Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 121 Strange Fruit

After Liu Nan was swallowed by the one-horned monster, he followed the monster's body and entered its stomach.

As soon as it entered the monster's stomach, Liu Nan felt a strong pungent smell rush into his nose, followed by dizziness, physical weakness, and his internal organs felt like they were on fire.

This gas is poisonous!

Before he could make any move, a thick liquid with a sour taste rushed towards his face again, covering his entire body.

This liquid should be the gastric acid in the monster's body, which is specially used to corrode and digest food.

Liu Nan, who was surrounded by the highly corrosive gastric acid, let out a miserable scream. His head, which had just been dizzy from the poisonous gas, suddenly woke up from the severe pain.

No, if I continue like this, I will be digested by this monster. I finally broke through the twelfth level of the golden bell and gained internal strength.

Besides, Wang Yun was still waiting for him to go back to propose marriage. How could he die here so easily? Wouldn't that be too frustrating?

The strong desire to survive made Liu Nan lift the golden bell again despite the excruciating pain.

A faint golden light rose on the surface of Liu Nan's body, and the corrosive liquid was instantly isolated by the light.

The internal energy that had just been exhausted by the tiger's collapse also began to slowly recover.

About ten minutes later, the internal strength returned to the thickness of a hair. However, due to the large amount of poisonous gas that had just been inhaled, the internal organs were still in burning pain, and the condition was not very good.

Holding back the pain, Liu Nan opened his eyes, used his internal energy on his hands again, and roared loudly:

"You want to eat me, let's see if you die or I die!" After shouting, he hit the monster's stomach wall.

Liu Nan didn't believe it. The monster's outer scales were extremely hard and powerful. How could it be so perverted inside?

The one-horned monster has lived in this deep pool for more than two hundred years. It likes cold but not heat, so it has always lived in the deep bottom of the pool.

Today, as usual, it came out of the cold cave where it had lived for more than two hundred years and hunted in the water.

Under this pool is its territory, and it is the overlord of this area. It belongs to the highest level of the food chain and has no natural enemies.

However, today, while hunting for prey, it felt such a powerful aura intruding into its territory.

How could it bear this? So it swam over decisively and wanted to beat this guy who dared to intrude into his territory into a pulp.

However, this guy who broke into its territory, although his body is not big and he has no scales, his skin is indeed very hard, and he didn't die after being slapped by it so many times.

I wanted to stab him with my head to death, but I didn't expect that he was hit instead. This hit on his head made him hurt for a long time.

Two hundred years of dominance has been severely challenged today. It has not been injured for two hundred years. As the top of the food chain, it has been injured by a small intruder today.

How could it bear this? Burning with rage, it chased after the life breath of the intruder who dared to challenge its majesty.

Finally, he swallowed the intruder in one gulp the moment he escaped from the pool, and then happily returned to sleep in the cold cave deep in the pool.

Not long after lying down, the one-horned monster felt a pain in his stomach, and then began to experience severe pain in his internal organs.

It's like something is rolling inside its body, no matter how hard it rolls, it has no effect.

About a quarter of an hour later, the one-horned monster finally stopped rolling. It wasn't that it didn't hurt anymore, but it was completely silent.

Then the monster's big mouth suddenly opened, two hands stretched out from the monster's mouth, and with a strong shove, a person crawled out of the one-horned monster's mouth. It was none other than the one who was swallowed. Liu Nan,

After Liu Nan smashed the one-horned monster's stomach, he destroyed everything inside. It wasn't until the monster stopped moving that he crawled out of its mouth along its body.

Liu Nan, who had just climbed out of the body of the one-horned monster, felt cold all over, and what he saw was a cave full of cold air.

The cold cave is winding and deep, with a strange landscape. The roof of the cave is covered with milky-white stalactites, and is even inlaid with a few fist-sized luminous pearls, emitting some soft light.

At this time, Liu Nan didn't care to look at the scenery in the cave, because the crisis was still not over. Although the one-horned monster was dead, the large amount of poisonous gas that Liu Nan inhaled in its body was still there.

At this time, the poisonous gas was burning his internal organs like a raging fire. If an antidote was not found, he would be like the one-horned monster lying there, sleeping in this cold cave forever.

Liu Nan took a general look at the cold cave and then began to carefully search around the one-horned monster.

As a doctor, he knows that for poisonous animals, it is very likely that something that can detoxify them can be found near where they live.

Yin and Yang are in conflict with each other, nothing more than that.

Sure enough, in the corner of the cold cave, Liu Nan discovered a crystal clear plant with small fruits.

In Liu Nan's observation, the entire plant was born from stalactites. It was not big, with only four leaves and one fruit.

But both leaves and fruits seem to be transparent, as if they were carved from crystal, and there is still a faint chill.

Liu Nan carefully picked the crystal clear fruit. As soon as he picked it, the plant, including the stems and leaves, evaporated.

Liu Nan looked at the fruit in his hand. If his prediction was correct, this fruit would be the antidote to the poisonous gas of the one-horned monster.

Of course, it may not be the case, but Liu Nan doesn’t think about it anymore, because if you don’t eat, you will die, but if you eat, you still have a chance to live.

He threw the fruit into his mouth. Before he could chew it, the fruit turned into a cold air and entered his body.

Liu Nan didn't dare to delay, so he quickly sat down cross-legged and turned the golden bell with all his strength.

I saw the cold air flowing down Liu Nan's throat and entering his internal organs. It met with the hot poisonous gas that he had inhaled before.

The two breaths seemed to be the two poles of yin and yang. They merged together instantly and transformed into a powerful force.

But this power was absorbed by the golden internal force generated by the twelve layers of the golden bell during its operation.

Seeing that the internal force the size of a hair grew stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye,

Liu Nan kept running the Golden Bell Mask formula to absorb the power, and had unknowingly entered a state of deep cultivation.

As time goes by, the internal force that is as thick as a hair gradually becomes the thickness of chopsticks, and the internal force that is as thick as chopsticks finally becomes the thickness of a finger.

It took about a full year for this power to be gradually absorbed by Liu Nan. Now the thickness of the internal power in Liu Nan's body is equivalent to what he could achieve after twenty years of non-stop operation.

Staying vigil at the hospital at night, sneaking in a chapter????

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