Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 99 Ge Xiaolun's Nightmare

"The king has given it to you, and I have also given you the information. Queen Morgana will not let me down, right?"

Luther said.

"Of course not!"

Morgana herself didn't know how to lose. She got a peak beast general. She was still worried about what she would do if she sent Ato out, even if she collected a lot of mutated demons to serve as second-generation warriors. He is even a third-generation warrior, but compared with high-level guarding angels, he is still a little behind.

There may not be such a gap after Holy Kesha went offline, but before she went offline, she was not surprised that a high-level guardian angel could defeat several mutant demons.

These guys rely entirely on instinct to use super genes, and they have never experienced a war between gods and gods, or between super soldiers. Even if they are allowed to learn now, their chaotic brains will not be able to learn much.

This is also the reason why every time there is a war, the mutated demons that Morgana worked so hard to recruit will die completely. The demon warriors who are good at fighting have died so many times, and their entire army is still wiped out, not to mention these are nothing. A mutated demon in the brain?

Now it's better, with one more peak beast body, it can involve several high-level guarding angels.

Coupled with those mutant demon cannon fodder and a lot of little demons and demon warriors who are secretly shooting, it is not a problem to hold down the high-level guarding angels under Holy Kesha. It will be a king versus king situation.

After the two of them finished chatting, the God of War left directly.

Morgana looked at the God of War thoughtfully.

I don't know why, but Morgana always feels that this God of War is a bit similar to the God of War of Nuoxing.

It's not about appearance, it's about genetic information, but Morgana quickly ruled out this possibility.

Now she is busy.

"Heifeng, where did you die? Come to me quickly, Queen!"

Morgana said.

After a while, Black Wind came over.

"Queen Morgana, I'm busy editing the dreams of Di Leina and Cheng Yaowen. What's wrong?"

Black Wind asked.

"What else can I do to find you? From today on, I will add one more partner, Ge Xiaolun, the power of the Galaxy. Queen, no matter what method you use, make him betray his camp, hate the angels, and join us devils!"

Morgana said impatiently.

"Ah, is it necessary?"

Black Wind scratched its head, it was already very busy, don't think that editing dreams is easy, this kind of mental invasion is very energy-consuming, although Black Wind also likes to do this, but if it increases the workload out of thin air, how will it arrange its time?

"Of course it is necessary. This kid is the future of angelic civilization, and is more important than Enisid. The reason is that he is the last god-making project of the space principal. He may have cracked the ultimate fear and subverted the dark world on a small scale. Transformation constant theory, in other words, he will become the most advanced god in the future!"

Morgana is not a fool and will not believe whatever Luther says. She has to figure out why Ge Xiaolun is the future of angel civilization.

After the technical analysis and investigation, Morgana was shocked.

It cracked the ultimate fear she had always been afraid of, and was able to subvert the theory of constant dark transformation on a small scale... No wonder the angel civilization felt that the power of the galaxy was their future.

After Morgana found out, she felt that the power of the galaxy would be the future of demon civilization in the future, not the angel civilization.

Morgana is very confident about the ability of demons to corrupt people, and the highest level of gods cannot be grown in a short time. She has a lot of time after the curtain call of Holy Kesha.

However, this kind of work should of course start now, the sooner the better.

"The power of the galaxy will become the highest god? I understand, Queen!"

Black Wind was surprised, and then said quickly.

It feels very challenging and exciting. This is the most advanced god in the future, and it is also the hope and future of the angelic civilization. If it can lure him to fall, it will be considered an achievement.

Hei Feng planned to think carefully about how to arrange this dream and investigate Ge Xiaolun's information.

The Grand Canyon.

The people in the Xiongbing Company were worried about the conditions of Di Leina and Cheng Yaowen.

There seems to be something wrong between the two of them recently. Cheng Yaowen and Di Leina have said in public more than once that they want to kill each other.

In the eyes of the rest of the Xiongbing Company, it was just because they were inexplicable that they wanted to kill each other because they had nightmares. Isn't it too outrageous and ridiculous?

But one wave after another, the Super Seminary has not yet investigated the situation of Cheng Yaowen and Di Leina, Ge Xiaolun and Du Qiangwei have problems again.

The two of them were also troubled by nightmares. In the nightmare, Ge Xiaolun dreamed that Du Qiangwei abandoned him and the Xiongbing Company and joined the demonic civilization.

Ge Xiaolun was unwilling to give up and wanted to recover Du Qiangwei. Then Demon Queen Morgana said that as long as he joined the demon civilization, he would not harm Lan Xing and Du Qiangwei.

For the sake of the person he liked, Ge Xiaolun didn't think too much, or in other words, Heifeng just gave him a little guidance, and Ge Xiaolun joined the demon civilization on his own.

This makes Hei Feng feel that there is no difficulty at all, is that all?

Is this the most advanced god in the future?

The next step is to deepen Ge Xiaolun's impression of the demon civilization. Under the control of Black Wind, the demon civilization has become a very good environment, and the angel civilization has become hateful.

Especially when the angel civilization came to the Grand Canyon before, its arrogant and tense momentum made Ge Xiaolun have a bad impression of the angels. So in the dream, Angel Yan wantonly slaughtered the demon warriors, tortured Du Qiangwei, and even stood in front of Ge Xiaolun. He killed Du Qiangwei in front of him.


Ge Xiaolun woke up from his dream, and Zhao Xin was woken up by him.

"What's wrong, Xiao Lun?"

Just as Zhao Xin finished speaking, the next moment Cheng Yaowen also shouted and woke up.

This made Xin Zhao feel overwhelmed.

"I, I, I had a nightmare."

Ge Xiaolun said tremblingly. In front of him, Du Qiangwei was stepped on by Angel Yan, a domineering angel, and then the flaming sword penetrated Du Qiangwei's body. Ge Xiaolun only felt extremely painful in his heart, and then burst out. Developed unconscious anti-void ability.

Now on Devil No. 1's side, Black Wind was rolling on the ground in pain.

"I also had a nightmare..."

Cheng Yaowen followed.

"That's weird. Is the feng shui in the dormitory bad?"

Xin Zhao thought about it for a moment and then said.

"This thing is mobile, how can it have a Feng Shui direction?"

Ge Xiaolun complained that Juxia is not a fixed house, so there is no Feng Shui direction that can be determined.

Although it was just a nightmare, Ge Xiaolun still felt lingering fear.

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