Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 124 Coming to Help

"Master, there are smoke rising from Dongzhimen and Dongbianmen!"

Jiu Jin shouted to the two people who were discussing.

"It seems that the Eight-Nation Allied Forces from Dongzhimen and Dongbianmen are coming here. They probably want to concentrate their forces to break through Chaoyangmen in one fell swoop and go straight to the capital!"

Tan Sitong spoke to Wang Wu, and then ordered Jiujin, who was standing nearby in military uniform: "Jiujin, let's light up the smoke too!"

"Yes, Master!"

Jiu Jin quickly ordered people to also light up the smoke.

At Dongzhimen, Huang Feihong saw smoke rising in the direction of Chaoyang Gate, and knew that things were developing in the worst direction planned.

He left only about a hundred people to continue guarding the door, turned off the smoke, and took the remaining eight hundred people with him and rushed to Chaoyang Gate.

At Dongbian Gate, a group of people led by Yuanshun Escort also left more than a hundred people to guard the gate as planned, and quickly supported Chaoyang Gate with the remaining more than a thousand people.

After Liu Nan disappeared, Song Bingzhong first launched the search for more than 500 members of the Xingzhong Society hidden in the capital.

After searching to no avail, he, who was well aware of the relationship between Liu Nan and Huang Feihong, notified Huang Feihong of the situation. Huang Feihong also used his influence to search, but in the end Liu Nan was not found.

Before the outbreak of the Eight-Nation Allied Forces' war of aggression against China, Wang Wu and Tan Sitong came to the capital first, first to look for Liu Nan, and secondly to gather some forces to resist the Eight-Nation Allied Forces that might attack the capital.

Later, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China and the war broke out until they finally reached the capital.

Wang Wu and Tan Sitong formed a team of about 1,200 people, including the bodyguards from the Yuanshun Escort Bureau and the men hidden in the capital from the Xingzhong Hui, to guard the Dongbian Gate.

Huang Feihong and his father Huang Qiying summoned patriots from all martial arts schools and gangs in the capital, and there were probably close to a thousand people to guard Dongzhimen.

The remaining Chaoyang Gate is guarded by Prince Yi and his men who returned from defeat.

Originally, the attack of the Eight-Nation Alliance was not too strong. After all, with their advantages in numbers and weapons, they could slowly use up the thousands of people guarding the city gate.

If you are too eager, you will lose a lot of soldiers on your side. Although the goal of the eight countries is to invade China, no one wants to suffer too many casualties among their country's soldiers.

But since it was learned that Cixi had fled the capital with the ministers of the court, Prince Yi had problems. Wang Wu and Tan Sitong came to dissuade them, but it did not work. Prince Yi still led people to rush out of the city gate and kill the Eight Kingdoms. coalition forces.

Fortunately, Wang Wu, Tan Sitong and Huang Feihong had already prepared for the worst, using the warning sign of wolf smoke to quickly support them if something unexpected happened. They could hold on for as long as they could, waiting for Sun Wen's army to come to their aid.

After the death of more than a thousand of Prince Yi's troops, the Eight-Nation Allied troops at Chaoyang Gate did not attack immediately. Instead, they waited until the Eight-Nation Allied troops who attacked the other two gates had completed their rendezvous, and then began to advance towards the city wall step by step.

In ancient wars, it was easier to defend a city than to attack it. The number of troops attacking the city must be far greater than the number of troops defending the city to capture the city wall, and it would also take a long time to consume the troops defending the city.

Therefore, even though there are currently only more than 2,000 people defending the city, and the number of the Eight-Nation Allied Forces attacking the city is more than 20,000, Tan Sitong, Wang Wu and Huang Feihong still have hope of holding the city gate in a short time.

However, they only considered the number of people, but did not consider the gap in weapons between the two sides.

The Eight-Nation Allied Forces did not need to get too close to the city wall to carry out ferocious long-range attacks with cannons, machine guns and rifles that were far beyond the range of the defenders.

If the defenders of the city were not composed of patriots who risked their lives, they would have been beaten open and surrendered not long after the contact.

Perhaps Prince Yi, who had a lot of fighting experience with the Eight-Nation Allied Forces, also expected this situation, so he opened the door to fight to the death.

"No, the casualties our archery team and musketeer team caused to them are too low, and with one round of their cannons, we will lose a lot of people!"

Huang Feihong, who was usually calm and composed, couldn't help but said angrily with red eyes when he saw his own personnel being killed by the opponent's artillery and machine guns.

Wang Wu didn't know what to do. He could only hold a strong bow and vent his anger by constantly killing the foreigners below.

For masters like them, the fixed range and power of the smooth-bore flint musket are not as powerful as the strong bow in his hand.

Tan Sitong gritted his teeth and said: "We have no choice but to hold on for as long as we can, otherwise if the Eight-Nation Allied Forces invade the capital, the people in the capital will be doomed."

An hour later, there were less than 1,000 people left on the city wall, and less than 200 people of the Eight-Nation Allied Forces died. The defenders had nearly five times more people dead than the attackers. This was the difference in weapons. .

Just when the city gate was about to be blown down by cannons, billowing dust suddenly rose from the southeast, and the sound of horse hooves like thunder came from the distance.

A big flag with the word "Yuan" on it roared in the air.

Tan Sitong, Wang Wu and Huang Feihong, who were standing on the city wall, looked up at the big flag.

I saw the leading general, wearing armor and holding a spear, leading the way and shouting: "All the soldiers, follow me to kill the foreign invaders, protect the capital, and make great achievements. Today! Kill!"

"Yuan Shikai!"

Tan Sitong's eyes widened. He never expected that Yuan Shikai would bring his 17,000 new troops to help.

At the same time, another force of nearly 10,000 people came over from the northeast.

If Liu Nan could recognize it here, the three leaders were Wang Fuming, a little giant who was nearly three meters tall, Liu Yubai, a martial arts champion holding a black gold iron fan, and Shen Yang, who had reformed.

When the Eight-Nation Allied Forces saw the reinforcements, totaling about 27,000 people, appearing in the distance, they were still frightened. All their artillery and machine guns turned around and fired at the reinforcements from afar.

The suppression of advanced weapons cannot be filled by numbers alone. This is something that the Eight-Nation Allied Forces have long been certain of since they have dealt with the Qing Dynasty over the years.

Although the coalition forces must have suffered heavy casualties after consuming the 27,000 men and horses in the end, so what, you must know that there is countless wealth waiting for them in this capital city.

The capital is the capital of China. Taking this place is equivalent to breaking the backbone of the Chinese people. In the future, wealth will be available to everyone. For the Eight-Nation Allied Forces dominated by capitalists, nothing is more tempting than these.

However, the facts were indeed as expected by the Eight-Nation Allied Forces. Although the two teams were said to have more people than them, their weapons were far inferior. The most important thing was that in order to quickly come to reinforcements, the two teams did not carry the only heavy weapons they had. The artillery and machine guns of the Eight-Nation Allied Forces caused heavy casualties.

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