe shelters.

The cries of children, the screams of women, and the anxious shouts of men intertwined, forming a doomsday-like scene.

The members of the Magic Sword Cult shuttled through the crowd, trying their best to protect every innocent life, but even so, they could not completely stop the spread of the disaster.

Red Tomb City, a city that was once prosperous and peaceful, has now become a purgatory on earth.

As night fell, the Anti-Kabbalah Evil Tree in the central square was like a giant beast with its fangs and claws bared. Its branches twisted and circled, pointing directly to the sky, and its roots were deeply rooted in the ground, as if it was going to devour the entire city.

This tree is not only a change in nature, but also a gateway to another dimension - the demon world. Every pulse of it is accompanied by the surge of magic power, which continuously injects the darkness and evil of the demon world into this world.

"We must find the root of this tree and cut off its connection with the demon world!"

Nero shouted to the deputy captain beside him. The deputy captain nodded and quickly organized a team to explore the roots of the magic tree.

However, their road was not smooth.

As they approached the magic tree step by step, a large number of Empusa blood-sucking demons emerged from the darkness. These monsters were distorted, their wings were torn like rags, and their sharp fangs flashed cold light in the moonlight.

There is a mysterious symbiotic relationship between them and the Anti-Kabbalah Evil Tree. They use human blood as nutrients and continue to grow their own strength.

"Prepare for battle!"

At Nero's command, the team members immediately dispersed, each looking for a favorable position to prepare for this fierce battle.

The battle broke out instantly, and the air was filled with the collision of blood and magic. Every swing of the sword was accompanied by the wailing and falling of the demon.

But the number of Empusa blood-sucking demons seemed endless. They continued to fight and vowed to tear the invaders into pieces.

This was the result of the Demon Sword Cult appearing in advance, protecting and evacuating the citizens.

The Anti-Kabbalah Evil Tree uses human blood as nutrients. This is the information known in advance.

At this moment, several helicopters cut through the night sky. They were support troops sent by neighboring cities.

They threw a large number of flash bombs and smoke bombs, trying to interfere with the demons' vision and buy more time for the citizens to evacuate.

However, as Nero expected, these modern weapons had little effect on the Anti-Kabbalah Evil Tree and the demons that coexisted with it.

The light of the flash bomb only temporarily illuminated the darkness, and the spread of smoke bombs failed to stop the demons' attack.

The human army soon appeared, and tanks, armored vehicles, and soldiers engaged in a fierce battle with the Empusa demons.

At first, they had a slight advantage due to their firepower, but as the ammunition ran out, it was their turn to be unlucky.

The Empusa demons began to fight back. Armored vehicles could not stop their attacks, let alone body armors.

The soldiers screamed and were dragged back into the demon tree by the Empusa demon.

As time went by, the members of the Demon Sword Order gradually showed signs of fatigue. Their magic was constantly draining, and each swing of their swords became heavier.

However, the number of demons seems to show no sign of decreasing. Instead, they have become more violent and powerful due to the continuous nourishment of the demon tree.

Nero knew in his heart that if he continued like this, not only would he be unable to protect the citizens, but they themselves might also be killed here.

Neighboring cities have sent troops to deal with it. Not only that, nearby cities will definitely send troops to deal with it.

But no matter what kind of modern weapons, it is impossible to eliminate all the demons in the city.

The soldiers sent to this city will eventually become living sacrifices to the evil tree of anti-Qabala.

"We have to change our tactics!"

Nero shouted, and he quickly gathered his team members to discuss a new battle plan.

After intense discussion, they decided to take a more radical approach - directly attack the roots of the demon tree and destroy its connection point with the demon world.

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