Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 887 Pure White Devil

When Dante saw this, a sneer appeared on his lips.

He knew that although Vergil's spatial ability was strong, he was not invincible. Relying on the precise control of magic power and the accumulation of combat experience, he quickly adjusted his posture, holding the sword tightly with both hands, preparing for Vergil's next attack. However, Vergil's offensive turned out to be more bizarre and unpredictable than he expected.

The silver-white sword light intertwined into an airtight net in the air, each one accurately avoiding Dante's defense and leaving shocking scars on his body.

Although Dante's body was scratched, Scarlet's fighting spirit was even stronger. It was as if he couldn't feel the pain, and the sword in his hand was still swinging vigorously.

However, the battle was not without its ups and downs.

Dante's magic sword Dante and Vergil's Yama sword collided violently again. The two completely different magic powers intertwined and collided in the air, erupting with a deafening roar.

The air waves spread out like a tidal wave, tearing the surrounding void into pieces. Dante and Vergil were also shaken back by this powerful force, but their eyes were firmer and their fighting spirit was even higher.

At this moment, Virgil suddenly displayed his unique skill - space travel.

He used the power of the Yan Demon Sword to freely shuttle through the cracks in the surrounding space, as if he had become the controller of space.

His figure moved left and right, forward and back, making it difficult for Dante to grasp his true position.

Not to be outdone, Dante quickly adjusted his state and concentrated on sensing Virgil's movements. He knew that if he wanted to defeat Vergil, he had to find his flaw and deliver a fatal blow.

"Hmph, Dante, although you are powerful, you are too impatient."

Virgil's voice was cold and calm, as if he had everything under control. As soon as he finished speaking, he appeared on Dante's flank like a ghost, and the Yama sword suddenly lifted up with the power to tear apart the space.

When Dante saw this, he smiled instead of being angry. A look of madness flashed in his eyes. He shouted loudly, and the magic power in his body boiled. The scarlet phantom sword expanded instantly and turned into a huge bloody sword light, directly facing Wei. Jill's attack.

Two completely different magic powers collided in the air, erupting into a deafening roar, as if the world was changing color at this moment.

The air waves spread around like a tide. Wherever they pass, the space is distorted and dust rises everywhere.

The figures of Dante and Vergil each retreated under the impact of this force, but the expressions on their faces became more determined, and the fighting intent in their eyes became more intense.

"Come on, Virgil, let's prove everything with this fight!"

As Dante roared, the magic power in his body boiled. Under his control, the phantom sword turned into bloody sword light flying in the sky. Each sword light contained enough power to tear the void.

This is not only a visual feast, but also an extreme challenge for Virgil. The sword light poured down like a torrential rain, intertwining into an airtight net, trying to trap Vergil in it and completely destroy his defense.

However, how can Virgil be an easy person? A cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the Yama Demon Sword seemed to come alive in his hands. Every time he swung it, the space was distorted and cracks spread.

The dark blue sword light was like a gaze from the abyss, making people fearful.

"Dimension Kill·Ze!"

Virgil groaned, and although his voice was soft, it carried unquestionable majesty. I saw his figure flashing and disappearing on the spot, leaving only afterimages and gradually closing space cracks.

Immediately afterwards, two dark blue demons jumped out from two different dimensions. They had a heart-to-heart connection with Virgil, and together they weaved this movement of death.

These two demons, one on the left and one on the right, are like the mirror images of Virgil. The swords in their hands also shine with a deep blue light, echoing the Yama Demon Sword.

They surrounded Dante, forming a huge hemispherical space. In this space, time seemed to slow down and the air became heavy.

Dante could feel that he seemed to be imprisoned in a cage made of dark blue magic. The silver sword energy around him surged like a tide, and every blow was enough to make him feel unforgettable pain.

Thighs, arms, chest, back, each knife is colder than the last, and each knife is more deadly than the last.

"Dante can't survive!"

Nero said anxiously.

Luther naturally knew that Dante couldn't do it. After all, he lacked the stage in the original plot where he was in a coma for a month and was continuously provided with magic power by the magic tree.

Not to mention that Virgil also obtained the magic power transformed from the blood of tens of thousands of people.

The strength far exceeds that of the original plot.

Dante falls from the sky and Virgil chases after him.

The blade of the Yan Demon Sword pierced out from the crack in space. However, at this moment of life and death, a strange phenomenon suddenly appeared in the sky.

A pure white light, like the first ray of sunlight at dawn, penetrated the thick clouds and dense haze, illuminating the battlefield shrouded in darkness.

This light not only dispelled the coldness and despair around him, but also heralded the arrival of an extraordinary being - the true demon Luther, who officially entered this fateful showdown with his unparalleled majesty and power.

Luther's appearance seemed to be a provocation to the rules of this world. He was tall and tall, and every inch of his skin was covered with pure white scales and keratinized skin. These armor plates shone with a holy light under the light. , both a symbol of his strength and an ode to his pure soul.

On his head, there stood sharp bone pieces and inverted horns. They were not only weapons for fighting, but also a sign of his evolution to the peak as a demon, announcing that Luther had transcended the constraints of the mortal world and stepped into the realm where gods and demons intertwined.

Even more eye-catching were the four pure white wings behind him that looked like dragon wings. Whenever he flapped them gently, they would bring up a gust of wind, sweeping away the dust and smoke around him.

This was not only a tool for flying, but also a symbol of his identity and status. When he soared in the air, he was like a god descending to the mortal world, exuding inviolable majesty and holiness.

The magic sword Luther in Luther's hand also underwent a transformation. The sword body was no longer cold metal, but turned into pure and flawless white light, like a lightsaber that could cut off all the vanity and evil in the world.

When the tip of the sword lightly touched, the air seemed to be purified by its holy power, leaving a series of gorgeous sword marks, proving Luther's strength and determination that should not be underestimated.

"Leave the next battle to me."

Luther's voice made people involuntarily convinced.

He stood in the center of the battlefield, with a domineering attitude, announcing that the end of this battle would be decided by him.

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