Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 894 Wesker: Too difficult to lead!

Alex said very little, but Virgil had read Alex's messages, so he knew his situation.

If his ability is used to collect intelligence, it will really be invincible.

"What information did you gather?"

Virgil then asked, concerned about this.

"This world is called the ninja world. There is a powerful profession called ninja. The ninja I met is a jounin. He is very powerful, but he should not be your opponent."

Alex nodded. The jounin he absorbed and devoured had a lot of information, so he said it directly now.

Virgil frowned when he heard this. He knew that in this world full of unknowns and dangers, the importance of intelligence was as important as the water of life.

He quickly adjusted his thoughts and looked at Alex sharply, as if waiting for more details to be revealed.

"What are the specific aspects of the power of ninjas? How are their levels divided?"

Alex pondered for a moment, seeming to organize words, organizing the information extracted from the devoured jounin's memories into an easy-to-understand form.

"The power of the ninja comes from the mastery of chakra, which is a special power derived from the combination of physical and mental energy. Through different training methods and techniques, the ninja can transform it into a variety of ninjutsu, physical Techniques and illusions. As for levels, the most common divisions in the ninja world are genin, chunin and jounin. Jounin is a symbol of strength. They are not only proficient in a variety of ninjutsu, but also have rich combat experience and excellent leadership skills. ”

"The Jonin I met, he was good at the Wind Release Ninjutsu. He could control the power of the wind to attack and defend. He was so fast that he could almost leave an afterimage on the battlefield. But his strength is beyond me. It seems that although we are powerful, we are not invincible. If we use our abilities properly, we are fully capable of establishing a foothold in this world."

Alex's words reveal a kind of confidence, which stems from a deep understanding and absolute trust in his own abilities.

After hearing this, Virgil thought to himself.

He knew that Alex's ability - the ability to absorb and analyze all information about living organisms, including memories, skills and even some powers - was extremely rare and powerful.

If this ability could be used in the ninja world, it would undoubtedly bring them a huge advantage.

"So, how much do you know about the political structure and distribution of forces in this world?"

Wesker then asked.

"The ninja world is not monolithic, but is composed of the five major countries and their affiliated villages. Each village has its own unique ninjutsu system and cultural traditions. There is both cooperation and competition among the five major nations, and villages often compete for resources. Conflicts broke out over conflicts over territory or belief. The jounin I absorbed was from the Sand Hidden Village in the Land of Wind. They are world-famous for their powerful wind release ninjutsu.”

Alex said.

At this time, the prompt of the Lord God System sounded again, and the exploration rate on the screen slowly climbed upwards, but still stayed at an anxious low point.

Wesker frowned, seeming to be thinking about countermeasures.

"Is this the only level of exploration? It seems that more information needs to be obtained."

Wesker thought for a moment and said.

Virgil sat aside, folding his hands on his chest, a trace of impatience flashing in his eyes.

As a strong man who is accustomed to solving problems directly and straightforwardly, he feels extremely uncomfortable with this method that requires patience and detailed exploration.

"Exploration... such an abstract concept is really troublesome."

He complained in a low voice, but then realized that his words might be too negative, so he reluctantly suppressed his inner irritation and turned to Wesker for a more specific explanation.

“Simply put, exploration is a measure of how well we understand the world.”

Wesker explained patiently.

"It is not only about the roads we have walked and the people we have met, but also about the secrets and stories hidden in the dark that have not been revealed. Only when we collect enough fragments can we piece together the world. Complete puzzle.”

Alex interjected at the right time. He is a wise man who is good at intelligence analysis and strategic planning and plays an indispensable role in the team.

"As Wesker said, the complexity of this world is beyond our imagination. Every village, every family, and even every ninja may hide key information. We need to formulate a comprehensive plan, both in-depth and Explore and stay safe.”

They, the reincarnations, have to explore every time they go to a world. This is why even Boros, who has the ability to clean the earth's surface, did not attack the entire world from the beginning, because they are just exploring, not annihilating the mission. .

Wesker nodded and took over: "Yes, next, our first priority is to increase the level of exploration. This includes but is not limited to visiting more villages, communicating with different ninjas, and even sneaking into those seemingly peaceful places. Looking for forgotten clues in the dark. At the same time, we need to establish an intelligence network to ensure the timely delivery and sharing of information.”

"Acquire more detailed intelligence about this world. Secondly, based on intelligence analysis, find suitable allies or targets, and gradually establish our sphere of influence. Finally, when the time is right, we can consider challenging other forces to compete for more resources and territory.”

"At the same time, we can also use Alex's ability to try to contact more ninjas from different villages and fill our knowledge gaps through their memories."

Virgil listened to Wesker's words and felt that it was too troublesome. It would be better to attack the five major ninja villages directly. As the five major ninja villages that have mastered power, they must know a lot of things.

In his opinion, power is the most direct way to solve problems.

"After all, don't you just want us to run more errands and inquire more? Be direct, find the strongest opponent, defeat them, and everything will be solved?"

"With me here, we can completely attack the Hidden Leaf Village and get what we want to know from the Hokage."

Boros smiled in agreement when he heard this. He was inclined to solve problems in a direct and violent way.

"Indeed, if the power is strong enough, then any obstacles will no longer exist."

There was a hint of provocation in his words, as if he was showing Wesker his philosophy of power.

Faced with such a proposal, Wesker shook his head, with both helplessness and persistence in his eyes.

"In this unknown world, it is not wise to rashly make enemies. We should not only consider the immediate goals, but also plan for the long-term future. Once we become the target of public criticism, we will face endless troubles and consumption."

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