Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 142 Wang Xiaofeng

Zhang Yongcheng suddenly felt uncomfortable when she heard Ip Man talk about martial arts again. She hated Ip Man competing with others outside.

First, he was worried that he would be injured during the martial arts competition. In addition, Ye Wen was obsessed with practicing martial arts and would inevitably not have much time to spend with her and her children.

Although she felt uncomfortable, she kind-hearted looked at Liu Nan who was lying on the bed with a yellow face, and then thought about what Ye Wen said that his mother passed away and was now an orphan, and she suddenly felt a strong maternal love in her heart. ,

"He is also a poor child. Let him stay in our Ye Mansion for training. When he is ready, Uncle Li will give him a light job. When the time comes, he will be paid as a normal servant."

Ye Wen nodded after hearing this.

Half an hour later, Uncle Li brought an old Chinese medicine doctor to check Liu Nan's pulse. The old Chinese medicine doctor said that there was nothing wrong with Liu Nan's health, but that she was too weak. She probably hadn't eaten for a few days.

When you wake up, eat well and take some supplements to recover.

At this time, Liu Nan, who was in a coma, had scenes flashing through his mind. These scenes told the story of the twelve-year life of a child named Wang Xiaofeng.

From the moment he was born crying into the world, Wang Xiaofeng had a wonderful childhood with a gentle and beautiful mother, a tall and handsome father, and a relatively wealthy family.

However, when he was four years old, the tall and handsome father in his eyes, who always put him on his neck and laughed, left. Although his eyes were so reluctant to leave, his steps were indeed so firm.

When he was seven years old, his family began to decline due to the war. In order to escape the war, his mother took him to wander around. From then on, he lived a life of fugitives with nothing to eat but nothing to eat.

He once asked his mother, where is his father? Why didn't their father come to see them? Every time he asked, my mother always smiled and said:

"Xiao Feng, you have to remember that your father is a hero. He went to save this country and save this nation!"

Later, they fled to Foshan, Guangdong, which was not yet enveloped by the clouds of war. Before they could live a comfortable life, their mother fell ill.

Because he had no money for medical treatment, his mother's illness became more and more serious. Twelve-year-old Wang Xiaofeng hated his own incompetence and also hated his missing father. He went to save the country and the nation, but did not come to save his mother.

In the end, his mother passed away. When Wang Xiaofeng came back from the drugstore with begging money, his mother was lying on the bed without a sound, and all he had left was a letter.

"Xiao Feng, my child, your mother will leave you soon. Don't be sad or sad. Your mother just went to live in another world in the sky. Your mother still loves you. You must live strong and happily.

Your mother will always be watching you in the sky. When you look up at the stars in the sky at night, one of them is your mother. Finally, Xiaofeng promised her mother not to resent your father.

If you find him in the future, take your mother to tell him that she does not regret marrying him. Remember, your father's name is Wang Tianfeng. "

The heartbroken Wang Xiaofeng collected the letter, sold his only dilapidated house, and used the money from the house sale to bury his mother on a small mound outside the city.

He sat alone in front of the grave for another day and night, without any water. Without his mother, he was the only one left in this world. Finally, he staggered back to the city, collapsed in the alley due to hunger, and left this world!

Two tears slowly fell from the corners of his eyes. Liu Nan, who was lying on the bed, slowly opened his eyes.

Although Liu Nan is not Wang Xiaofeng, the memories of these twelve years make him feel as if he has experienced it himself, as if he has transformed into Wang Xiaofeng.

"Child, you wake up. You must be hungry. Drink some porridge!"

When Liu Nan heard this, he turned to his left and saw an old man in his sixties sitting on a chair beside the bed. He was talking to him kindly and took a bowl of porridge from the table to him.

The intense hunger left him with only time to say thank you, before he quickly picked up the bowl and drank.

"Slow down, slow down, don't choke, what a poor child!"

Uncle Li looked at Liu Nan who was devouring all his porridge, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this world is really difficult!

After eating a bowl of porridge, Liu Nan suddenly felt that he had some strength. He put down the bowl and looked around. The environment was elegant, the tables and chairs were all made of fine wood, and the vases and calligraphy and paintings placed did not look like vulgar objects. They should be He was rescued by a wealthy family,

Uncle Li saw Liu Nan finish the porridge and asked with a smile: "My child, are you full? Can I serve you another bowl?"

Liu Nang was about to say "old man", but suddenly thought of his current physical age, and immediately changed his words:

"Uncle, no need. My body has not eaten for a long time. It is not suitable for me to eat too much at once. A bowl of porridge is enough. I have not thanked uncle for saving my life!"

Uncle Li was a little surprised that Liu Nan was so sensible at such a young age, and his speech seemed to be a little different from other children. He was vaguely similar to his young master, and he couldn't help but feel a little more favorable towards him.

"My child, it was not my uncle who saved you. If you want to thank me, just thank our young master. It was he who saved you."

Li Bo told Liu Nan what happened.

It turned out to be Ip Man. Could it be that I have entered a new movie? Ip Man's movie seemed to be quite popular a few years ago. It was about real kung fu actors. He has also seen it, but the specific content is not clear. ,

After all, it has been almost ten years since he went to the late Qing Dynasty.

Of course, this is not necessarily the world of the movie. He specifically checked the relevant knowledge on the Internet before, and there was a saying that made him feel that it was quite similar to the situation he was experiencing now.

Someone suggested that in the world we live in, there are many, many parallel worlds, and different things happen in different parallel worlds. And the movies, novels, TV series, etc. we see,

It is possible that the information emitted by different parallel worlds was captured by people in our world and turned into those works.

Maybe our current world is also a movie or TV series in some other world.

If this is the guess, this can be said to be a movie, or it can be said to be a real world.

Just like when he entered the world of Huang Feihong, he also met Liu Yiwei, Liu Yubai, Wang Wu, Yuan Shikai and Wang Yun. These characters were not in the Huang Feihong movie.

Liu Nan now doesn't know why he can come to these different worlds. Is he a god, an alien, or some unknown entity?

No matter who he is or what his purpose is, it is not something he can solve now. He will make peace with it now that he has come. He believes that one day he can return to the late Qing Dynasty again.

The premise is that he cannot die, because he doesn't know if he can wake up in modern times after dying in this world.

So he was very grateful to Ip Man in his heart, because maybe Ip Wen really saved his life. With his physical condition at that time, if he was beaten by the bun shop owner, he might really die again.

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