Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 137 Resignation

After Liu Nan left, Wu Ximeng recovered from the shock and asked Guan Xiaoxiao excitedly:

"Xiaoxiao, tell me the truth, is he really not your boyfriend?"

Guan Xiaoxiao replied: "That's not true, he and I just met today!"

Wu Ximeng immediately took Guan Xiaoxiao's arm and said:

"Xiaoxiao, he is so manly! I feel like I am in love. Since he is not your boyfriend, if you push his WeChat account to me, I will chase him!"

Guan Xiaoxiao touched Wu Ximeng's head and said, "You are a nymphomaniac again! Also, don't you have a boyfriend?"

"It's okay. I'll divorce him tonight. Liu Nan and I are truly in love!"

Wu Ximeng hugged Guan Xiaoxiao's waist tightly and cooed.

Guan Xiaoxiao propped up Wu Ximeng's little face and said:

"You scumbag, don't harm him, he is my future master!"

"Master? What, Xiaoxiao, are you going to become a disciple again?"

Wu Ximeng said with a surprised look on his face.

"Little girl movie, you don't understand!"

Guan Xiaoxiao raised her head and said proudly.

"You, a rich lady worth hundreds of millions, don't want to inherit your family business after graduation, but you actually study those weird things!"

Wu Ximeng said helplessly.

Guan Xiaoxiao ignored Wu Ximeng, picked up her cell phone and made a call.

"He Bo, it's me!"

"Oh, it's the eldest lady. You finally called. You haven't been home for a long time. The master talks about you every day!"

An old man's surprised voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Okay, He Bo, I understand. I will go back when I have time. As long as dad doesn't always force me to do things I don't want to do, I will go back.

Oh, and He Bo, you can find some connections in the past two days and send me the photos and information of old monks over fifty years old in Hezhou! "

Guan Xiaoxiao replied somewhat perfunctorily.

"Yes, miss! I will get the information for you tomorrow."

Liu Nan did not go home immediately after leaving Guan Xiaoxiao and the two of them, but took a bus to other temples in Hezhou City.

He still understands that eggs cannot be put in one basket. Guan Xiaoxiao can only be said to be a way, but he cannot pin all his hopes on her.

At the end of the day, Liu Nan visited four well-known temples in Hezhou City, but still could not find the mysterious old monk.

The next day, early in the morning,

Liu Nan did not continue to other temples in Hezhou City, but rode his second-hand donkey to the company.

Today is Monday, which was Liu Nan’s normal working hours before, but now he has no intention of working anymore.

So he went to the company today to resign.

After arriving at the company, I simply said hello to my colleagues, then went directly to the team director directly under me and explained my purpose of coming.

The team director stayed for half an hour. Seeing that Liu Nan had indeed decided to leave, he said nothing more.

After all, the sales industry is like this. It’s normal for soldiers who have a solid silver platter to resign if they don’t want to work.

There were no disputes or quarrels. Liu Nan went to the Human Resources Department to get a resignation form. After filling it out, he submitted it directly to the team director.

He left the company in the surprised eyes of all his colleagues.

As soon as he left the company and before he could ride on the donkey, Liu Nan received a call from Yang Ruifei.

"Liu Nan, are you free today?"

"I'm free. Officer Yang, what can I do?"

"Of course it's a spar? Didn't you promise to spar with me before?"

"Sparring, now?"

"Yes, right now. I have a day off today and I happen to be free. Wherever you are, I will drive to pick you up!"

"No, just send me the location via WeChat."

"Okay, just wait a moment, I'll send it to you right away!"

Liu Nan answered and hung up the phone.

"Ding dong!"

I opened WeChat and looked at Yang Ruifei's location. It was not very far from him, about six kilometers away.

In fact, Liu Nan has thought about it. The fastest way to find a person is actually the police. As long as the monitoring is done,

Who the old monk was that night would be obvious wherever he went. This was Liu Nan's biggest purpose in wanting to have a good relationship with Yang Ruifei.

"Feifei, will the master you mentioned come over today?"

A young man in a floral shirt asked casually, sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed.

Yang Ruifei threw her phone on the table and said with a smile: "I'll be there soon!"

"Feifei, is this master really as powerful as you say? He captured the famous underground boxer Zhang Biao in one move?"

The man in the shirt lit a cigarette and asked with a look of disbelief.

Yang Ruifei whitened the man's shirt and said with disdain: "That night, he also made unexpected moves, but I think he is definitely not weak. He can hit you like this, one can hit ten!"

The man in the shirt immediately refused and said: "Feifei, I am also a master of Taekwondo. Although I can't beat you, I won't be beaten ten times, right?"

Yang Ruifei chuckled and said: "With your Taekwondo level, you can usually fool the students, but in real combat..."

The man in the shirt chuckled and said: "There are a few people who practice this now really for actual combat, most of them do it to look cool."

"Hey, I don't remember how I got kicked out last time. I can help you once, but I can't help you all the time!"

Yang Ruifei saw the man in the shirt smiling and said angrily.

Hearing Yang Ruifei's words, the man in the shirt suddenly felt bad and cursed: "Damn Li Heigou, sooner or later I will kill him!"

The man in the shirt is named Zhu Jun, and he and Yang Ruifei are childhood friends. Yang Ruifei’s father is the director of the Hezhou City Public Security Bureau.

Zhu Jun's father is the largest real estate businessman in Hezhou City. Their fathers are college classmates and have a close relationship. Therefore, Zhu Jun and Yang Ruifei also have a very good relationship.

Zhu Jun's family was not short of money, so he learned Taekwondo for several years in order to look cool and pick up girls, and later he opened a fighting club like this.

Some relatively well-known coaches were invited to teach boxing, taekwondo and Sanda. Most of the students who signed up were either rich or wealthy, so the income of the club was considerable.

Two months ago, a new fighting club opened not far from his fighting club. The owner was called Li Guang. Because of his dark appearance, Zhu Jun called him Li Heigou.

Li Guang's father is a wealthy jewelry businessman, but he started to enter the real estate industry a year ago. This year, he and Zhu Jun's father had a hard time dealing with each other, and there were often some frictions.

And Li Guang himself is also a Sanda master. On the day his fighting club opened, he took the club's coach to Zhu Jun's place to play.

Li Guang's coaches are all foreigners. They used to do underground boxing, and their attacks are fierce. Actual combat is not comparable to Zhu Jun's acting coaches.

So the result is obvious. Zhu Jun's coach in the club was almost completely defeated. If Yang Ruifei hadn't won the game in the end, Zhu Jun would have been disgraced.

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