Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 134 Wow! martial arts master

The young man in the peaked cap shouted and quickly squeezed out of the back door.

The female passenger who was hit originally wanted to say something, but when she heard what the young man in the peaked hat said, she stopped talking.

And all this was seen in Liu Nan's eyes. It turned out that the young man in the peaked cap was a thief.

In fact, Liu Nan hated the behavior of stealing mobile phones on the bus because he had experienced this kind of thing before.

You must know that most of the people who take the bus are not rich, and mobile phones are considered valuables to them.

After it was stolen, I felt very distressed, just like myself before,

A month's salary, after excluding rent, water and electricity, daily expenses, gatherings with friends and colleagues, and occasionally sending some things to the orphanage, there is not much left.

A mobile phone costing RMB 3,000 to 4,000, you really have to work hard for several months to save up and buy one.

Being stolen while riding a bus would really make you angry to death, and the key to modern people is that a lot of important information is saved on their mobile phones.

So seeing this situation today, Liu Nan took action without hesitation.

I saw his right hand gently brushing over the shirt, and there were two more buttons in his hand.

Then the thumb and middle finger intertwined, twisting and flicking, and the two buttons were shot towards the duck-tongued young man like bullets.

When the duck-tongued young man stepped on the ground with his feet, he knew that he had received this mobile phone again today. He was secretly happy. When he changed hands later, he would get it for at least eight or nine hundred yuan.

You can go to the bathhouse for two or three days again. I heard that two new technicians have recently arrived at the bathhouse. They are from the Northeast. They are very beautiful. When the time comes, hehe!

"Ah, it hurts me so much, it hurts me so much!"

I saw the young man in the peaked cap who had just gotten off the bus suddenly let out a wail, covered one hand and knelt on the ground unable to move.

As he knelt down, a rose-red mobile phone with a rabbit shell fell out of his sleeve.

At this time, both those who got on the bus and those who got off the bus were attracted by the wailing sound of the young man in the peaked cap.

The female passenger whose cell phone was stolen in the car was also attracted and looked over.

When I saw the mobile phone falling out of the sleeve of this young man with a peaked cap, I was shocked and quickly touched my butt pocket.

Sure enough, the phone was missing!

She rushed down, picked up the phone, pressed her thumb on the phone screen, and the fingerprint unlocked successfully.

"Everyone catch him, I want to call the police. This is my mobile phone. I obviously put it in my pocket. He hit me when I got off the car and it was gone. Everyone saw that it fell out of his sleeve just now. I suspect he is a thief!"

Everyone just saw that the female passenger had successfully unlocked the phone in one go, and when they heard what she said, they immediately believed it, and they all stepped forward and held down the duck-tongued young man.

After holding it down, everyone discovered the reason why the duck-tongued young man was wailing.

It turned out that for some reason, two buttons were stuck into the tops of his hands and feet!


Everyone was confused when they saw this situation. How did the button get stuck into the back of the hand and instep of the young man in the peaked cap? Isn't this scientific?

Liu Nan saw that the young man in the peaked cap was pushed to the ground. Knowing that nothing would happen to him, he got out of the car and walked towards the gate of Dafuku Temple.

The button he popped out just now not only injured the young man in the peaked cap, but also sealed the acupoints on his right hand and right leg.

For at least two months, his right hand and right leg will be as if they were disabled, which can be considered a lesson to him.

Daifukuji Station is still four to five hundred meters away from the main gate of Daifukuji Temple.

Not long after Liu Nangang left, a girl carrying a small bag and wearing an emerald green top ran over from behind and greeted him:

"Hello, friend, I am Guan Xiaoxiao, a fourth-year student at the University of Science and Technology. I just got on the bus with you. I see that you are going to Dafuku Temple. Are you going to visit Dafuku Temple?"

This girl is none other than the college girl who just secretly photographed Liu Nan on Douyin on the bus.

In fact, she felt that Liu Nan was quite different in the car, so she kept paying attention to him.

When Liu Nan flicked the buttons, she was the only one who saw it. She was stunned and kept repeating one sentence in her heart:

"Wow! It turns out there really is a martial arts master!"

So when she saw Liu Nan preparing to leave, she immediately followed her.

Since she looked at Liu Nan with no malicious intent, Liu Nan didn't realize that this girl had been paying attention to him.

"Well, yes, I'm going to visit Daifuku Temple. Is there any problem?"

Liu Nan looked at the strange girl in front of him in surprise and asked,

Guan Xiaoxiao replied with a bright smile: "No, no, it's just that I also want to go to Dafuku Temple. I was on the bus with you just now. I feel that we are quite destined and can go shopping together. I happen to be very familiar with Dafuku Temple. If you have any questions, you can ask me!”

Liu Nan wanted to refuse, but finally heard Guan Xiaoxiao say that she was very familiar with Dafu Temple, so she thought about it and replied:

"Okay then, we have a labor girl!"

Liu Nan bowed his hand towards Guan Xiaoxiao.

"You have quite a sense of humor!"

Guan Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up and she said to Liu Nan,

Liu Nan patted his head and forgot that it was no longer the end of the Qing Dynasty.

"Sure enough, he has the demeanor of a master, and the way he greets you is different from others!"

Guan Xiaoxiao thought to himself.

The two of them went to the ticket booth together and bought two tickets, then followed the flow of people and walked in.

Dafu Temple is the largest temple in the southern suburbs of Hezhou. Liu Nan’s first impression was that it was huge.

At a glance, they are all antique Buddhist buildings. The largest and tallest building among them is the Main Hall.

Its overall momentum is solemn and majestic, with steep glazed roofs, light upturned corners, and orderly arrangement of flying ridges of kissing beasts.

The cascading cornices and bright beams and brackets are all painted with Hexi colors, using three background colors of cyan, green and red to set off the gold, supplemented by dragon patterns, orb patterns and two dragons playing with beads patterns, making the entire hall look stunning. Against the background of the colorful paintings, the golden wall is even more radiant and magnificent.

The plaque above the main door has the four words "Wan De Zhuang", the plaque on one side of the door is engraved with "** often rotates", and the other side is engraved with "Great Perfect Enlightenment".

Seeing that Liu Nan was interested, Guan Xiaoxiao introduced him from the side:

"This is a handwriting of the famous calligrapher Mr. Fang Shaowu. The couplet on both sides reads, "Thousands of sentient beings are traveling together to the supermundane world, and the Dharma gate is only non-dual consciousness. We travel together to choose the Buddha's place." This shows the deep compassion and broad wish of Mahayana Buddhism to save all sentient beings. ,

On the front of the rooftop base of the Main Hall is a group of stone sculptures with vivid charm and shocking scenes of "Prince Sakyamuni being bathed by nine dragons", which shows the story of the birth of Buddha "when the prince is born, and bathed by nine dragons". "

Liu Nan watched Guan Xiaoxiao casually tell a lot of stories related to Buddhism, and asked in surprise:

"Miss Guan, I see that you are very familiar with Dafuku Temple. I just heard you say that you come here often. Are you a Buddhist believer?"

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