Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 941 Little Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon VS Tailed Beast Ball

Boros waved his hand gently, as if the "Coral Palm" attack that was enough to frighten ordinary people was just a breeze to him and did not cause the slightest ripple.

There was a kind of indifference and disdain in his eyes, a kind of indifference that stood at the peak of power and looked down on all living beings.

Goji Yagura's screams echoed in the empty battlefield, which seemed particularly harsh. It was the most direct accusation of the power gap.

Gotachibana Yagura, as the jinchūriki of the three-tailed Isofu, should have been a presence that cannot be ignored on this battlefield.

His whole body was covered with the brilliant tailed beast chakra, which should have been his strongest shield and his capital to compete with powerful enemies.

However, in the face of Boros' unimaginable power, this radiant armor was as fragile as tissue paper. With one blow, he lost his precious left arm, and the blood mixed with chakra and turned red. the earth.

"Damn it, how could I be defeated so easily!"

Goji Yagura's heart was filled with unwillingness and anger. This emotion burned like a fire, driving him to make a decisive change.

As Gotachibana Yagura's will surged, his body began to undergo astonishing changes. His skin gradually became as hard as stone, and his body expanded several times, eventually transforming into a huge three-tailed Isobutsu.

This huge turtle-shaped tailed beast is covered with a thick carapace covered with sharp spikes, like a moving fortress, both indestructible and full of threats.

The appearance of the three-tailed Isobutsu immediately made the atmosphere of the entire battlefield tense to the extreme.

Every step Isofu takes is accompanied by vibrations on the ground. Its huge body casts a huge shadow on the battlefield, making people feel an unprecedented sense of oppression.


Three-Tailed Isotoko let out a deafening roar, and the sound waves shook the surrounding space to tremble slightly.

Goju Yagura's consciousness has been completely integrated into Isobutsu, and he feels an unprecedented power. This power gives him the confidence to fight Boros.

He began to mobilize the tailed beast chakra in his body, preparing to condense the tailed beast jade, which was his most powerful attack method and the key to determining the outcome of this battle.

Tailed Beast Jade, as the pinnacle of S-level ninjutsu, is powerful enough to turn mountains and rivers into color, and make the sun and moon dim.

Goju Yagura carefully blended the tailed beast chakra in his body according to the ratio of yin and yang 2:8, and saw a ball of dark energy gradually taking shape in his mouth, spinning faster and faster, and finally condensed into a high-density, almost solid The transformed black energy bomb.

Poros stood not far away, quietly observing all this.

He could feel unprecedented energy intensity from the black energy. Even by his standards, this was considered a pretty good attack.

However, this did not make him feel the slightest fear or flinch, but instead aroused his desire to fight.

"Very good, it seems you have some abilities."

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Boros' mouth, which was a kind of recognition and respect for the strong.

He knew very well that only by fighting against such an opponent could he feel real fun and satisfaction. So, he decided to have a feast of energy confrontation with Gouju Yagura.

"Little Bengxing Roaring Cannon!"

Boros shouted lowly, and all the strength in his body was instantly concentrated to the extreme.

Compared with the real Collapse Star Roar Cannon, although this small Collapse Star Roar Cannon consumes much less energy, its power is equally astonishing.

Now that he has entered the main god space, Boros will naturally strengthen himself. This small collapsing star roaring cannon is one of the effects of the strengthening. It accumulates all the energy in the body and releases a huge energy wave from its mouth. It is so powerful that it can blast all the people within sight. , wipe out everything on the horizon!

In Boros's open mouth, there is no longer simple breathing and words, but the most primitive and violent power in the depths of the universe is slowly gathering.

This force is beyond the scope of mortal understanding. It is as deep as a black hole and as dazzling as a star exploding. It distorts the surrounding space like ripples on the water. Even the light becomes distorted under the influence of this force. Weird.

Two energies, one black and one white, were like the polar opposites of yin and yang, forming a sharp contrast over the battlefield.

With the collision of the two sides' wills, the two energies no longer just confront each other quietly, they begin to rotate and accelerate, as if two huge vortices are attracting each other and trying to swallow each other up.

The sky was dyed ominously by these two extreme powers, with dark clouds and lightning and thunder, as if even the heaven and earth were trembling for this battle.

Finally, Boros's patience reached its limit. He roared, and the wave of energy that could swallow up the world spurted out like a wild horse, turning into a brilliant beam of light that cut through the sky with the will to destroy everything. Go straight to Goju Yagura.

At that moment, time seemed to stand still, all sounds were drowned by this power, and only the dazzling light remained, becoming the only existence in the world.


When the two energies collided together, the entire battlefield seemed to be torn apart. The earth-shattering loud noise shattered everything around it. Even the air was compressed by this force and screamed ear-piercingly.

The collision between the Tailed Beast Jade and the Xiaobenxing Roaring Cannon instantly turned the battlefield into a sea of ​​fire, and the light shot up into the sky, illuminating the entire sky.

The shock wave spread in all directions at a speed visible to the naked eye. Wherever it went, the surrounding trees and rocks collapsed and disintegrated under the impact of this force, as if even time was frozen by this force.

However, in this seemingly evenly matched contest, Boros's power still prevailed.

The unparalleled destructive power of the Little Collapse Star Roaring Cannon swallowed up the Tailed Beast Ball in an instant like a whirlwind sweeping away the remnants of the clouds.

The black energy bomb seemed so small and powerless under the light. It struggled and resisted, but it could not escape the fate of being destroyed.

Then the aftermath continued to move forward, approaching the body of Goji Yagura.

Faced with this sudden crisis, Goji Yagura's heart was filled with despair and unwillingness.

But he did not give up resistance, but tried his best to mobilize the remaining chakra in his body to try to resist this wave of fatal attacks.

However, all this was in vain.

In front of the power that was enough to wipe out everything on the horizon, any resistance seemed so pale and powerless, and the body of the three-tailed Isobu was easily torn apart like paper.

Finally, with a deafening roar, the huge body of the three-tailed Isobu collapsed in the explosion and turned into fragments and dust all over the sky.

Goji Yagura was reduced to ashes, and nothing remained!

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