Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 145 Wing Chun’s strength

After Liu Nan collected the piles, Ye Wen finally asked:

"Xiao Feng, what kind of pile are you practicing? I haven't seen it before?"

Although Liu Nan had been practicing Fuyun Zhuang, before Ye Wen entered the door, his keen five senses had already noticed Ye Wen's return.

It's just that he didn't care. He didn't intend to hide his level of kung fu from Ip Man, because there was no need and he would know sooner or later.

"Master Ye, this is the Floating Cloud Stake! It's a unique skill taught to me by my previous master!"

Liu Nan replied with a smile.

Ye Wen pondered for a moment and said: "No wonder I haven't seen it before. I think your set of pile skills should mainly focus on leg skills, and it should be followed by a set of extremely powerful kick skills, right?"

Liu Nan's eyes lit up, he was worthy of being a great master.

"Master Ye has a great opinion. There is indeed a kicking technique called the Shadowless Kick!"

"Shadowless Kick? Master Huang's unique skill, Shadowless Kick!"

Ye Wen was immediately surprised when he heard this.

"I don't know about this, but the master who taught me mentioned that it was passed on to him by a close friend of his!"

They are all Huang Feihong. It is not wrong to say that they have an irreversible relationship, Liu Nan thought secretly.

After hearing this, Ye Wen couldn't help but sigh:

"I didn't expect that Master Huang's famous trick, the Shadowless Kick, would actually reach you. It is said that this kicking technique has been lost since Master Huang's death, and neither his apprentices, Lin Shirong and Liang Kuan, have mastered it!"

After sighing, he looked at Liu Nan again and said:

"Xiao Feng, how are you? Are you interested in giving me a try?"

At this time, Ye Wen has become very interested in Liu Nan. Now he just wants to test Liu Nan's actual combat ability. If he passes the test, he plans to accept Liu Nan as his first apprentice.

There were many people who came to be apprentices in the past, but they were all rejected by him. On the one hand, he didn’t have enough time to practice martial arts himself, so how could he have time to teach his disciples?

On the other hand, it is also because among those apprentices, there are indeed few qualifications that he can judge. Although he is relatively humble, he still has some arrogance as a great master.

When I met Liu Nan for the first time and saw him using his Cloud Hands, I felt that he was a talented person. I couldn't bear to let him be left on the street, so I rescued him.

Although he had a love for talents at that time, he had no plans to accept a disciple. However, Liu Nan's various actions today really made him have a strong desire to accept a disciple.

When a disciple is looking for a teacher, he definitely wants his teacher to be highly skilled in martial arts, preferably someone who can arouse people's admiration if he talks about it.

In the same way, a good master also hopes to find an apprentice with excellent qualifications and understanding, who can pass on his legacy and support his reputation.

Just like the master Huang Feihong's secret skill of Shadowless Kick, neither of his two apprentices could learn it, and it was almost lost.

After Liu Nan heard Ye Wen's invitation, he replied without thinking:


Then he made a tiger fist stance,

In fact, Liu Nan was looking forward to Ip Man's Wing Chun. Ip Man had an apprentice named Bruce Lee, who was his idol at the time, and the Wing Chun Jin and Lian Chun Jin in Wing Chun were also very famous.

"Xiao Feng, pay attention, I'm coming!"

Ye Wen saw Liu Nan preparing his moves, and after giving a warning, he attacked.

Wing Chun is a southern boxing technique based on theoretical foundations such as "Central Line Theory". It emphasizes the use of correct concepts, meanings and ways of thinking to derive flexible application of the limbs.

It requires the hands, waist, horse, heart, mind, and strength to be integrated into one, which is referred to as the force of Liuhe. It emphasizes that the "heart" controls the "mind" and the "mind" guides the "waist" and "horse" to guide the hands and the force. Heartbroken,

Therefore, Ip Man's moves to attack Liu Nan are very changeable and flexible. He can punch with elasticity, break the bridge and narrow the horse. In an instant, he can do big sideways, small pitches, plowing and blocking, sticking and swinging, judging the situation and keeping in mind, and bending. The middle moves of Teru have been used on Liu Nan all over.

Although Liu Nan's strength has not yet recovered, he does not show weakness. He does not use other moves. He only uses the Tiger Fist and Crane Fist he learned from Huang Feihong to resist Ip Man's Wing Chun moves.

The strength and ferocity of the tiger, the flexibility and speed of the crane are used to overcome the straight, and the weak is strong. The tiger's claws are like a ferocious insect pouncing on the beast, and the crane's wings are like flying into the water, as majestic as a five-clawed golden dragon, and coiling like an old monk in meditation. , extremely divine and wonderful, it can be said to have reached the peak state of "hardness and softness".

The more Ye Wen and Liu Nan fought, the more frightened they became, and the more they fought, the more doubtful they were about life. Although he had lowered his strength and speed, it was really terrifying that Liu Nan could fight him to the point where they were still indifferent.

You must know that in Ye Wen's mind, Liu Nan is only twelve and a half years old and less than thirteen years old, and he has practiced martial arts moves to this level.

You must know that the current Ip Man can be said to be the most powerful person in the Foshan martial arts world. In other words, with a single round of moves, this twelve-year-old child has crushed everyone in the Foshan martial arts world except him. , do you think it’s scary or not?

The two fought for more than twenty rounds, and Liu Nan gradually felt that his physical strength was a little exhausted. After all, his current body was still too young, and he had only practiced martial arts for half a year, so he was still far from enough.

"Master Ye, this is the last move. Take it right - Foshan Shadowless Kick!"

Liu Nan shouted loudly and used all his strength to use his Shadowless Kick.

Seeing the shadowless kick flying in the air, Ye Wen calmly raised his arms to block it.

For the first kick, Ip Man's expression remained as usual.

On the second kick, Ye Wen's face changed slightly.

On the third kick, Ye Wen's face turned slightly solemn.

On the fourth kick, there were already beads of sweat on Ye Wen's face.

"We can't let Xiaofeng make a fifth move, otherwise I will be injured!" After a thought in Ye Wen's mind, he immediately switched from defense to offense.

You must know that the characteristic of the shadowless kick is to use force to exert force and superimpose it infinitely. As long as your body can hold on, one kick will be stronger and faster than the other.

If most people hit Liu Nan's four shadowless kicks in a row, they would never have time to switch to attack, because the time is too short and there is no time to accumulate power. If the strength is not enough, he can continue to hit the shadowless kicks continuously.

But Ip Man is no ordinary person. He is a great master of Wing Chun.

He quickly took a step back with his right foot. Before Liu Nan's fifth kick, he aimed his right hand that was blocking the front at the sole of Liu Nan's kick.

Then when his right hand was about to touch the sole of Liu Nan's foot, he suddenly relaxed his whole body, then lifted his heel from the ground and exerted force, then moved to his knees, waist, shoulders, and elbows. Finally, his body collapsed and shook again.

A huge explosive force was transmitted from Ip Man's hand to Liu Nan's feet, directly breaking his shadowless foot and sending it flying away. Ip Wen used the famous Wing Chun inch force,

Liu Nan, who was flying in the air, quickly used the force-relieving method of Tai Chi to relieve most of his strength. After landing, he took a few steps back before regaining his footing.

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