Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 911: Dimensional Slashing Technique to Block Mayflies

Black Zetsu naturally wouldn't reveal his true purpose, and what Uchiha Obito said was just right.

"Continue, the part about Black Zetsu."

Virgil saw his progress bar slowly moving forward as Uchiha Obito spoke.

"And Black Zetsu," Uchiha Obito took a deep breath and continued, "It is one of the initiators of all these plans, and it can even be said to be the oldest conspirator. It is not a simple creature, but a continuation of Uchiha Madara's will, an existence that transcends the boundaries of life and death. Before his death, Madara injected his will and power into Black Zetsu, allowing it to continue his unfinished business - resurrecting himself, and through the Moon Eye Project, to achieve the "peace" in his heart."

At this point, Uchiha Obito stopped unconsciously. He realized that he might have leaked too much, but at this moment he could not take it back.

He looked at Black Zetsu, hoping that this silent companion could give some explanation or rebuttal, but Black Zetsu just stood there quietly, without any expression on his face.

Virgil's attention was completely focused on Black Zetsu. His perception told him that this existence contained unimaginable power.

The continuous rise of the progress bar made him more convinced that Black Zetsu was the key to solving all these mysteries.

"Black Zetsu, do you have anything else to say?"

Virgil said.

"Your existence, your purpose, and your true connection with this world."

Facing Virgil's aggressive deterrence, Black Zetsu finally spoke.

"Virgil, your understanding of me is just the tip of the iceberg. I am indeed the continuation of Uchiha Madara's will, but my existence is far more complicated than you think. I have witnessed the changes of countless times and the rise and fall of the ninja world. What I pursue is not only Madara's resurrection, but also an ultimate goal that transcends all times, all races, and all boundaries. But all this cannot be told to you now."

After listening to this, Uchiha Obito felt that Black Zetsu might want to fool Virgil.

This guy is too bold!

But he didn't say anything. If he could fool him, wouldn't that be a good thing?

As for Black Zetsu deceiving himself, Uchiha Obito didn't think so. After all, they were all on the same boat. Everyone had their own calculations, but the general purpose and direction were the same.

That is to become the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki and then release the Infinite Tsukuyomi!

"Really? What if I must know?"

Virgil sneered.

Black Zetsu was silent, and then he suddenly performed the Mayfly Technique.

This technique is to integrate one's own body with the earth and plants to achieve the effect of high-speed movement, which can be integrated with the earth, and then through the intervention of the roots of plants and underground water flows in the ground, the organic network can be moved to any place at high speed, and all breaths are cut off during the activation of the ninjutsu.

"Black Zetsu!"

Uchiha Obito was shocked. He never expected that Black Zetsu would be so brave and run away in front of Virgil.

The problem is that if you run away, what should I do?

"Hmph, you want to escape?"

In that split second, Virgil's Yama Blade cut through the silence of the night, not only tearing the air, but also ruthlessly breaking the delicate balance of time and space.

His movements were smooth and precise, as if every subtle turn had been practiced countless times and resonated with the most subtle laws of the universe.

The tip of the Yama Blade drew an almost invisible trajectory in the void, which was a speed beyond the ability of the naked eye to capture, and an intertwined dance of time and space.

The azure crescent, like the purest sapphire in the deep sea, bloomed with a suffocating light in the dark night. It was not just a collection of light, but also a concentration of power.

As the blade tracked, an invisible resistance field suddenly erupted. It did not come from a physical collision, but the resistance of space itself to the impending changes.

This force distorted the surrounding space in an indescribable way, causing even the smallest dust to tremble under this force, as if the whole world was giving in to this knife and paving the way for it.

The gorgeous blue aurora is the product of the intersection of this resistance field and the dimensional slash.

It is not just the shining of light, but also the strange phenomenon released when the space is cut open, just like the explosion of stars in the depths of the universe, splitting the endless darkness into two, showing a beautiful and terrifying power aesthetics.

This aurora penetrates the darkness of nothingness, illuminates the path that Black Zetsu tries to escape, and also foreshadows his fate of having nowhere to hide.

The essence of Virgil's dimensional slash lies in the direct control of space.

Each of his cuts is not only a physical cut, but also a subtle adjustment of the structure of space.

Under this slash, whether it is hard metal, flowing air, or the invisible space itself, they all lose their original resistance and can only be torn and reshaped by this force obediently.

This ability goes beyond the power comparison in the conventional sense and is a direct challenge and conquest of the essence of existence.

With the complete release of the blade, a powerful impact force spreads around with Virgil as the center. It is not just the surge of airflow, but also the energy released after the space structure is changed.

This force instantly swept everything around. Trees were uprooted and huge waves of earth and rocks were lifted up. It seemed as if nature itself was trembling in awe of the power of this powerful man.

The most shocking thing is the collapse of the ground and mountains within a kilometer range.

This is not a simple geological change, but a deep trace left by the Dimension Slash in space.

It is like the brushstrokes of a master, splitting the earth in two, showing a destructive power that is almost artistic.

Those once stable mountains, those seemingly unshakable foundations, seem so fragile at this moment, as if they were just toys that Virgil fiddled with at will.

After this shocking knife, everything returned to calm.

But under that calm, there is a deeper terror and awe.

Virgil slowly sheathed the knife, and the crisp "click" sound was a declaration of the end of the battle.

Black Zetsu's Mayfly Technique seemed so pale and powerless at this moment.

He tried to blend into the earth and escape with the cover of nature, but in front of Virgil's Dimension Slash that transcended dimensions, all struggles seemed meaningless.

He was silent, it was a deep sense of despair and powerlessness.

After witnessing all this, Uchiha Obito was filled with mixed emotions.

There was shock, awe, and a hint of relief.

He was glad that he was not the target of the sword, and that he could witness such a thrilling battle with his own eyes.

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