Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 937: Inciting Konoha

"What's going on, Danzo?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen certainly wouldn't ignore the comments in the village, not to mention that it's not just comments, many ninjas from different families have begun to make various comments that are not favorable to them, which naturally attracted attention.

What a civilian ninja said, and what a ninja clan leader said, even if the meaning is the same, the weight is completely different!

"I don't know what's going on either."

Shimura Danzo was also confused. In response to the threat of the Poison Village, Konoha planned to unite the Cloud Village and the Rock Village to deal with the Poison Village, but now the village is one-sidedly resisting the war.

Originally, after the Sand Village had no ability to continue to unite with Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen was not a fool. If the Sand Village couldn't do it, there were still others, and it was just a change of the object of the alliance.

The problem is that Konoha is not united now, and some people say that the village is going to harm everyone's interests, because the Poison Village is just a small village and it is impossible to cause any trouble to Konoha, but Konoha wants to unite with other villages to attack the Poison Village!

Some people even found out that the Kumogakure delegation tried to steal the bloodline limit of the Hyuga clan but failed, and then they bit back. As a result, the village not only ignored the Hyuga clan, but also asked the Hyuga clan to hand over the murderer who killed the delegation to negotiate peace. In the end, the Hyuga clan had no choice but to use the body of the clan leader's younger brother, Hyuga Hizashi, to settle the matter.

Even a big Konoha clan like the Hyuga clan was treated like this, let alone them?

Now they want to unite the Kumogakure and Iwagakure villages, whose interests will be harmed by then?

Konoha is not only facing the external threat of the poisonous ninja village, but also the intensification of internal contradictions.

Shimura Danzo sighed: "Hiruzen, I am also troubled by this matter. Although the Poison Village is weak, its poison technique is strange. If left unchecked, it may become a major hidden danger in the future. We originally planned to unite with Kumogakure and Iwagakure to jointly eliminate this evil force, but..."

"But the villagers don't seem to understand this foresight."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took over the conversation, with a trace of worry in his eyes.

"What they see is only the peace and possible sacrifices in the present, but they ignore the long-term peace and tranquility. What price needs to be paid to maintain it."

As the topic deepened, the two of them recalled the unbearable past - the Kumogakure delegation incident.

It was a farce about trust and betrayal, but it ended with the great sacrifice of the Hyuga clan.

Hyuga Hizashi, the ninja who should have enjoyed a high status in the family, sacrificed himself for the honor of the family and the tranquility of the village and became a political victim.

This incident, like a scar that is difficult to heal, is deeply imprinted in the hearts of every Konoha ninja, and has quietly planted doubts and dissatisfaction with the decisions of the top leaders.

"Now that these memories have been re-examined, it is undoubtedly another crack in the already fragile wall of trust."

Danzo said indignantly.

"The villagers began to doubt whether our decisions are really for the benefit of the majority, or just to satisfy the ambitions of a few people."

Sarutobi Hiruzen heard this and smoked in silence.

"The situation this time is obviously much more complicated than we expected."

"Danzo, you must find out for me where this anti-war sentiment comes from?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said, this sudden resistance is by no means a storm without wind.

"Hiruzen, I have sent the most elite intelligence personnel to investigate, but there is no definite news yet."

Danzo's answer was a little helpless.

He understood that the spread of this emotion was far more complicated than it seemed on the surface.

It is not just the fear of war, but also the distrust of the decisions of Konoha's top leaders and the deep worry about the uncertainty of the future.

In fact, the outbreak of this anti-war sentiment did not happen overnight.

For a long time, although Konoha, as the leader of the five major ninja villages, has strong strength and influence, its internal contradictions and differences have never stopped.

Especially after experiencing many wars and conflicts, the villagers' desire for peace has become stronger, and any news that may trigger a war will touch their sensitive nerves.

The threat of the Poison Village was originally just one of Konoha's many potential enemies, but under the manipulation of the Black Light Ninja, it became the fuse that ignited the public's emotions.

These ninjas disguised themselves as influential figures in Konoha or opinion leaders among civilians, and successfully incited the public's emotions through clever words and carefully designed plans.

They took advantage of the public's fear of war and dissatisfaction with high-level decisions, and exaggerated the "innocence" and "weakness" of the Poison Village, trying to portray Konoha's joint action as an unnecessary invasion.

How could the Black Light Ninja allow Konoha to successfully join forces to attack the Poison Village?

Alex just used a little trick to make Konoha lose its footing and become chaotic internally.

Of course, the most important thing is that the villagers and the family can't see what benefits the destruction of the Poison Village can bring. In their eyes, there are only losses. However, because Konoha was a one-man show before, there was nothing they could do but endure it.

Now the black light ninjas have infiltrated, and their disguised identities are all important ninjas, or they are very popular among the civilian ninjas. These people speak together, and even the Hokage cannot ignore their opinions, which also makes those who dare not speak out also speak up.

The Cloud Village and the Rock Village naturally did not move. It was originally the joint operation proposed by Konoha. Now that Konoha itself did not move, they certainly could not move.

Otherwise, if there were any losses, wouldn’t they suffer a great loss?

Even Ohnoki thought that this was Konoha’s conspiracy!

Let them fight with the Poison Village first, and then consume their manpower, and then they will be able to reap the benefits.

Then after the spies in the Hidden Leaf Village reported back what Konoha was experiencing, Ohnoki immediately decided to help Konoha!

Compared with the future threat of the Poison Village, and it is not known whether it can develop, Konoha is undoubtedly Ohnoki’s heart disease. Only when Konoha is gone, Ohnoki can go to the underworld to see his teacher with peace of mind.

So he didn’t care about the Poison Village, and mobilized the Rock Village spies in Konoha, asking them to find ways to incite the emotions of Konoha Village.

The Hidden Cloud Village made the same decision as the Hidden Iwagakure Village. The Poison Village was nothing to them. They felt they could clean it up with a little effort. The most important thing now was Konoha. If they could get Konoha into chaos and then wipe out the Hyuga clan or do some other self-destructive operations, that would be even better!

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